Thunder's Place

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Permanent Laser Hair Removal

Whats the name of the profession that would do that laser procedure?

Originally Posted by Adolfoutor

Has anyone ever had any excess hair removed by the aforementioned method and if so, how did the treatment work?

I did my second treatment Friday and let me tell you it definitely works. The first session stung pretty good but the second one was pretty easy since the hairs were thinner. If you want completely smooth then laser is the way to go, I love it.

Been there done that

I have had 5 sessions and the Yeti back has returned just as thick. I don’t buy into any of the claims.

I’ve gone the electrolysis route over the last 18 months. Over 95% of the hair I want gone, is gone. LHR would be so much cheaper and convenient. I’ve shopped around recently and it would cost less than 1/4 what I’ve paid to get 6 LHR treatments over even more area than I’ve had treated. If you want to be rid of hair, it’s worth the cost.

Blonde hair removal

I was wondering if anyone has had successful blonde hair removal from laser. I was to laser a lot of hair but I have blonde hair and I keep getting to I can’t. Anyone get theirs done? Thanks


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