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Yohimbe Long Term Affects?

Yohimbe Long Term Affects?

I’m worried that if I take yohimbe for a while and then stop, my erections will not be as hard because my body would be used to getting a better bloodflow from the yohimbe.

And also, ThunderSS, you said take niacin for a larger flacid hang but you did not say in what dosages.

Thanks guys.

Hey doggystyle,
I just take a B-50 tab which is a combo of just about all the B vitamins. It has 50mg of Niacin (Niacinamide). There are two types of Niacin, and I can never remember which is the one that doesn’t cause the niacin flush.

Here is a link to a search for “niacin” here on the forums, I am pretty sure one of the older links has some pretty good info in it re: niacin.

/forum/search.p hp?action=showr … rder=descending

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Thanks for the info ThunderSS, I think I’ll give niacin a try.

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