Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Cardio and Erection Strength


We are about the same size too. My waist is about 32.5 and I’m around 201lbs. When it is around 31.5 flexed I’m around 192 to 195. I’m about 6’2 1/2.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Now I just have to get by cock bigger like yours!

Started 11/2014 6" BPEL x 4" MEG (Ballpark #'s)

As of 01/2017 7 1/2" BPEL x 4 7/8" MEG

18 Month Comparison Pic

Originally Posted by Rahman810

Do you watch porn? If so that is the problem.

It’s not really a hobby for me but I use porn only when I see that I haven’t had an erection for some time and then it helps me with the jelqing. Jelqing does really help in keeping my dick in a condition that makes it easier to get some form of erection compared to not doing anything for a couple of weeks. And as you might guess, when I tell this to a uro or neuro they think there’s no such thing. It is really frustrating when you have info that you think should give clues to a doctor and only to be dismissed just because this has not been published in some medical journal :-(

Even in low doses porn is a problem if your erections are already starting to suffer.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Originally Posted by Rahman810
Do you watch porn? It could be overtraining as well or vitamin deficiency.

I don’t really watch porn but only if I need to jelq now and then. What I do know is that if I jelq regularly I have a better chance of having spontaneous erections. I wish the doctors could use all the clues that I’ve noted around my erection issues. Unfortunately no doctor will go out of his/her way to look for a solution for one person when she/her has a lot of other patients to make his/her money from.

Originally Posted by Rocker
I don’t really watch porn but only if I need to jelq now and then. What I do know is that if I jelq regularly I have a better chance of having spontaneous erections. I wish the doctors could use all the clues that I’ve noted around my erection issues. Unfortunately no doctor will go out of his/her way to look for a solution for one person when she/her has a lot of other patients to make his/her money from.

Hey man,
I’m no expert on the subject, but I’ve certainly experienced a pretty wide range of EQ-related issues and an equally wide range of periods of strong EQ. I do have a few recommendations and I’m curious if any of the things I suspect could be the culprit in your case.

My first thought was: are you overtraining? Not just PE training but cardio? Your body needs recovery time for both and if you’re regularly pushing yourself to the absolute limit, I’ve heard anecdotally that this can impair libido.

Next: Hydration. Perhaps this should have been my first thought though. I spent many many years barely drinking any water, and one day I came across someone recommending it for asthma. I started shooting for drinking somewhere around 75 ounces of water a day for a while, and was very pleasantly surprised to find that along with it helping my asthma, my penis was dramatically and noticeably healthier, quite rapidly. It’s my understanding that most people are chronically dehydrated without the remotest awareness of it. Give this a try, and even if it doesn’t end up being your culprit, as long as you don’t enter into the extreme realm of h2o toxicity (which would take gallons a day), you’re bound to experience benefits anyway.

Next thought is overtraining of the PC muscle. I’ve also experienced firsthand the results of an overtrained PC from an excessive amount of kegels, without the complementary BC training. If you’re doing kegels, I recommend that you stop immediately for the time being and try the opposite exercise, which is the muscular action that you use when urinating when you push more urine out, as opposed to cutting off the flow. Try it now and you’ll probably be able to know instantly what I’m talking about, but if not, look up BC muscle exercise, or the "reverse kegel". Most men in this community likely are overtraining the PC and neglecting the BC. When I made the switch, it was definitely distinctly noticeable. Try it the next time you feel like you are on the verge of an erection. The first impulse of the body is to do a PC "squeeze," which feels at least to me like the natural response of the body in that state. But the PC squeeze can actually cut off blood flow into the penis, before it has a chance to become engorged. Try, as an experiment, to "push" the PC muscle for as long as you can while becoming aroused. It’ll probably feel like you’re sabotaging your erection, but my suspicion is that you will be surprised to notice more engorgement than you’re used to seeing. I’m very curious to hear back if your experience ends up being like mine.

Firegoat Rolls. If the issue is unaddressed damage or something like slight penile atrophy (which is how I’d describe something I’ve experienced in periods of overtraining), firegoat rolls, for 3-5 minutes a few times daily will encourage elevated arterial bloodflow into the penis, and (again, from my layman’s anecdotal perspective) seems to help my penile tissues feel consistently warm, plumped, and simply more alive. I’ve had periods where it felt like a dead limp wad of empty flesh hanging between my legs, and I distinctly attribute an improved overall penile state incorporating regular firegoat rolls into my regimen. You could also try "the angion method" which is on these forums for a similar benefit, which numerous people with longstanding ED problems are reporting dramatic successes with. I’ve tried "the oscillator" and while it hasn’t been so dramatic for me as the claims are, I do like what it does for me, which is to get an acute increase in blood flow. Look into it (but be wary of the extreme hype, Janus Bifrons is a distinctly controversial figure on here): Angion Results / Gainers List , Growing Your Own Blood Vessels

Other than that, the psychological obstacle is certainly pernicious, whether it’s pornography or some other source of sexual anxiety. My first sexual experience was quite horrible and the memory of it caused me psychological ED for a number of years, until I tried using one of those over the counter erection aid pills. Having a few positive sexual experiences using those greatly greatly reduced the lingering specter of those horrible sexual experiences I’d had.

My biggest advice is to try the hydration and try the reverse kegel. The hydration especially is a hugely dramatic thing. Your arousal problems might not be just one thing, and solving a few compound issues might have miraculous results, but at least your doctor and modern medical science has told you that you haven’t destroyed or damaged your plumbing, which is more than a number of very unfortunate people can say! And that should be very encouraging! Don’t sweat it, you’ll figure it out!
Good luck! Be excellent! Please let me know if any of these make any sense to you or if you notice any changes.


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