Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Chemical PE Thread


I dont that there are any members that can say 100% that Chem Pe will work as a stand alone. However, there is a lot to suggest that it could help or assist. Beyond that comment now: there many different ways that someone may choose to do their PE and there many different chem options to try.

Some guys seem to think it works and some do not.

Here is something I will add. I am actively using TB500 and BPC157 as healing agents. And they sure as shit work. I am also using IGF-DES daily and have been for close to 2 months. And yes, it is real. I cannot say 100% this is working yet, but I can say that I have noticed an increase on length inside the pump tube over this course. I will be continuing what i am doing with IGF for another few weeks then taking a few weeks off. Then coming back to stack IGF-Des with MGF (not PEG-MGF).

Some people use Caverject or PGE1 in chemical PE to expand the corpora cavernosa. Here I already surveyed the Caverjet product. Is it possible to do the protocol with some changes in the medicines, since the goal is to dilate the penis with a stronger erection? I think about using systemic oral Cialis or Viagra or Levitra. If so, what would a good combination of dilators and potentiators look like?

nov.2010: BPEL 14,5cm; nov.2013: BPEL 17,5cm; aprill 2016: BPEL 18,5cm; First Goal: BPEL (20,5) MSEG (16,0) FL (15,0)


I am intrigued by the IGF1-DES thinking, and have done some of my own research. The fact that it (unlike just IGF) is best injected into the “muscle” in question for localized benefit makes it even more interesting, as long as you are not averse to needles. I will let you know what I may discover. I have also been using the BPC 157 TB 500 combo (nearby injection, not directly in). Lastly, I had dabbled with PT-141 before, but after reading here about experiences, I took a deeper dive into research. It is now actually approved (under an expensive brand name) for women, not men. But, everything I read charted how it was originally being developed as an ED med. What I can tell you is that, after figuring out a proper dosage, and after about 4 hours waiting, my cock took on a life of its own. And, it lasts a long time (they say up to 72 hours in some respects). I suspect that proper motivation from my lover (a difficult rendezvous these days) will reveal the full advantages. What I can say is that, for me at least, the EQ was nearly as hard as a Tri-mix erection, albeit with some ups and downs, over hours. Knowing the lag, I injected (belly) around 2 pm Sunday, and let’s just say sleeping was interesting with a kick-stand. But, starting around 6 pm or so, I had a rock hard cock, with no external stimulus, that remained for a couple hours, before the waxing and waning all night. And, it was accompanied by an indescribable feeling in the cock itself, like it was saying “OK, let’s do this.” Know what you’re getting in to though, and do your reading. A primary side effect is nausea, which stories reveal can be pretty nasty. I noted some passing waves, but nothing major.

Originally Posted by newyorktexan
I am intrigued by the IGF1-DES thinking, and have done some of my own research. The fact that it (unlike just IGF) is best injected into the “muscle” in question for localized benefit makes it even more interesting, as long as you are not averse to needles. I will let you know what I may discover. I have also been using the BPC 157 TB 500 combo (nearby injection, not directly in). Lastly, I had dabbled with PT-141 before, but after reading here about experiences, I took a deeper dive into research. It is now actually approved (under an expensive brand name) for women, not men. But, everything I read charted how it was originally being developed as an ED med. What I can tell you is that, after figuring out a proper dosage, and after about 4 hours waiting, my cock took on a life of its own. And, it lasts a long time (they say up to 72 hours in some respects). I suspect that proper motivation from my lover (a difficult rendezvous these days) will reveal the full advantages. What I can say is that, for me at least, the EQ was nearly as hard as a Tri-mix erection, albeit with some ups and downs, over hours. Knowing the lag, I injected (belly) around 2 pm Sunday, and let’s just say sleeping was interesting with a kick-stand. But, starting around 6 pm or so, I had a rock hard cock, with no external stimulus, that remained for a couple hours, before the waxing and waning all night. And, it was accompanied by an indescribable feeling in the cock itself, like it was saying “OK, let’s do this.” Know what you’re getting in to though, and do your reading. A primary side effect is nausea, which stories reveal can be pretty nasty. I noted some passing waves, but nothing major.

Interesting info. What was the dosage?

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

I’ve used .1-.2mg PT-141. Nausea is definitely there for me. Increased sensation for around 18 hours. However, it’s a brain chemical…doesn’t work directly on your penis, so if you have ED for other reasons (circulatory, etc.), it might not be as effective.


The dosage I used yesterday was the .2mg. And, yes, I did have passing nausea as well, nothing too bad. Not during the effective times though. I understand it is a brain chemical, and I am certain that’s why the corresponding feeling was there. I had worked up to that level.

Hi all. First post, so yay.

I’m in the early stages of constructing a Chem PE routine. I’m not experienced (or crazy?) enough to actually try, so don’t worry. Anyway, let me what you think:

Tadalafil: helps potentiate a maximum erection.

Pump: pulling a low vacuum to isolates blood and chems and stretched collagen structures.

