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ED questions

ED problem

Hello everyone,
Thanks for the posts. As some of you may recall, I was suffering from ED for the past couple of weeks. These days I have seen the condition to be improving but I still don’t know what the cause was, psychological or physiological? In the meantime I have stopped all PE exercises (for 8 days so far) including kegels (from yesterday) and will abstain from ejaculation for a week. In the past week I couldn’t manage an abstinence of ejacualtion for a whole week because of the “experiments” I was conducting on myself to determine the cause of my ED.

My erections have gotten stronger than before and I could get a partial erection at just by thinking of a girl but in order to get a full erection, I had to gently massage the penis. The problem with the top part being heavier is still there (I feel so) as I think the muscles at the base are not strong enough to support the weight especially when I stand up during an erection. I don’t know, it could be psychological as well because just as I check out my erection in the mirror, it goes limp. Also I have noticed that the slight downward curvature goes away when the penis is fully erect. My questions are:

1) Are morning erections affected as a result of frequent ejaculations especially closer to bedtime?

2) What do you think are the reasons for not maintaining a full erection without massaging the penis?

3) Will the effects of jelq, especially girth increases go away over time? If it does then will the penis girth reach its original size? It does seem to be getting skinnier, but that could be because of the masturbation!

4) Do you think there could be a restriction in blood flow because initially I thought the curvature could be restricting the flow of blood but the penis more or less straightens out during a full erection and the coldness at the tip has gone away as well so I think blood circulation is ok.

5) Having said all this, what do you think is the reason for the ED? Psychological or physiological like a damage caused by improper jelqing perhaps.

Sorry for a long post but this basically summarizes the problems I’ve been facing. All replies will be appreciated.


Last edited by avocet8 : 10-25-2002 at .

Sean asked:
1) Are morning erections affected as a result of frequent ejaculations especially closer to bedtime?

For some reason, nocturnal erections often occur more frequently after having ejaculated at any time during the previous waking period.

2) What do you think are the reasons for not maintaining a full erection without massaging the penis?

Actually, that sounds pretty normal to me. I’ll often get a partial at some sexual thought, rather than a diamond cutter.

3) Will the effects of jelq, especially girth increases go away over time? If it does then will the penis girth reach its original size? It does seem to be getting skinnier, but that could be because of the masturbation!

From reading past posts here and elsewhere, the consensus seems to be that most guys don’t lose a substantial percentage of their gains after laying off PE for awhile.

4) Do you think there could be a restriction in blood flow because initially I thought the curvature could be restricting the flow of blood but the penis more or less straightens out during a full erection and the coldness at the tip has gone away as well so I think blood circulation is ok.

5) Having said all this, what do you think is the reason for the ED? Psychological or physiological like a damage caused by improper jelqing perhaps.

If the ED came on you suddenly, odds are that it’s either a result of some damage from over-working or it’s something going on in your head, or both. Organically based ED, except that caused by drug use or prescribed medications, is usually pretty gradual, like over months.

PS: I changed the title of your post, since what you wrote doesn’t address ejaculation control.



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