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complete loss of sex drive

complete loss of sex drive

I am unsure where to put this, if at all on here.

I do suffer unfortunately from an extreme case of depression, however its not massively affected my sex drive up until late. The past few weeks I have completely lost my sex drive, little to interest in sex struggling to get an erection etc etc.

Part of me thinks it may not solely be down to depression but also possibly a chemical imbalance (maybe testosterone) I have been to see a physiologist today and he wants me to start seeing him regularly.

The thing is a lot of my depression comes from things I cannot really change, I hate the look of myself, and not just a bit its gotten so bad now that I cannot look in a mirror at all, not even to have a shave, when I do accidentally see myself i just break down, I am also hating the fact i am so short and have a scrawny frame (i have tried to build myself up and fail due to A lack of motivation and B The time it takes (partly relating to A) the final thing is my incredibly small member and the fact that pretty much all of my sexual previous partners have all commented on its size and i have even been compared by some(in a negative way)
I understand this maybe down to my choice of partners but unfortunately I cant really look into thier past or personality before hand :(
I suffer from serious anxiety and unfortunately i have Aspergers syndrome and ADHD.

I have tried PE so many times but as above I fail due to A lack of motivation and B because i just can not seem to find anything that works for me (again referring back to A)

Does any one on here have any suggestions?




First of all welcome to thunders. I’m sorry to hear all of that. I think it’s great that you are seeing a psychologist and regularly. I noticed you said you think there may be a chemical connection to your recent troubles. Have you spoken to your doctor regarding this issue and had some blood work done to eliminate hormonal?

I don’t know if you are on any medication for your depression. I can tell you that when I was on celexa for anxiety it messed with my libido and performance. Celexa and other types of antidepressants sometimes have that effect. It would be helpful to know what medications you are on if any. Nonetheless, I suggest you talk to your doctor about these issues.

You mention some things that are out most of our leagues as far as recommendations as we are not doctors. I think there are a few here but you really should see your own. Penis size on the other hand, is something most of us can detail for you. Let’s start here, you haven’t told us your statistics and have no entries in the database. It’s worth knowing that most guys who think they are small are in the average range.

I’m leery to give you any pe advice because it sounds like you have some other much more important things going on that need to be addressed and put ahead of the size of your penis.

I think for right now you should focus on getting to the bottom of your current psychological challenges and that will help you with pe when you are ready for it. Feel free to ask away, we are here to help.


Thanks for the reply.

Your right there are a lot of other underlying problems, but my downstairs always seems to come back to cause me issues.

Honestly, i have never actually measured myself for similar reasons I can’t look in the mirror, I would hate and torture myself for knowing I have anything less than I would hope for. I just can’t bring myself to, what makes it worse is that on past occasions where I have tried i get so anxious and nervous about it whenever I attempt to measure I usually go flaccid very very quickly (before I can). its horrible feeling this way.

I may for all I know have an ‘average size’ but Comments from previous sexual partners has given me little to no faith in myself when they comment on the size in a negative way.

I am currently seeing a physiologist but its not really helping if I am totally honest.


In one of your previous posts you say you’re 7.5 x 5. That’s NOT small and if you do have a smaller frame, that thing’s gotta look pretty impressive! I’m astounded you say that most of your previous partners have commented in a negative way.

I can give no advice on depression but wish you every success in beating it.

http://en.wikip … ic_applications

Being short and skinny isn’t that big curse. You don’t say your size, so hard to give an objective evaluation. I would suggest including pumping in your case, because the immediate improvement, although not permanent, can be a motivator to stick with it. If you manage to be consistent and add some jelqs and stretches, likely you’ll get permanent gains over time.

Physical training is also a cure in itself for anxiety/depression issues; more then strenous exercises, I would suggest swimming or calisthenics. You will put on some muscles although not massive size, and your mood will improve at the same time.

Originally Posted by SlamInTheLamb
In one of your previous posts you say you’re 7.5 x 5. That’s NOT small and if you do have a smaller frame, that thing’s gotta look pretty impressive! I’m astounded you say that most of your previous partners have commented in a negative way.

I can give no advice on depression but wish you every success in beating it.

Honestly, I kinda lied…

One of my partners said they thoughts that was roughly what I was so i put that :( shame on me.

Originally Posted by 4wheeler
Honestly, I kinda lied…

One of my partners said they thoughts that was roughly what I was so i put that :( shame on me.

No shame buddy. This was, obviously, one of your partners that was happy with your size :)

But you need to realize that previous size polls were skewed by guys self measuring and over exaggerating their size.

The most recent study states…..”The enduring question now has a scientific answer:…….13.12 centimetres (5.16 inches) in length when erect, and 11.66cm (4.6 inches) around, according to an analysis of more than 15,000 penises around the world.”

Hope this helps fellow PE’er.

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