Thunder's Place

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Diagnosed with Low T at 22

Well stay calm. Do the additional tests, and more than anything, CALL YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY! You can ALSO go to a doctor who is doing your tests and make it very clear how miserable and shitty you feel. Ask him to send a request to the insurance to cover it.

My insurance used to not cover it. It was 100$ for a 10ML bottle of 200mg/CC. That will last you ten weeks, so it isn’t all that insane, worst case scenario, comes out to 10$ a week. Needles can be cheaply bought online.

Where there is a will, there is a way. Shame being assertive and aggressive is so hard with low T levels, but dedicate yourself to getting this done and you can achieve it.

Thanks for the kind words. Im not one to give up so easily. I was in the process of getting a new dr when I found this out and the blood work is the one that was requested by the dr that I didn’t like. So I’m kind of in a bind right now as for what to do first. I am going to get the blood work done and the lady did mention that the tests may persuade them to cover so I will see how that works out. I was never a fan of the medical and insurance industries from the start.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

I feel you. Perhaps your parents can help, family etc. Worst case you’ve gotta work 10 hours a week to cover it and even then you would have leftover spending money. Even with my insurance covering it, it’s 30$

So if it doesn’t cover it then the estimated cost would be $100 every 8 weeks? Not as bad as I thought. I was thinking like 2-300. I going to get blood work within a few days. Do you have any idea if me having low testosterone affects my joints? I have tendonitis in every limb. Both knees(which started when I over ran in high school in football season) and now both wrists. My left wrist actually started hurting 2 months into the resting phase of my right wrist and i wasn’t even doing upperbody. i do use the computer a lot but during the summer I barely used it at all. Did you have any joint problems before HRT that improved with the therapy whether it was any relief at all in any inflamed joints? I’m taking 1500EPH/1000DHA from omega 3 liquid fish oil and it helps. Before the fish oil the inflammation was getting progressively worse and now it seems to have improved some.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Joints, mood, mental stability, libido, sleep were a NIGHTMARE before I got on HRT.

My parents want to know what is wrong with me as I only told them about the joints and fatigue. I don’t plan on telling them about the deeper stuff. I plan to wait until things start looking up to tell the extent of my problems. I have been trying to educate them on what HRT but it really pisses me off when they listen to idiots that blame it on protein shakes and supplements that “most bodybuilders use.” You know how older people are easily influenced by things that they don’t know about so they will listen to the first idiot with a position of power such as an uneducated person who talks like they did any research. I’ve tried the supplement route and talked to other who did the same and it didn’t work for any of us. Yet there are always those who keep pushing that route.

But I hate it when people come up with stupid solutions as if they either specialize in curing the problem or did any type of research on the subject. This is why I try to avoid talking fitness to most people unless I know they know what they are talking about. Every time I tell them things about it they think I come off as a “know it all.” I’m sure some of you guys know how hard it is to try to convince your parents that most doctors are just as uneducated as the average joe when it comes to problems that they never encountered before. But then again rarely do people know much about problems which they’ve never encountered or had before. That’s why I try to get as much info from other guys with the same problem as me because they speak from experience and not talk about what they “think.”

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Sed I think you should sit down and talk to your parents and tell them the truth . They going through these as much as you are if they see it in your eyes and they will probably find a way to help you .

I just told my parents back home that I did an ultra sound on my testicles and I have a cyst , hydrocele , varicocele and I need surgery and my my mom found a urologist in Chicago one of her friends cause she is a doctor so I’m heading out there next week . I googled his name and he is very experienced on that field .

Bro sit down talk to them if you not comfortable with your mom talk to your dad . Is just a matter of time before you find what you need you just need to keep knocking on doors .

Current 8 bpel /7.25 nbp 6.25 eg .

Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney.

Originally Posted by bignik
Sed I think you should sit down and talk to your parents and tell them the truth . They going through these as much as you are if they see it in your eyes and they will probably find a way to help you .
I just told my parents back home that I did an ultra sound on my testicles and I have a cyst , hydrocele , varicocele and I need surgery and my my mom found a urologist in Chicago one of her friends cause she is a doctor so I’m heading out there next week . I googled his name and he is very experienced on that field .
Bro sit down talk to them if you not comfortable with your mom talk to your dad . Is just a matter of time before you find what you need you just need to keep knocking on doors .

It’s hard for me. They are the parents and they feel that what they hear from other people is law and when I tell them what I read in studies and from others on HRT they say “stop being hard headed and listen sometimes.” Now that they seen some junk on the news about testosterone recall they are saying things like “I hope you don’t get on that stuff” when at the same time I’m telling them there are many different kinds of it. They don’t want to hear what I got to say because in their mind “I’m just being hard headed.”

I get extremely angry when they keep telling me to “try this new herbal tea” or some herbal supplements they heard about. I’m tired of telling them that not only did the herbal route fail for me but it failed for other people with low T as well. How many times do I have to tell them I’m not trying the herbal or any other things other than HRT for them to understand its the most reasonable option. I can already see them saying “well you going to do what you want to do anyway” when I tell them I’m going to get on HRT and that’s final.

I’m a little embarrassed about the ED thing so they will not find out about it. The last thing I need is for them to tell somebody “in confidence” about that. Maybe I should tell them how low of quality my life feels right now? I just did my new labs today and what the lady told me was that the Dr talked to my insurance company and after they see my labs they “should” be convinced enough to cover my HRT. She said it with confidence like she was certain that they would do it so keeping my fingers crossed.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

What’s the cause of your low T, does your Dr. have a clue?

Originally Posted by marinera
What’s the cause of your low T, does your Dr. have a clue?

Waiting for MRI to be requested so I can be examined. But as of now all I know is that my prolactin and estrogen is through the roof. My brain is sending the signal to my testes to make more test but they are not making the proper amount.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

I’ve never taken any supplements in pill form. Only thing I ever stuck with is protein shakes and cycles of creatine maybe 2-3 months out of the year.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Which brands, out of curiosity?

Different kinds of whey. Forgot which creatine but it was pure monohydrate powder form.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Anyway, if you have high estrogens, more T will likely convert in other estrogens, that’s my understanding. Proviron is know to block estrogens freeing up more free T, may you could look into that. Isn’t much HPT suppressive either.


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