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No2 or Nox2 users...........

I forgot to add that the best way I’ve found to increase load volume is to not jerk off for a few days. Oh, and drink plenty of water.

Does No2 or Nox2 cause increase in blood pressure or trouble getting to sleep?

Arginine/No2/NoX2 should lower blood pressure since the nitric oxide it produces is supposed to dilate blood vessels.

In my case arginine makes me sleep deeper and better. If you happen to not be able to sleep well while supplementing with arginine, I’d suggest you don’t take it right before bed

make it happen, make it long, make it happen, make it fat, make it happen, make it hard, make it happen, make it last, make it happen, make it fast, make it happen, make it real, make it happen, make you feel, make it happen, make it happen, make it happen

Originally Posted by mike2002
Does No2 or Nox2 cause increase in blood pressure or trouble getting to sleep?

I have this kind of problem while taking Nox2. I cannot sleep in the evening if I take Nox2 after 12:00 P.M. My solution to my problem was that to not take it after 12:00 P.M. Good luck.


Is this restlessness, where you want go to sleep but are unable to? Or are your energy levels increased and you cant seem to fall asleep at all?


AlexW: I have been taking as much as 3 grams right before bed, for a year with no problems sleeping.

Everyone is different so you can only try.

To answer the original question: (Sorry about that) I have noticed that I never have small loads and my cum is always thick. I also notice a lot more pre cum, so I wouldn’t count on the “With-drawl” method for contraception… ;)

Originally Posted by 10bnice
AlexW: I have been taking as much as 3 grams right before bed, for a year with no problems sleeping.

Everyone is different so you can only try.

To answer the original question: (Sorry about that) I have noticed that I never have small loads and my cum is always thick. I also notice a lot more pre cum, so I wouldn’t count on the “With-drawl” method for contraception… ;)

Is this Nox2 or regular arginine 10bnice?


Regular L-Arginine.

Originally Posted by maxwell
Are you still taking the Pills? How are things coming along? I just bought 3 months worth. I will let everyone know how things turn out.


I stopped taking the NoX2 pills after about a week of no results. I realize that may not have been long enough, but I’ve still got ‘em if I change my mind. Also, in connection with my new pumping routine, I’ve started taking 3g/day of L-arginine, and I don’t want to muddy the waters too much with supplements.


Originally Posted by AlexW

Is this restlessness, where you want go to sleep but are unable to? Or are your energy levels increased and you cant seem to fall asleep at all?



With Nox2, taking it after 12:00 P.M. ( 1 tablet ) My energy levels increased and I can`t seem to fall asleep at all.

Here’s a question I haven’t seen yet-

Has anyone using NOX2 done before and after measurements?

If so, what were they?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Just bought my first bottle today, this junk better work…it costed 74 bucks for 180 tabs at GNC. If their all that, I’m fine with it but if they dont work, I’ll be very pissed. I’ve had great success with L-Arginine 1000 mg. per day, lot harder erections. So this No2 should be 10x more effective, I hope.

If these really do work wonders, I’ll definitely order my next bottle off the internet, the price is outrageous.

Originally Posted by Clank
Just bought my first bottle today, this junk better work…it costed 74 bucks for 180 tabs at GNC. If their all that, I’m fine with it but if they dont work, I’ll be very pissed. I’ve had great success with L-Arginine 1000 mg. per day, lot harder erections. So this No2 should be 10x more effective, I hope.
If these really do work wonders, I’ll definitely order my next bottle off the internet, the price is outrageous.


Do not open that package and take them back immediately. You can get Nox2 for half the price and its all the same stuff anyways! Unless you have money to burn, take it back bro!


Originally Posted by AlexW
Do not open that package and take them back immediately. You can get Nox2 for half the price and its all the same stuff anyways! Unless you have money to burn, take it back bro!

I’m not a big fan of pissing my money away, but I wouldn’t go as far to say “it’s all the same stuff”. I’ve been using it for about a week and a half now, and my muscles stay stoked for quite some time after a good gym workout. MRI supposedly has a component called pHyser3, which not only maintains nitric oxide levels longer, it has been known to be an aphrodisiac for Mongolian Yaks, and also does a great job stripping that last nasty coat of varnish off of Granny’s old hope chest.

Seriously, I’ve been having much better wood….upgraded my stiffy from Georgia Pine to Montana Mahogany. I’ll also keep my boner for much longer after I shot. I used to for quite a while when I was younger; it’s nice to have that back.

GNC isn’t the end all be all for supplementation, but if you play the 20 or 30% Gold Card stuff, and watch the deals, it’s not so bad.

Starting: 6.25 BPEL x 5.5 EG

Now : 6.75 BPEL x 5.75 EG

Goal : 8.0 BPEL x 6.5 EG

I was at GNC today, and the guy there told me they stopped carrying the Pinnacle NOx2 because they had so many returned by guys saying it didn’t workl as promised. He said they sell a lot of the NO2 by MRI, and have not had a bottle returned. Take that for what it’s worth.


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