Yohimbine - what a reaction :
Hey guys,
Not posted for a long time, but have been lurking on occasions..
I tried a 2.5 mg tablet of yohimbine today for the 1st time in my life (to assist in fat burning) and have to say, despite hearing a lot of negative stuff about it, I really like it. I felt ‘up’ but not freaked out or like a crackhead or anything. Kinda killed any thoughts of naughty foods to :)
Thought I’d also mention that after about an hour of takin it it made me feel VERY horny + my cock was in a semi hard state despite no sexual/visual stimulation. I had to give in, and masturbated to some computer porn + have to say thats the best hard-on I’ve ever had, it was bigger than usual + extremely hard and sensitive. My cock felt ‘hot’ and stranglely even the orgasom felt stronger than usual :)
Anyone explain how yohimbine effects the penis? And does the body ever ‘adjust’ to this effect ie the yohimbine stops working so well?
Thanks all