I want to second Kingpole’s posting. He suggested that you consider that you have a thyroid deficiency. If you are afraid of going to the doctor, which would be your best choice, you can find out if this is a problem by going to a large pharmacy, and buying a BASAL thermometer, (not a fever thermometer which is what you will find on most of the shelves). Take your temperature first thing in the morning, write it down. Take it in the middle of the afternoon and write it down, and take it in the evening and write that down.
If you are in the low 97’s in the morning and do not hit at least 98.0 during the afternoon or evening, then you have a thyroid problem. Then the best thing to do is go see a doctor.
If you are really nervous of doctors, or don’t have insurance, and your temps continue to be low, buy some lugol’s solution (it can be purchased on Amazon.com) and put one drop into a glass of water each day. Do that for two weeks, and take your temps again. If no improvement, well, now you have to bite the bullet and go see a doctor. I think that you will notice a big difference when you get your thyroid issue fixed.
Best of luck,