Injections (corpora cavernosa):

-B7-33 for collagen stretching. It degrades collagen, allowing it to stretch. Unlike Relaxin-2, however, it does not show signs of increasing prostate cancer growth.

-IGF-1 DES (separately afterwards) since B7-33 weakens collagen structures in order to stretch them, they’ll needs some increased fiber strength. Broken weiner is bad, or so I hear. IGF-1 DES will help maintain overall hardness and integrity)

Things I still need to consider are:

-The quantities and timing of all of the above

-B7-33 interactions (if it causes an erection, the combination with the tadafil would likely cause priapism).

-Any other interactions.

-Emergency treatment for priapism. Having a Phenylephrine injection on hand seems.. Essential.

Thanks for reading!

Pt 141 Follow Up

I read one article suggesting dosages at 1 unit, wait an hour, do second. So, after my 2 unit all at once adventure, I did that.. And figured why not wait another hour and inject another.5..

Again, a long wait for me, like almost 5 hours, and bam! Instant and unremitting wood like an 11 on EQ scale for a few hours, then ebbs and flows with the slightest touch taking it back up.. Sleep was interesting..

One needs to figure out what works for them, and how the timing may work.but, wow!

What’s the reason for penis to stop growing?

Androgen Upregulation therapy (which can be labelled as chemical PE) increases penis size in adult men who didn’t have proper a proper hormonal profile during puberty, whereas this same AR upregulation can have 0 effect in adult men with optimal hormonal profile.

So… well for the penis to grow you need optimal androgen levels, and also these are part of the reason why it stops growing. Can it be due to aromatization of AR’s?

Leaving this aside. Chemical PE isn’t likely to be effective as a stand alone treatment. It should ideally be combined with mechanical PE for the most chances of success.

At the end of the day this is all dependant on a certain genetic limit and it’s the reason why some people see more or less results.

I’m gonna check the forum about this topic a bit more. I wonder if this aromatization can be reversed.

I’ve read that your brain produces certain hormones that increase the sensitivity of androgen receptor, that’s why during puberty it grows more. So I think that this could be another path to follow rather than focusing on just androgens.

I’ll make more posts in the future.


Good discussion about chemical PE from 9.30 onwards-

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Hello all!

As with most, long time lurker, long tome PE’er but first go here. Was on one of the other forums briefly, but this site, I feel, is more organic, and this thread is particularly geared towards my current interests.

Anyway, I have PE’ed off and on for at least a decade. Jelq, stretching/ hanging, pump, Ulis, Horse squeezes, clamp, edging, etc. Sometimes diligently and for good durations, other times life or PE injuries/ overdoing it have gotten in the way. I have seen some minimal length and girth gains through it all (maybe + 1/2” in length and 1/16 -1/8” girth) and that’s being generous. Some of my lack of gains has been me, some of it is just not getting results, even after diligence. I think I’m a hard gainer and I don’t think I heal well and I think that is the crux of the problem.

I’ve gotten quite serious and have implemented a “throw the kitchen sink” approach to my current regimental I started at the beginning of 2021, with a twist. My main mechanical method is water pumping for long durations (hours at a time for 5-6hrs) at low pressures (only enough to keep it ‘on’) with a modified LeLuv cylinder that I then sleeve over with a heating pad wrapped around and with a thin plastic liner inside. Working from home affords me the ability to do this ‘all day’. I also have a Chinese shockwave machine that I try to use a 1-2 times a week, and I only do that after getting pump swolen and while clamped. I do also have a knock off stretcher that I use intermitantly. I am on 5mg Tadalafil per day, prescribed. I take probiotics, GABA, potassium gluconate (parasympathetic heart palpitations), L-Glutamine, butchers broom, Hawthorne berry, cayenne extract, coleus forskohlii, quercetin (numerous inflammation issues from various injuries), bilberry, ginseng/ginko/ashwagandah/beet root blend, tumeric/garlic/ginger/bioperene blend, Vit C and Vit B3 (flush kind). I drink primarily aloe juice with water and green food mix for breakfast, after my coffee, and then water the rest of the day.
Lots of water. I eat mainly organic and mainly protein and veggies. Rarely we eat out. I lift weights and exercise 30 -45 min a day, at home, 4-5 days a week. My sleep sucks at 4-6hrs a night but I’m trying to get better at that. I am early 40’s, 6’ x 180lb, and I currently measure ~ 6.25” L x 4.65” W. I am really going for girth only. Wife says no complaints, but I only believe her on the length part for various reasons, and I do like going balls deep, so girth only :-D

So, sorry for the wall of text, but to the meat. I have been reading about guys injecting various things into their dicks for a long time. I don’t plan on doing trimix or any of the GH or secretagouges, or anabolic. HOWEVER, since I have a lot of ‘unresolved’ injuries bodywide anyway, I am going to incorporate TB500 and BPC157 into my routine as soon as my gear arrives from the supplier (I’ll name source if asked, but don’t want cross any forum rules).

