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Too much zinc


Too much zinc

I recently started taking zinc pills to help out my cum load and my immune system overall. I take a multi-vitamin which contains 15 Mg’s and an actual zinc pill which contains 50 Mg, not including all the food I eat which contains zinc. I am 18 years old and am wondering if this is too much, or is it good.I mean I don’t wanna make myself sick, I’m trying to help my immune system.please reply!

It’s too much, 50mg is too much.

If you belive you can achive, just look at me - Tupac Shakar

Sorry dude. I hate to be rude. And this is the first post I’ve made that is remotely rude. But if you think a penis enlargement forum is the best place to answer this question then having too much zinc in your diet is the least of your concerns.


The top 500 results of this google search are all better places to get this information.

Originally Posted by northof60
Sorry dude. I hate to be rude. And this is the first post I’ve made that is remotely rude. But if you think a penis enlargement forum is the best place to answer this question then having too much zinc in your diet is the least of your concerns.

Do you think guys that are interested in improving the size of their penis have zero knowledge in other areas? If you check out the topics of the Forums that are discussed here, you will notice a wide range. Nutrition experts, political pundits, nuclear physicists, PHD’s, weight lifers, teachers and well the list goes on and on of smart guys that come here to improve the size of their unit. This Forum takes advantage of everyone’s area of expertise.

Last edited by gprent : 05-09-2006 at .

Originally Posted by northof60
Sorry dude. I hate to be rude. And this is the first post I’ve made that is remotely rude. But if you think a penis enlargement forum is the best place to answer this question then having too much zinc in your diet is the least of your concerns.


The top 500 results of this google search are all better places to get this information.

I agree with gprent completely and would like to add that zinc is discussed a lot here in the supplements forum.

Totally agree with the last 2 posts - zinc is a well-researched, much discussed supplement with regards to Penis health.

As for “too much zinc” I won’t say that over 50mg is too much but it seems to be on the high side of normal. Trader Joe’s (here in Cali and around the U.S.) sells 30mg zinc pills which I’ve been taking without problem. The only advice I can offer is take it WITH FOOD! I took my zinc, Arginine and Lysine on an empty stomach last week and nearly puked my guts out. Eat up!

Originally Posted by fauxreal
Totally agree with the last 2 posts - zinc is a well-researched, much discussed supplement with regards to Penis health.
As for “too much zinc” I won’t say that over 50mg is too much but it seems to be on the high side of normal. Trader Joe’s (here in Cali and around the U.S.) sells 30mg zinc pills which I’ve been taking without problem. The only advice I can offer is take it WITH FOOD! I took my zinc, Arginine and Lysine on an empty stomach last week and nearly puked my guts out. Eat up!

A lot of errors in your regimen dude !

First, taking arginine and lysine together will cancel them both !

Second, if you don’t take it on an empty stomach, the effects will be greatly depreciated, because they are absorbed in the intestines, and not in the stomach.

Check this out ;)

Ohh.. and about the thread, an overdose of zinc IS toxic AND dangerous. 50mg seems to be the safe maximum.

~01/01/2006 -- 5 3/4" BPEL -- 4 3/4" Base Girth -- 4 1/2" Mid Girth.

~20/01/2007 -- 7" --- BPEL -- 5" Base Girth ------ 5" --- Mid Girth.

26/08/2008 --- 7" BPEL ------ 5 1/4 girth all around

Originally Posted by fauxreal
The only advice I can offer is take it WITH FOOD! I took my zinc, Arginine and Lysine on an empty stomach last week and nearly puked my guts out. Eat up!

It was the zinc that made you puke, not the other two.

25 mg of zinc will cover anybody who doesn’t already have a zinc deficiency, the way I read it.



Originally Posted by avocet8
It was the zinc that made you puke, not the other two.

25 mg of zinc will cover anybody who doesn’t already have a zinc deficiency, the way I read it.

Yep Zinc sure will twist your stomach up, but I’ve had similar effect with the other 2 as well.
The last bottle of Zinc I bought had a warning label not to take it on an empty stomach.
But who reads that stuff.

I was gonna say, RootCap's hot. - kitten thanks for all tho posts, I decided to cut each pill in half and take it in the morning with my breakfast, this will give me about 25 mg of zinc, thanks for the post, I knew my fellow thunders-placer’s would come through with an answer, it is discussed a lot

A lot of errors in your regimen dude !

First, taking arginine and lysine together will cancel them both !

What do you mean cancel them both? I’ve never heard that before so please qualify it with some facts otherwise that statement means nothing to me.

Originally Posted by fauxreal
A lot of errors in your regimen dude !

First, taking arginine and lysine together will cancel them both !

What do you mean cancel them both? I’ve never heard that before so please qualify it with some facts otherwise that statement means nothing to me.

These 2 amino acids fight for the same transport system to enter your bloodstream,

You need to take them separately, ex. morning & night.

On page 5 of this document, you can read :

http://www.aor. ca/magazines/pd … summer_2002.pdf

"To ensure that it has access to amino acids, the brain had special transporters to ferry them across the blood-brain barrier. But arginine and lysine depend on the same transporter (system Ytt) for access to the brain. The ytt transporter system can only move one molecule across the barrier at a time, and so lysine and arginine actually compete with one another for access to the brain"

To sum it all, to be safe, take evey amino acids on different occasion, just in case !

Hope it clears that up !

~01/01/2006 -- 5 3/4" BPEL -- 4 3/4" Base Girth -- 4 1/2" Mid Girth.

~20/01/2007 -- 7" --- BPEL -- 5" Base Girth ------ 5" --- Mid Girth.

26/08/2008 --- 7" BPEL ------ 5 1/4 girth all around

Ask and I shall receive. Good info, sir.

Thanks much.

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