What is it with Supplements?
Alright, here’s something that’s constantly been bugging me and on my mind.
I know that supplements generally don’t “make your penis bigger” alone. Cause I’m sure the whole supplement concept is in regards to “If you exercise, you’ll get more gains cause we’re helping your restoration/gains with the supplements.” Like protein shakes and the like for working out… My thoughts were that it might be the same with PE, and supplements that are specifically there for certain tissues in your body. However, I know that it ALL might be bull crap, and the supplements you see on tv are just like the multi-vitamins that they sell us, but with certain emphasis on things that may not even help.
For instance (figuratively speaking), if your hair, nails, and skin were all improved by eating blueberries, perhaps that might help with your PE gains in terms of if you exercise (the blueberry)? I have no idea, hence why I ask…
Are there supplements out there that specifically target the tissue in the penis, and actually have a potential to help with your PE gains?
Thoughts, comments, answers. Throw ‘em out there! Preferably those who can shed some light on the subject as a whole, rather than a single sentence. Trying to learn here people! (For the sake of other people as well, of course) :P
Thanks in advance :)