I have a couple of questions for the pros here, if I may.
1) with a 5mg/5mg mix of the peptides with a total of 10mg per bottle (thats how it comes, a blend), I want a dose of 2x per week of 250mg / 250mg for 4 weeks, then maintenance. Ill be using 30ga, 1/2”, 1cc insulin needles. If I add 1mil (1 full syringe) to the peptides to reconstitute, then going to the 5th tick should be 250 / 250, correct? My problem is it seems like mg and mcg get interchanged on the calculators and on the forums,, when they mg and mcg are not the same thing, right? That is messing with me, along with my peps being a 5mg/5mg in the same bottle. Please help.
2) I’m considering subcutaneous on the willie itself, after getting pumped, and while clamped for about 15min, before bed. Thoughts?
3) Thoughts and/or sources of DHT powder for a topical cream I can make? I am thinking that modulating my dick receptors might be beneficial especially since I’m working on increasing my GH production naturally through exercise, diet and improving my sleep. Unrealized puberty growth senerio?
4) can someone please give me a link to the famous stagestop chem PE thread?

And now to contribute :-) ..
Something I just recently found out. If I do a round of ‘hot water pumping’ (using the heatpad method I mentioned earlier) for 30min to an hour to ‘start up’, I pop a 500mg flush type niacin along with the rest of my supplements, take it out and massage for fresh blood, and go back into the tube for another round after the niacin flush starts, I get MASSIVE expansion with very little pressure. I’ve been using a 1.75” diameter tube cut down to from 9” to 8” long and flared for comfort, but since I found this niacin thing out, I’ve been using my 2” cylinder and can almost pack it with about only 1” to spare at the top. Yes, some edema is present,, but not all, and massage/ edging quickly gets rid of the edema. Anyway, just an interesting data point, and I thought I’d share.

Good to be here, thank you for having me, and if any of yall experienced guys can please help me on the peptides, I would greatly appreciate it! If anyone has questions for me, shoot!

Can you recap “this niacin thing”? Much text here; can’t find it but am interested.

Niacin is just vitamin B3. I wasnt familiar with niacin flush, so I looked it up. Interesting.

From the linked article below:

What is a niacin flush?
A niacin flush is a side effect of taking too high a dose of niacin supplements. Although a flush isn’t dangerous, the symptoms can cause discomfort and sometimes pain. Here’s how it happens: When the body responds to high doses of nicotinic acid, the capillaries expand, which increases blood flow to the skin’s surface, explains an article in the International Journal of Clinical Practice. A flush appears as red, warm skin, which may be accompanied by an itching or burning sensation. It’s most common for the skin on the face and upper body to be affected, and it may present as a mild flush, or look deeper and redder, like a sunburn. The skin may tingle, burn or itch, and feel warm or hot to the touch. In some people, the skin may be painful to touch.

https://www.msn .com/en-us/heal … t-it/ar-AAI4d4G

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
Niacin is just vitamin B3. I wasn’t familiar with niacin flush, so I looked it up. Interesting.

From the linked article below:

What is a niacin flush?
A niacin flush is a side effect of taking too high a dose of niacin supplements. Although a flush isn’t dangerous, the symptoms can cause discomfort and sometimes pain. Here’s how it happens: When the body responds to high doses of nicotinic acid, the capillaries expand, which increases blood flow to the skin’s surface, explains an article in the International Journal of Clinical Practice. A flush appears as red, warm skin, which may be accompanied by an itching or burning sensation. It’s most common for the skin on the face and upper body to be affected, and it may present as a mild flush, or look deeper and redder, like a sunburn. The skin may tingle, burn or itch, and feel warm or hot to the touch. In some people, the skin may be painful to touch.

https://www.msn .com/en-us/heal … t-it/ar-AAI4d4G

Thats almost exactly right. The only ‘correction’ I would add is that you don’t have to ‘take too much’. Mine are 500mg per pill, and I flush off just taking one. The flush is a little uncomfortable at first, but its really not terrible and tapers from most intense for the first 20 min or so, and then settles down to normalcy about an hour or so later.

Sorry for the wall of text!

Update on my last post re, niacin. I did not flush on 1 500mg tab today.. Apparently tolerance is a thing with B3. I did not remember that being the case from previous usage. Maybe skip days. My apologies for incorrect info!

Also, quoting myself from my first post, so it’s easier to digest and because I really need the help..

I have a couple of questions for the peptide pros.

1) with a 5mg/5mg mix of TB500 / BPC157 for a total of 10mg per bottle (thats how it comes, as a blend), I want a dose of 2x per week of 250mg / 250mg for 4 weeks, then maintenance. Ill be using 30ga, 1/2”, 1cc insulin needles. If I add 1mil (1 full syringe) to the peptides to reconstitute, then going to the 5th tick should be 250 / 250, correct? My problem is it seems like mg and mcg get interchanged on the calculators and on the forums,, when they mg and mcg are not the same thing, right? That is messing with me, along with my peps being a 5mg/5mg in the same bottle. Please help.
2) I’m considering subcutaneous on the willie itself, after getting pumped, and while clamped for about 15min, before bed. Thoughts?

Thank you!



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