Thunder's Place

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Diagnosed with Low T at 22

I’m a bit skeptical of trying new products especially OTC without many people actually vouching for it. I’d rather use the real thing than some new prohormone that could possibly set me more off balance than I already am. But I’ll keep my eyes open and see what kind of new information comes out for it.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Lh 11.2Miu/l. Normal 1.5-9.3
Fsh is 2.5miu/ll. Normal is 1.6.80
Tsh 1.45 miu/l. Normal 0.40-4.50
Progesterone is 0.2 ng/ml.
Testosterone is 548 normal 250-1000
Free test 58.4pg/ml normal is 35.0-155.0 pg/ml
I’m still waiting for estradiol and my Lh came flagged as high

I just got my results back and lh was high so I made an appointment Friday .

Current 8 bpel /7.25 nbp 6.25 eg .

Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney.

Originally Posted by bignik
Lh 11.2Miu/l. Normal 1.5-9.3
Fsh is 2.5miu/ll. Normal is 1.6.80
Tsh 1.45 miu/l. Normal 0.40-4.50
Progesterone is 0.2 ng/ml.
Testosterone is 548 normal 250-1000
Free test 58.4pg/ml normal is 35.0-155.0 pg/ml
I’m still waiting for estradiol and my Lh came flagged as high

I just got my results back and lh was high so I made an appointment Friday .

Hope everything turns out good for you. Have you noticed any negative symptoms of anything or you just get random check ups? Gyno and ED was a sure sign that my hormones were imbalanced. I tried for about 6-8 months to use the “increase bloodflow to the penis” methods so I knew if increasing bloodflow methods weren’t enough then there was one other explanation. Low free test and elevated estradiol.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Last edited by sed26 : 09-12-2012 at .

I get nocturnal erection but very rarely morning wood but these is cause I was dumb and used steroids couple of times and last time was a long cycle .

My test free and total is good is just the lh that’s bothering me now and causing major anxietys. My libido is good I don’t feel fatigued or not motivated . I don’t know why that is high . My erections sometime feel week specially when I’m thinking about these .

Current 8 bpel /7.25 nbp 6.25 eg .

Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney.

I get nocturnal erections when I take nitric oxide daily(citrulline since it has a long half-life) but the erections are the same strength as when I stimulate them myself. Morning wood is another story. I don’t get those and even on a sexual enhancer I got one for the first time last week because the ingredients was still in me. Just that one time. It was the type that I had to wait 5mins for it to start going down. But I can attain a 7 sometimes 8 EQ if I try to get an erection while sitting but if I stand and try to get one it gets to maybe a 5-6 out of 10 on the hardness scale. I pretty much have all the symptoms of low T despite having normal total T. Like I said before my strength gains are the only thing unaffected but my workouts and recovery suffers tremendously.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

I wad fine prior to aas use I just hope that reading on the lh was effected cause of the nolvadex 2 weeks prior.

How is your libido ? Mine is fine is the anxiety I think effecting my erections.

Current 8 bpel /7.25 nbp 6.25 eg .

Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney.

Libido is lower. I still crave sex but once I have sex with my girl it’s like I’m satisfied after that. Before all these signs we were going 3 times a day and I could’ve went more. I used to get an erection 5 mins after sex now the recovery time is noticably longer.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Haven’t read the whole thread and there is a lot of bad advice about the OTC supplements in here like they are going to fix you. At 22, your total test shouldn’t really be 585, it should be towards the top of the range. Does that happen in some individuals? Yes and they feel great, but it is rare. I could help more if you would post the results, and the ranges, all in a straight line down the screen.

By the way, I am 23 and on HRT. I have researched this shit for over 6 years.

Is your prolactin level high now or was that on prior tests?

If so, this is what you and your doctors needs to adress, not starting TRT and masking the real problem. Many people start TRT prematurely out of ignorance. Low testosterone can be a symptom, not a cause per se.

Prolactin - Wikipedia

"Prolactin provides the body with sexual gratification after sexual acts: The hormone counteracts the effect of dopamine, which is responsible for sexual arousal. This is thought to cause the sexual refractory period. The amount of prolactin can be an indicator for the amount of sexual satisfaction and relaxation. Unusually high amounts are suspected to be responsible for impotence and loss of libido (see hyperprolactinemia symptoms).

Highly elevated levels of prolactin decrease the levels of sex hormones — estrogen in women and testosterone in men.[6] The effects of mildly elevated levels of prolactin are much more variable, in women both substantial increase or decrease of estrogen levels may result."

Hyperprolactinaemia - Wikipedia

"Hyperprolactinaemia may be caused by either disinhibition (e.g., compression of the pituitary stalk or reduced dopamine levels) or excess production from a prolactinoma (a pituitary gland adenoma tumour)."

You may need an MRI.

There is nothing wrong with HRT if it`s needed, but make sure you actually need it first.

Good luck and keep us posted!

Thanks for the info Ren. It’s high now. This was my first ever hormone panel.

I’m at school and my test results are at home and I will be sure to post them sometime around the 19th when I go home for my appointment. I forgot to bring them I had intentions on doing so but it slipped my mind. May I ask what caused you to need HRT and have you been on it for 6 years?

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Been educating myself on HRT and TRT before my visit. I’m not expecting the dr to know too much as most guys on the TRT/HRT says they knew more than their dr and had to educate them. Sort of be a guinea pig until finally the dr reads enough about it to know what to do. I definitely don’t want to go the guinea pig route so hopefully my endocrinologist is well informed about this. A roller coaster ride is something that I definitely don’t need. I go home tomorrow so I will post my results and what happens at my visit.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Try and get on 200 mg a week. Shots need to be weekly at least. Blood test in 2-3 weeks to check your levels and make sure E2 (estradiol) is not too high.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Try and get on 200 mg a week. Shots need to be weekly at least. Blood test in 2-3 weeks to check your levels and make sure E2 (estradiol) is not too high.

The weekly shot thing is the first thing I was going to bring up. I’ve heard way too many stories about guys crashing hard on a bi weekly shot after like day 8-10. I’m expecting it to be HCG since I want to preserve my fertility. Do I have to ask them if I could give myself the shot? I don’t have the money to keep traveling back and forth for a shot. I’m also worried about them not prescribing an anti E. My estradiol was 103 at my last test so the last thing I need is HCG only which would probably raise my E even more.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Do the shot yourself. Pretty sissy and time consuming to have those clowns do it every week. You need to REFUSE if this doctor says every 2 weeks. Ideally, you would do 100 mg twice a week, my days are monday and thursday. If you want to do the HCG thing that’s all on you I have nothing to add. It definitely raises E2, so the first thing you need to demand (see what I did there? Do not ask, bring in literature suggesting proof of its necessity) is Arimidex. Do not get carried away with it. If my memory serves me correct, .5 mg twice a week is enough. The half life is 5 days.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Do the shot yourself. Pretty sissy and time consuming to have those clowns do it every week. You need to REFUSE if this doctor says every 2 weeks. Ideally, you would do 100 mg twice a week, my days are monday and thursday. If you want to do the HCG thing that’s all on you I have nothing to add. It definitely raises E2, so the first thing you need to demand (see what I did there? Do not ask, bring in literature suggesting proof of its necessity) is Arimidex. Do not get carried away with it. If my memory serves me correct, .5 mg twice a week is enough. The half life is 5 days.

Are you on the type of HRT to preserve fertility? What are you on?

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75


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