Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

No2 or Nox2 users...........

I started with NoX 2 as part of a body building routine about four weeks ago.

To be short, I actually noticed a lot of things others have commented: incredible pumps at the gym, and unusually large erections back home.

To be completely honest, I didn’t even consider it a possibility until a few days after I started taking them and noticed abnormal additional girth my buddy from the south. Jumped on here to see if anyone else had similar experiences, and sure enough, there were.

Of course, I stopped taking it for a few days (travelling) and I’m back to normal size, but hey, now I know what to take when I need that little extra umph. But hey, maybe it’ll come in useful when I actually started a full on JELQing routine (which I’ve done off and on for a while now, and noticed some mild length gain but no girth gains).

So, in the end, thanks for posting in this thread ! Helped confirm a few things.

One thing I noticed that has not been mentioned is that L-arginine can cause

Cold sores. It is recommended that you take 500mg. Of L-Lysine with any NO supplement if you are prone to Herpes outbreaks. Supposedly the Lysine suppresses the Herpes virus. I have followed this advise and have had no cold sores.

I use Nox3 and Animal Pump and my gym workout is crazy, I get incredible pumps too. My flaccid is bigger, erections really fat and firm, and one funny thing happened to me last night. Me and my wife went to a club (we’ve already smoked some hash before) and danced all night like crazy and eventually got really really drunk. I can say I haven’t got that drunk in years. Usually my dick won’t go that up or better said it won’t go up period when I’m that f___d up. Last night though it looked like I had absolutely no problem at all, I eventually had a hardrock erection and had crazy sex. I was that drunk I couldn’t cum, my all body was numb, but my dick was really hard. I’m sure that’s because of the arginine I’m taking, that’s the only change in my diet, along with the ginko biloba.


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