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Diagnosed with Low T at 22

You need to ask em also , ok they raising your test but are they gonna unbind free test ? Since is the free test the issue here .

Current 8 bpel /7.25 nbp 6.25 eg .

Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney.

I’m not a big expert, but by the little I know I partly agree with Bignik: you can’t go on hrt so young without trying other routes before. I would say HCG could worsen the problem also, but Clomid (or novaldex, even better) is worth a try, it can raise natural testosterone. I’m not suggesting that you try it by yourself, just make your researches and speak with a Doctor, asking him to evaluate the Clomid/Nolvadex route.

Originally Posted by marinera
I’m not a big expert, but by the little I know I partly agree with Bignik: you can’t go on hrt so young without trying other routes before. I would say HCG could worsen the problem also, but Clomid (or novaldex, even better) is worth a try, it can raise natural testosterone. I’m not suggesting that you try it by yourself, just make your researches and speak with a Doctor, asking him to evaluate the Clomid/Nolvadex route.

So Nolva and Clomid is to be taken temporarily and is suppose to jumpstart my body into producing the right amount of test on its own so I won’t need anything anymore? If that’s the case I will definitely ask about trying Nolva. But I’m wondering if my hormones would start to fall out of wack again since its not like I was doing roids and decided to use it as PCT to go back to normal.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Even in the case that you should stay on Nolvadex permanently (cycling it, eventually) the difference with HRT is that your natural production is not definitely shut down. If you have a depressed endogenous production of testosterone, taking exogenous testosterone would worsen the problem.

Marinera is right it does worsen the problem . One thing about nolvadex it killed my libido and my erection but Clomid didn’t but everyone is different .

The only thing that still puzzles me is that your natural test is normal is just the free test and the normal range for that is 8.7-25.1 if I’m not mistake.

Current 8 bpel /7.25 nbp 6.25 eg .

Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney.

Yes that’s right bignik and mine was about 8.5. I just remember it being real close to the lower limit. But what make you guys say that HRT is bad other than the reason that you are on it for life? Sure it shuts down natural T production and makes you sterile if you are on the testosterone version but rarely is there a success story or I’ve yet to see where someone corrected the problem naturally and don’t need anymore supplements or injections to counter anything anymore. Assuming that clomid or novaldex works for a person(though temporarily) by cycling how would the person feel if there is a “down time” between injections where they feel like shit until the next one. How long do you guys think that HCG can be used before the body adjusts? Couple years or just months?

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Originally Posted by bignik

Marinera is right it does worsen the problem . One thing about nolvadex it killed my libido and my erection…

Probably you were taking too much. Nolvadex lowers estrogens, estrogens are needed for libido too.

Originally Posted by sed26
Yes that’s right bignik and mine was about 8.5. I just remember it being real close to the lower limit. But what make you guys say that HRT is bad other than the reason that you are on it for life? Sure it shuts down natural T production and makes you sterile if you are on the testosterone version but rarely is there a success story or I’ve yet to see where someone corrected the problem naturally and don’t need anymore supplements or injections to counter anything anymore. Assuming that clomid or novaldex works for a person(though temporarily) by cycling how would the person feel if there is a “down time” between injections where they feel like shit until the next one. How long do you guys think that HCG can be used before the body adjusts? Couple years or just months?

Nolva and Clomid are orals.

Being on HRT for life is bad enough per se, but beside that there is the problem that levels of testosterone tend to vary in the blood from a person to antoher, so it is not just that simple like making an injection and forget about it : you’ll have an hard time finding the right frequency and dose of injections and in the middle of those you’ll likely have periods when your T levels are too high, with acne bully attitude etc., and others when you’ll feel down (so said roller coaster effect).

HCG is not a cure for anything, it just helps for a relief for symptoms of low T; it’s use should be very short, few weeks, by what I know.

Originally Posted by marinera
Nolva and Clomid are orals.

Being on HRT for life is bad enough per se, but beside that there is the problem that levels of testosterone tend to vary in the blood from a person to antoher, so it is not just that simple like making an injection and forget about it : you’ll have an hard time finding the right frequency and dose of injections and in the middle of those you’ll likely have periods when your T levels are too high, with acne bully attitude etc., and others when you’ll feel down (so said roller coaster effect).

HCG is not a cure for anything, it just helps for a relief for symptoms of low T; it’s use should be very short, few weeks, by what I know.

Oh I was thinking it was injections also. I was looking at flex wheeler’s videos and he said his friend who was a dr tested some stuff on him that he took orally that gave him his erections and sperm count back. I wonder if that was some form of clomid or nolva.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Marinera is right 100% but They can put you on HCG even for 6 months but that raises estrogen so I don’t know since yours is already high . The good thing is that you going to talk to an endo cause doctors don’t know shit when it comes to that they wanna put you right away on hrt.

I have a goood feeling that the endo is gonna give you better hope then testostrone right away .
Did the doctor even do a cat scan for your brain to see why the prolactin was high ? They suppose to do that cause is protocol.

Current 8 bpel /7.25 nbp 6.25 eg .

Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney.

Originally Posted by sed26
Oh I was thinking it was injections also. I was looking at flex wheeler’s videos and he said his friend who was a dr tested some stuff on him that he took orally that gave him his erections and sperm count back. I wonder if that was some form of clomid or nolva.

That is what nolva and Clomid would do raise your LH and FSH.

Current 8 bpel /7.25 nbp 6.25 eg .

Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney.

Originally Posted by bignik
Marinera is right 100% but They can put you on HCG even for 6 months but that raises estrogen so I don’t know since yours is already high . The good thing is that you going to talk to an endo cause doctors don’t know shit when it comes to that they wanna put you right away on hrt.

I have a goood feeling that the endo is gonna give you better hope then testostrone right away .
Did the doctor even do a cat scan for your brain to see why the prolactin was high ? They suppose to do that cause is protocol.

No but at one of my next appointments he said they will scan to see what’s going on up there. I really do hope there is something that helps before I have to resort to that. I pretty much went into the appointment knowing exactly what was wrong from all the research I had done on my symptoms. Gyno was the one that really got me alarms about my high E. I knew that he didn’t know what he was talking about when he said 103 estradial was ok. Didnt even check that hard for my gyno just touched here and there. I know a lot of guys mistake gyno for chest fat but I am a bodybuilder(non competing) but I know my body better than anything and never have I ever had breast tissue that protrudes sometimes. Most times it doesn’t show itself when it’s cold but when I wear tanktops its obvious so I been avoiding them since it developed.

I thought about taking DIM but I don’t want to alter results or anything until I see the endo. I never took any prohormones before all this happened and tried Erase only after the problems came up to see if it would help which didn’t.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Sed do not take dim or try to medicate your self cause you could worsen the problem or give future test false readings . I have tried erase and it didn’t do nothing for me either .

Current 8 bpel /7.25 nbp 6.25 eg .

Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney.

I3C taken with Vitamin C will do a better job than DIM will.

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

Ok sed , I wad reading today on Chicago Sun-times for e new testosterone pill to increase levels by 43% the article is called ; super-potent testosterone pill hits nationwide OTC market. It says its over the counter and it doesn’t shut you down its called testrodyne-L3 , the number to call is 800-600-9215.

The have a whole article about it on a main Chicago news paper so I think its worth a shot.

Current 8 bpel /7.25 nbp 6.25 eg .

Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney.


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