Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

No2 or Nox2 users...........

Thanks sshamm_bone_1, I’ve heard about good results from creatine when on NO. Wish you a good pump!

More meat - More fun! :D ***April 2006 - 9.5" BPFSL***August 2008 - 9.65" BPFSL, 9.35" BPEL***


Just started NOX3 a few days ago kids. No real changes so far, other than a good deal of thirst. Not worried about this, since the guidlines advice to drink 64oz. I’ve stayed above that, and am doing fine. For some stupid reason, I’m sleeping much, much better than normal. I’ll keep y’all posted when willy starts to react one way or the other.

I will reach my goals. Period. Starting Stats: NBPEL: 5.75 (2/1/2004) EG: 5.00 Current Stats: NBPEL: 7.75 (6.11.2005) EG: 6.125 EG Base: 6.5 (YES!!!) Goals: NPEFL: 9 BPEL: 10 EG: 7

Curious, did you guys having success taking the NOX2 or other increase your water intake like directed, or were you already drinking a lot of water?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Before starting my NOX2 regimen (3 pills once daily), I was on the band wagon that increased water intake for a fuller flacid size. I noticed gains, but I never maintained that level of water intake for long. Now that I take NOX2 and creatine, upping my water intake is vital (both supplements suggest consuming more water). I drink a minimum of 60-75 ounces daily (my weight is 130 lbs).

12/10/03 at 5.90" BPEL x 4.75"

07/15/04 at 7.00" BPEL x 5.00"

Goal...bigger ;)

Originally Posted by RB
Curious, did you guys having success taking the NOX2 or other increase your water intake like directed, or were you already drinking a lot of water?

I was already drinking a lot of water. Staying hydrated is the best thing you can do at any given time on multiple levels. And I did noticed a difference regardless, if that what you’re trying to pin down.

Starting: 6.25 BPEL x 5.5 EG

Now : 6.75 BPEL x 5.75 EG

Goal : 8.0 BPEL x 6.5 EG

And I did noticed a difference regardless, if that what you’re trying to pin down.

Yes, thank you. Mine is supposed to arrive Thursday.

If you don’t mind my asking, how much do you weigh, and how many pills per day did you take to notice the erection enhancement flaccid hang effects? Just once per day, or more often? What time of day did you take them? Did you start at a lower dose and work up, or something else?

My goals for a succesful NOX2 experiment-

1- Enhanced nocturnal erections and stellar morning wood.

2- Fully engorged rock hard erection for sex.

3- Enhanced flaccid hang.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Originally Posted by RB

If you don’t mind my asking, how much do you weigh, and how many pills per day did you take to notice the erection enhancement flaccid hang effects? Just once per day, or more often? What time of day did you take them? Did you start at a lower dose and work up, or something else?

I weigh 195.

I use the MRI stuff, and I followed the dosing verbatim. 4 in the morning, and 4 in the afternoon, about an hour and a half after lunch. (They say 1/2 hour before lunch, but I adapted it to my wacky/work/sleep/life schedule.) There is technically no “loading” or “break-in phase”. I also tried 3 and 3 to see if my body noticed much of a difference, but I couldn’t perceive the results.

I also started taking Damania at the same time. My flaccid hang was much better after about a week, but it’s not consistent. I think it’s probably my fault, whether it be from drinking too much coffee ( if I’m tired and dragging at work, I’ll pound coffee, it’s seems like a more viable option than off-roading with 80,000 lbs.)

My erections were much firmer, and I seriously think I could keep on humping for at least a half hour after I shot my load, but I’ve made such a mess of everything, she kind of loses the inspiration. Maybe I’ll have to try the porn star approach and blow my load at the ceiling fan, or try and hit the cat napping near the window and then go back to town.

Dunno. My wife usually has one huge earth shattering orgasm, or a series of mini-connected ones, but all right away. She ‘s not the type of chick you can bang, make her come, and bang for another 45 minutes, and make her come again. It’s all at the same time.

Or I’m just a lousy lay. :p

Starting: 6.25 BPEL x 5.5 EG

Now : 6.75 BPEL x 5.75 EG

Goal : 8.0 BPEL x 6.5 EG

I have just started on NOX2 by Pinnacle, took two yestesday and three today…… but did not notice any effects yet.

Been experimenting for about a month with the Nox2.

For me, personally, when taking the recommended dosage of 4 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon wasn’t any different than just taking 4 in the afternoon, so I backed off. I’ll take 1000mg of arginine and other multi-vitamins in the morning then wait till about 6pm to take 4 Nox2’s and I can definitely tell a difference. This is natural viagra!

The erections are quicker, harder and longevity during sex has also increased. The wife definitely noticed! She said I even felt bigger and she doesn’t know I’m taking the stuff. She’s like, “What got into you?”

I’m sold on this product and will keep taking it, only I’ll just take the 4 caps in the evening…saves money anyways, so added bonus.

BTW, I also lift weights and take creatine daily, even before the Nox2. For muscle gain, creatine just plain works, I never cycle, just stay on it. Nox2, like someone mentioned earlier, is basically useless for bodybuilding, unless I’m just doing something wrong, haven’t noticed any improvements.

That’s a very interesting insight. However, according to the instructions on the bottle, taking NOX2 after 3:00 pm will cause sleeping problem…… do you find it to be the case?

I personally can take NOX2 or NO2 anytime of the day, with no sleep problems, even around 1 pm in the afternoon I fall asleep at school still. But maybe thats a case of extreme boredom.

Oh did NOX2 give you an erection when you fell asleep at your class? :-)

LOL, no I hardly ever wake up with an erection in the first place, it’s a once in a blue moon thing for me.

Has anybody here tried a supplement called carbogerine or dostinex? I read that it can increase the libido and stamina.

Don’t forget, some of this is undoubedly tied to a placebo effect. After reading all this thread, someone could hand me a tic-tac with Nox2 printed on it and I’d probably get a rock hard erection.

One foot to go


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