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Circumcision skin flap grew veins

Circumcision skin flap grew veins

I’m cut, unfortunately, I don’t know how or why my parents made me circumcised. Personally I would have wanted to keep my foreskin.

Anyway, the method done was traditional circumcision. My foreskin was sliced on top and sewn to stop the bleeding. Basically, the foreskin wasn’t removed, the whole thing is dangling underneath my glans. And a lot of veins are growing in it.

I was wondering if I could have it removed.

Is there anyone here who was circumcised with the same method I had?

"Men are gifted with two heads, sadly they do not

have enough blood to run

both at the same time" by anonymous

Originally Posted by megalomax
I’m cut, unfortunately, I don’t know how or why my parents made me circumcised. Personally I would have wanted to keep my foreskin.

Anyway, the method done was traditional circumcision. My foreskin was sliced on top and sewn to stop the bleeding. Basically, the foreskin wasn’t removed, the whole thing is dangling underneath my glans. And a lot of veins are growing in it.

I was wondering if I could have it removed.

Is there anyone here who was circumcised with the same method I had?

That method is called supercision and is common in The Philippines and some other hot places.

You could actually have a fairly effective surgical foreskin reconstruction. I know someone who did it. Let me know if you’d like me to send him your contact info in case he would be willing to talk to you about it.


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