Thunder's Place

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Any one used MUSE

Any one used MUSE

Since I had radiation treatment for Prostrate cancer, I have problems getting hard erections. Went to the Doctor, he gave me a prescription for Muse, I also take Cialis. neither work alone, but they do seem to work when I take both. The doctor told me not to take both as I could end up with a 4-6 hour erection. That did not take place.

I still have some problems with an erection, the cost of the Muse is $25 for each shot and that with the cost of the Cialis, makes an expensive fuck.

I am thinking of trying a medical penis pump, that is made specifically for men with ED.

Has anyone tried either Muse or A medical Penis pump. This type of pump is not the same as you would use for pumping.

I did not have prostate problems but had complete ED. PE and Ginseng brought the woodies back for me. Maybe Ginseng would work if cost is a factor. Certain ginseng’s raise blood pressure. That would include Korean and Chinese Ginseng. American Ginseng does not raise blood pressure.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I was prescribed MUSE when I had ED and my glans would not fill up. Never got around to trying it. It’s the one you put up your urethra, right? Sounds painful. I agree with using cialis, and like you mention, consider vacuum pumping. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence on here pointing towards it helping restore erectile function.

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
I was prescribed MUSE when I had ED and my glans would not fill up. Never got around to trying it. It’s the one you put up your urethra, right? Sounds painful. I agree with using cialis, and like you mention, consider vacuum pumping. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence on here pointing towards it helping restore erectile function.

Yes thats right Yataghan50, the muse has to be injected into the urethra, not to pleasant but it does work for an hour or two, with Cialis.


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