Wouldn’t Tongkat Ali cause major hair loss troubles because of the raised testosterone levels? I mainly want to take it because of Propecias side effects (ED).Propecia stops the conversion of testosterone into DHT.
If Tongkat increases testosterone and propecia inhibits Testosterone to DHT conversion, then it would seem reasonable to expect that if both were taken then testosterone levels could raise while DHT is lower. If you believe that DHT is the cause of hairloss then that should be fine.
Two things I would look out for would be:
1. The effects of Tongkat lessening after a time due to the bodys attempts to steer everything back to how it was (might need cycling to recover the benefits).
2. With all the testosterone about and the DHT route blocked, there may be some symptoms of increased Estrogen. A competitive inhibitor or an aromatase inhibitor may help somewhat.
Bear in mind that in most areas dealing with hormones, if you change one thing it almost always has a ripple effect somewhere else, so it’s probably sensible from time to time to get off everything and get them ‘centred’.
Having said the above, I hope it’s clear to all that messing with hormones isn’t really a smart home medicine project unless you have a good idea of how it is affecting levels and a good understanding of the longer terms risks. Becoming overly familiar with some of these things can sometimes diminish in our minds the gravity of what is actually happening. [as an occasional DIY experimenter of the above, I hope that doesn’t sound too preachy].