Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Alchemy of Supplements, Health, and PE


Many MD’s are text book bound, lack imagination and creativity. They are most comfortable in the security of the traditional medical framework, yet there is so much more that alternative medicine has to offer. Try to find an MD as your physician that is secure enough to practice all forms of healing (alternative or traditional) the best of all worlds.



Be careful my friend. This is the golden age of quackery.
MDs are not necessarily made with halo’s attached. Some are in it for the money. I guaran-fucking- tee you that enzyte is more likely to grow the pocket of the company and the MDs who recommend it than grow your dick. Traditional medicine is slow to accept new things, it is skeptical and requires either evidence by studies done with at least some regard to scientific method or at least the proposed treatment/procedures should have a sound physiologic basis for why it should be beneficial or work.

<<Try to find an MD as your physician that is secure enough to practice all forms of healing (alternative or traditional) the best of all worlds.>>

In other words shop doctors till you find one that agrees with you?? Not what I would call looking for an unbiased opinion. This being said I don’t think there is any thing wrong with looking for someone who doesn’t dismiss non traditional methods out of hand, but I would not be looking for someone who sell supplements out of his office.

Why is it you think that for the most part MDs are uninterested in natural PE. Because some of them make money inserting plastic dicks. Because some of them only care about function, if a 1” dick can get a chick pregnant for some MDs they don’t see a problem with the 1 incher.

I’m an MD. While I don’t recommend alternative practices for the most part, I can recommend natural PE because I put length and girth on my own dick - I performed a study (unpublished) on myself and am satisfied that it is effective and at least manual stretches, Jelquing and kegels are reasonably safe. I wouldn’t even consider taking some of the shit that some people take, but here is a list of some stuff in herbal medicine that may actually be of some benefit: Gingko biloba, saw palmetto, st johns wort, yohimbe. Even these should be used with caution and common sense. Good luck

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


Tryto find an MD as your physician that is secure enough to practice all forms of healing (alternative or traditional) the best of all worlds. This statement makes certain assumptions that were not elaborated.

<In other words shop doctors till you find one that agrees with you?? Not what I would call looking for an unbiased opinion. This being said I don’t think there is any thing wrong with looking for someone who doesn’t dismiss non traditional methods out of hand, but I would not be looking for someone who sell supplements out of his office. >

You may have miss interpreted this statement as this statement makes certain assumptions of due diligence that was not elaborated. It is implied that the individual does at least the following:

1) Perform due diligence regarding the physicians credentials, including medical school, specialty, board certifications, reputation from peers, etc., then if you believe alternative medicine opens up grater possibilities as a complement to traditional medicine as the NIH believes, and other medical schools are beginning to believe then this physician may be a suitable candidate. If the physician sells vitamins in his office I would not hold this against them, but I agree, this would not be the best litmus test for optimum prophecy.

Merlin, Ph.D.

Edit. I would like to welcome Levudadus to this board and look forward to any insights he may have.


I am new to the forum. Just wondered if the pills really do work. I just bought a 2 month supply, but will they really work? My penis is about 5.5 inches long. My goal is to get somewhere in the 7 to 7.5 inch area and also add some girth. My question is, will my penis grow AT ALL simply by taking the pills, or do you really need to supplement exercises? If this is the case, why is it that EVERY website that advertises penis enhancers does not say you need exercises. Your thoughts would be helpful as to what I should do. Thanks


I have read extensively on this site about recommended supplements. Most talk of vitamins, amino acids and herbal supplements. There is not much talk about the much needed minerals except for zinc.

I would like to recommend something that I have been taking for the last 15 months, and it has made me feel fantastic. You have probably heard of it….Coral Calcium.

This stuff is amazing and the price has become quite reasonable. I am not affiliated with any company involved in selling this stuff. This is not spam. I just want the world to know first hand how good this stuff is.

I use to have acid reflux and serious heart burn. I would not leave the house without a pocket full of TUMS…………..GONE!! I recommend this to anyone suffering from these ailments.

I use to have chronic knee pain from surgery years ago….GONE!!!!

I get a much better nights sleep.

I have more energy.

My blood pressure has dropped.

My bad cholesterol level has dropped.

Coral Calcium is made from a certain kind of coral that is simply ground into a fine powder. It contains your calcium but also 73 essential minerals that we no longer get in our diet. What it does is gradually increase the bodies pH. A higher pH will hold more oxygen and thus a healthier body. On the other hand, as a person ages, his pH will drop, or become acidic, thus making him susceptible to more diseases. Coral calcium will counter this.

This is not an instant cure for any diseases. I didn’t notice any results for till after about 1 month of taking it. Raising your pH takes some time. Now I will continue to take it for the rest of my life. Heck, I spend less on the coral than I did on TUMS!!

Let me know what you think or feel free to pm me with any questions.

Thanks Merlin for this thread.

I come back to it often to re-read and click on various links that you recommended.

You talked about vitamins and minerals as daily supplements. You also spoke of other supplements that don’t need to be taken all the time like Ginseng, Ginko etc…

About daily supplements, what about Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Many of us don’t live near the coast and so don’t eat fresh fish everyday yet these elements have had alot of press lately? Do you take these daily? Do you suggest them? If so, from what source?


mopek :)

I’ve posted this a few times and have never got a responce, Merlin, maybe you might know about it.

“I have Ginseng, but I read that it’s an adaptogen, so I haven’t been taking them. I thought it may cause your penis to adapt to your routine which could hurt gains… but I have no idea if this is the case, maybe the adaptation would be size increase for all I know. Does anyone here take Ginseng and make good gains without their unit getting too conditioned?”

I really hope someone can shed some light on this, as I don’t want to be missing out on a good suppliment, yet don’t want to risk harming gains only to find out why after the fact.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.


I couldn’t tell you for sure if Ginseng would halt any gains you may make with PE …. but from an excercise point of view, it helps the body to adapt to the stresses placed on it … meaning that the body recovers better and can continue to make gains … the soviets have long used it for thier training and that tells you something…. I would imagine that it should be the same for PE but can’t be sure.


Ok, so all we need is for someone from this site who makes good gains and takes ginseng to come forward and share with us their herbal knowledge, so we’ll know whether ginseng is PE beneficial or harmful. From what it sounds like it may be very good indeed, I just don’t want to be the test subject.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Well I’ve took Red Panax Ginseng for many months, and made great girth gains a few months back, so it definitely doesn’t hurt.

Does anyone have the link to a thread about a whole bunch of suppliments?
I believe it was an article thread, and the poster has an animated ninja avatar.

BUT I can’t seem to find it! :confused:

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

Take your gingko Red and it may help.

The shitty part is: I DO!!! :confused:

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.


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