Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

No2 or Nox2 users...........

Okay, I’ve been taking 2 pills of NO2 once a day for 10 days. I’ve noticed my member being more prone to growing stiff…as if I’m carrying around a semi more than usual. It takes almost no effort for my girl to conjure up my pole. Oh, and morning woods almost hurt :)

Many members have noted a better flacid hang (as have I), but I get the feeling most of this is due to increasing water intake (which is part of NO2’s instructions). And when I did dose late in the day (after 3PM), I did have trouble falling to sleep.

Now I’m wondering what 3 pills a day can do…

12/10/03 at 5.90" BPEL x 4.75"

07/15/04 at 7.00" BPEL x 5.00"

Goal...bigger ;)

llbigj, have you noticed enhanced erection quality as well, like super inflated, rock hard, etc?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Yeah, my erections are tougher. And they seem to point higher as well (usually I’d grow a 9:30-10ish angle, but now it’s an easy 10-10:30ish angle). I think the most notable change is how my member seems more sensitive to popping into a woody. Rock hard? Hmm…I think I can get harder, but this is close to the hardest I’ve been in a while.

Today I’m upping my dose to 3 pills once a day. I’ll keep the board posted.

12/10/03 at 5.90" BPEL x 4.75"

07/15/04 at 7.00" BPEL x 5.00"

Goal...bigger ;)

I’ve been struggling with too much head pressure while hanging for the last week. The first set would go fine, but thereafter I just flat could not keep the glans from becoming overfilled with blood.

Finally, the dim light bulb went off in my head, perhaps its the NOX2 I’ve been taking. Maybe I’d overlooked it due to the time (over a week) for it to “take effect”. Anyone else taking NOX2 and hang? I’m at the 20 pound level which I’ve really got to have everything right to be able to handle.

I think for hanging I’d avoid ANYTHING that could enhance blood flow. I’m currently struggling with similar issues, and am not taking the supps.

I just officially decided/started a 6 week deconditioning break today, am thinking about now getting some of this stuff to play with, but when I start hanging again, I’ll stop it for sure…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Originally Posted by jsg
Save your money. Marketing, pure marketing. This “stuff” does nothing but lighten your wallet.

So what are you basing that on? Experience? Hearsay? Research? A magic 8 ball?

I’m no fan of “slick marketing” or “snake oil salesmen”. But I did my homework, read up on the science behind it, and then went out and gave it a test drive.

So I beg to differ with your short and sweet condemnation of something without any substance to back it up.

I’ve gotten tremendous results on the other side of the fence. It must be all that weight I’m not carrying around in my wallet though. :)

Starting: 6.25 BPEL x 5.5 EG

Now : 6.75 BPEL x 5.75 EG

Goal : 8.0 BPEL x 6.5 EG

I only wanted to let you know that I stopped taking NOX3. It made me feel very dizzy, though I only took 3 pills per day. :(

More meat - More fun! :D ***April 2006 - 9.5" BPFSL***August 2008 - 9.65" BPFSL, 9.35" BPEL***

Originally Posted by mcnitro
I only wanted to let you know that I stopped taking NOX3. It made me feel very dizzy, though I only took 3 pills per day. :(

Did you drink enough water with the product Mcnitro? I’ve heard of this dizziness effect from not increasing the required water intake of the product.


Well I’m still in the state of should I get NOX3 or NOX2??? Which ever product I get I will still take like NO2 says to take, 4 twice a day.

I bought NOX3 for $50 on friday. I’ve been taking the recommended 3 tablets twice daily. Haven’t noticed anything yet, but then again it’s only been since friday. Hopefully I’ll see results soon. I’ll keep everyone posted.

Wow, you paid $50 bucks for it. I’ve seen NOX3 for an average of $25 a bottle.

Originally Posted by AlexW
Did you drink enough water with the product Mcnitro? I’ve heard of this dizziness effect from not increasing the required water intake of the product.

Yes, I did but maybe it was already overdosed because I kept drinking two 20g Protein shakes daily.
Maybe I should give it another try with only one pill per day.

More meat - More fun! :D ***April 2006 - 9.5" BPFSL***August 2008 - 9.65" BPFSL, 9.35" BPEL***

Had to order some protein powder, so went ahead and got it from a place I could also get NOX2. I’ve started a 6 week break, so I figured now would be as good a time as any to try this stuff out.

I bought a 90 cap bottle for $22.89, they also had 180 caps for $39.99- - Huge Online Supplement Store & Fitness Community!

They also have a new Pinnacle NOX2 Overnight Extender. Liked the name :) it has half the arginine salts and also an arginine pre-curser, so as not to overload the arginine carrier and stop it from uptaking all availabe and converting it to NO. Supposedly more time release, but I figured NOX2 reportedly works, so I wasn’t in the mood to be a guinea pig… It was $27.59 for 120 caps.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.


The Nox2 overnight extender seems very promising and its not too expensive either. This product is taken at night ,so morning wood would probaly be outrageous. Im still worried about the side effects of NO2/Nox2. Maybe I’ll take the dive.

Heres the product link:


mcnitro….I personal would take the NOX3 the same as NO2. If you under 200 pounds. Take 8 capsules a day, 4 in the morning without eating for a half hour, and 4 before lunch, without eating for a half hour also. If your over 200 pounds, takes 10 pills twice a day the same way, 5 in the morning, 5 before lunch. Make sure your drinking plenty of water. The bottles normally say about 64 ounces, but I would personally say about 100 ounces a day because your also trying to digest protein. The two 20g protein shakes shouldn’t effect it at all either, I have two 60g shakes a day, with other stuff. Tomorrow (wed) I will be starting to take creatine without a loading phase (I think that it’s just creatine companies trying to get you to go through your creatine faster so need to buy more.) But then again about 64 ounces of water is all you need if you don’t do any running either, I’m in track thats why I need more. Good luck to you on your NOX3 man.


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