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Cant Cum Problem


Cant Cum Problem

Need advice guys.

So I met this super hot chick. We chatted, date and all, back to my place, hot body and all, all the foreplay and what not, just couldn’t cum at all. Tried everything. Banged her in all sorts of positions. Kissing. Getting sucked. Wanking. Everything. Couldn’t cum for my life. But really liked the chick. Thought it was a one off.

And then the SAME THING happened yesterday night with this new chick I really like (and this is months later). I made her cum twice but I didn’t cum at all. Nothing was wrong. Wasn’t drunk or anything just couldn’t cum.

It is completely weird as when I ‘just have a bang’ i.e. no date/chat or just wank or watch a bit of porn I’m completely fine.

I have no f*in idea what was wrong and feel like s*hit now.

Please help me. I really like this chick from my heart. :(

Have you recently gotten out of a relationship?

What’s on your mind or subconscious while you busy with her?

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Have you recently gotten out of a relationship?

I’ve never had a gf in my life. For various reasons.

ps I did see my GP generally for blood work and I’m completely medically fine.

Originally Posted by BPTony
What’s on your mind or subconscious while you busy with her?

No idea. She was hot. I was really enjoying the foreplay. I never got soft - was hard as a rock the whole time - just nothing was coming out. It was getting frustrating being unable to cum therefore just gave up. :( Especially when she had already cum I felt it was just time to sleep.

I like her more than sexually though. Same with the other chick I liked her beyond sexually. When that happens I can’t seem to cum. If I am just sexual with someone I’m completely fine. Its a mess as the former should be when I should be able to cum.

Can’t you just spit on her back like I do or carry some Mayo packets from Arby’s and keep them semi warm and rip one open when she isn’t looking? Then you have to do that “O-face” look like Billy Idol having a stroke.

On Crazy pills?

Any cold or allergy pills?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Originally Posted by twatteaser
Can’t you just spit on her back like I do or carry some Mayo packets from Arby’s and keep them semi warm and rip one open when she isn’t looking? Then you have to do that “O-face” look like Billy Idol having a stroke.

On Crazy pills?

Any cold or allergy pills?

lol I was tempted to fake I cummed (as she asked once and then said where) so I knew she would catch me out.
Nope I’m not on anything :( I just wanked today I was fine no f*in clue what happened last night.
Just messaged her and made a joke of it and she seems cool with it but still if this happens again she will think something is wrong with me. As its *definitely* not her!

Would be a bigger issue if she didn’t cum and you did…lots would almost see your issue as the ideal. lol

Current: BPEL 8"/NBPEL 6.75" MEG 5.2", BPFL 6.75"/NBPFL 5.5" FG 4.5"


Realistic Goal: BPEL 8.5"/NBPEL 7.5" EG 5.5" | Optimistic: BPEL 9"/NBPEL 8" MEG 5.75" | Dream: BPEL 10"/NBPEL 9" MEG 6.5"

I don’t know how, but women I’ve been with in the past could always tell moments before that I was about to cum. Maybe the fullness from the extra blood adding some extra girth right at the end is the only thing I could think of. So if that’s the case, I feel like it would be hard to fake it.

Do you watch a lot of porn?

If so, the porn may have screwed you up. You might have to take a few weeks or months off, and get your mind right again. Then avoid porn, or at least watch it sparingly.

I have nothing against people watching porn, but too much of it can screw a guy up for real sex with another person.

Originally Posted by repeter
If so, the porn may have screwed you up. You might have to take a few weeks or months off, and get your mind right again. Then avoid porn, or at least watch it sparingly.

I have nothing against people watching porn, but too much of it can screw a guy up for real sex with another person.

I watch porn very sparingly. There was a time I used to watch it daily, but never had cumming issues myself or with someone. Once I’ve been “off” it (over a year now) I also still on’t have issues but this cum block thing has happened a couple of times with chicks I *really* liked which is bizarre.

How bad did you like this girl? When did you have sex last before her?

Sometimes you just can’t get enough of a girl. Like I ain’t done yet with you, I like you so much I could fuck you all night long. It’s like penis is getting in a numb mode.

You might think this is funny, but it happened to me more than a lot. Sometimes I only ejaculated just because I realized that the girl was exhausted or couldn’t take much more. I felt like a machine. The more I fucked the more I wanted.

