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No2 or Nox2 users...........

NO2 by MRI is also time realeased. Thats something that makes it very well known. I don’t know if NoX2 has the same time realease that NO2 has.

Hey guys,

I just started taking another brand called “Nitrix”. It is the same thing as the NOX2 or NO2. The place I bought it at has always been pretty straight with me. They told me that guys like this product better and get better results. He also told me that the “Vitamin Shoppe is selling out of this brand faster than the other ones. I went down to the Vitamin Shoppe down the street and confirmed his claim. I also asked him if any of the regular customers had mentioned any sexual affects. He said that users regularly claimed harder erections. I will keep you guys filled in on how it works for me.

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Originally Posted by AlexW

That is the funniest shit I’ve ever heard. GNC bought the rights to the supplement named………..No2 from MRI. This was at least a year ago. GNC is now the only company who sells the No2 brand; they do not carry any others. Those sell guys at GNC earn commissions. So for 80 bucks a pop of No2, that sells guy will try to sell you No2 as if his life depended on it. :) :)


I am not so sure about that. I buy my NO2 direct from MRI on their website. They had a buy 180, get 90 free deal. Maybe they have some kind of contract,but I dont think GNC owns NO2 or else I wouldnt be able to buy it direct cheaper.

Also, to people who say NO2 keeps them awake: It is supposed to. Thats why it says in directions to take it in the morning/afternoon. It explicitly says that taking it later in the day can disrupt sleep.

I think it’s funny, I’ve read in some other forums where people will ask if NO2 helps at all with working out, and they would ask if anyone has tried it. Then there would be all kinds of people posting bad things about it, yet they have never tried it, or they would not take the recommended amount that it says on the bottle.

Thanks a lot for the reply from Maxwell and everybody. I have a question for Maxwell - where did you order yours? I am looking for a credible source in the US on the Internet cos the retail price of NOX2 here in Canada is very high! I am sure it will have no problem crossing the border as it is available in the retail stores here anyway. Thanks!


Can you give me the link for the MRI site?


See Ya,


Save your money. Marketing, pure marketing. This “stuff” does nothing but lighten your wallet.


I dont think they have the same deal as when I got it though. Yes it is good marketing, but the stuff does do stuff for me, even at 1/4 -1/2 the suggested dose.


I’m currently using the NOX2 from pinnacle and although I’ve noticed slight improvements in my erections the pump that was promised in the gym is nowhere to be seen. This is a week and a half in to taking it…

We’ll see…

See Ya,


Originally Posted by Jafar_t
Thanks a lot for the reply from Maxwell and everybody. I have a question for Maxwell - where did you order yours? I am looking for a credible source in the US on the Internet cos the retail price of NOX2 here in Canada is very high! I am sure it will have no problem crossing the border as it is available in the retail stores here anyway. Thanks!

Jafar I ordered from this place. I got the order within the week.

http://www.ihea … .com/index.html

Try it for yourself. It has been good to me and I guess not so good to others.

What are you gonna do? Sic your dogs on me? Or your bees? Or dogs with bees in their mouth so when they bark they shoot bees at me? I think Mr. Smithers picked me for my motivational skills. Everyone always says they have to work twice as hard when Im around! Its not easy to juggle a pregnant wife and a troubled child, but somehow I managed to squeeze in 8 hours of TV a day. Getting out of jury duty is easy. The trick is to say youre prejudiced against all races. - Homer Simpson.

Thanks Maxwell. I will give it a try. So far I guess the positive comments outweigh the negative ones!

Also, make sure you arent taking Ephedrine or anything like that at the same time.

I don’t know if you guys care or not, but i’ve been looking at buying some NO3 from Universal. Universal is a very well known brand and its a little bit cheaper then NOX2. The same website maxwell gave us for buying the NOX2 has NOX3 for 27.95.

The NOX3 just basically has a few other amio acids in it well having the same basic stuff NOX2 has.

I just started taking NOX3 by Universal. I’ll report next week…

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