I am sure many can relate to this. So, what happened to you, I find it normal.

Don’t try to explain why this happens. I couldn’t find shit. Sometimes it happens. Just like premature ejaculation. It happens to all sometimes.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by bill10
How bad did you like this girl? When did you have sex last before her?

Sometimes you just can’t get enough of a girl. Like I ain’t done yet with you, I like you so much I could fuck you all night long. It’s like penis is getting in a numb mode.

You might think this is funny, but it happened to me more than a lot. Sometimes I only ejaculated just because I realized that the girl was exhausted or couldn’t take much more. I felt like a machine. The more I fucked the more I wanted.

I am sure many can relate to this. So, what happened to you, I find it normal.

Don’t try to explain why this happens. I couldn’t find shit. Sometimes it happens. Just like premature ejaculation. It happens to all sometimes.

I met her in Jan this year. We shagged it was hot and she slept over. Then she came over the next day we shagged more :P
But then she went back to her town to finish her Masters. She came here only for 1 night because she has an interview so I offered she stay with me. We had dinner and stuff then went to my place. It was this time I just couldn’t cum. It was hard all the way through but nothing was coming out :(
I *really* like her. I had sex with another chick a few days before she arrived and came fine. Then I thought I would save up my load for her so I could spatter all over her but ofc that didn’t up.
I just rubbed one off this morning no porn and I was fine. I just don’t understand. Premature ejaculation is better at least you orgasm. Sleeping next to a hot woman without coming is the worst ever.
But yes you are right. In the middle of the night I wanted to wake her up and kiss/cuddle more lol. I wasn’t done. It felt too short :( But she was exhausted I could tell and then thats why I said I’m tired also and we should sleep. She took it lightly like I don’t think she was offended or anything (she still messages me and we cracked jokes) but still I feel a bit shit.
Seeing her again in 2 weeks and want to make sure I cum this time. I guess viagra won’t help as it wasn’t getting hard that was an issue.
I also miss her already :(

Originally Posted by bill10
How bad did you like this girl? When did you have sex last before her?

Sometimes you just can’t get enough of a girl. Like I ain’t done yet with you, I like you so much I could fuck you all night long. It’s like penis is getting in a numb mode.

You might think this is funny, but it happened to me more than a lot. Sometimes I only ejaculated just because I realized that the girl was exhausted or couldn’t take much more. I felt like a machine. The more I fucked the more I wanted.

I am sure many can relate to this. So, what happened to you, I find it normal.

Don’t try to explain why this happens. I couldn’t find shit. Sometimes it happens. Just like premature ejaculation. It happens to all sometimes.

I think I know what you are talking about. It’s like edging. I would hold off on cumming and after awhile it was a challenge to cum, but I usually would cum by the excitement of the women cumming.
Now, well into my 60’s, I am just happy to get it up and in, and I can’t waste much time, or all is lost LOL, but that is another subject for later.

What Bill10 wrote is probably true.
It happened to me few times with my girlfriend, that I couldn’t cum. No idea why, 100% hard during sex, she already had few orgasm and all, just like you say.
But now when I think about it, every time when I had this problem we did not slept together for a while before this happened.
That might be the reason, I just couldn’t get enough of her I guess.

Like last time, two weeks ago, we did not slept together for almost two weeks and we did not seen each other for week at least. Then the sex came and I had to gave it up after almost hour and half of fucking.
She had lots of orgasms but I couldn’t cum, probably from the reason that Bill10 wrote…
Anyway it is not big trouble for me, since it does not happen really often, and even when I don’t have orgasm I do enjoy the sex.
Because I love when the girl enjoy it, when I make her wet, when I make her scream, when she have orgasm one another one. Making my girl feel amazing is the main thing that I love on sex and but is not the only thing.
There is many more what I love on sex, and my orgasm is just one thing from all of these and it is just sweet cherry on the top of the cake ;)
So I can deal with it, when it happens just from time to time.

But I am in serious relationship and you are not, I don’t know how would I react if I was on your place. Maybe try to bang her like it would be your last sex in your life next time. Do your favorite position, ask her if she could do something that you really like… I don’t really know.

"If you desire one thing for so long, it is a given that you will miss other things along the way. That is how it is... that is life."

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