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Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation

Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation

I have not had sex in a year because there is no point. I have both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. I actually didn’t masturbate for 8 days before the last lay I had so that I would have less trouble getting hard. Of course The small penis is bad enough (and I doubt the routine will ever add anything) but if it was just that I could stick with girls who do not have much choice until I get a larger penis if that ever happens. Kegels and PC muscle I am skeptical of since when masturbating it actually speeds up ejaculation rather than stops it. I am 22 and watching what is left of my young years waste away, sure there are things other than sex but I have to do them with the thought of other people my age and a lot younger than me doing these things AND enjoying sex while I don’t. I read the thread “Kegel - the secret revealed ” and it was useless as I couldn’t pinpoint this muscle they were on about (I am not the only one in that thread).

The premature ejaculation is not psychological since I cannot last long simulating sex with my hand and lube either. It is a matter of seconds, on a fully erect penis I will last only a few full thrusts. The erectile dysfunction I’m not sure of but I often find it difficult to get an erection alone also. I could take Cialis to get an erection but first of all I don’t know where to get it and wouldn’t want anyone to know I’m taking it. Where I get my medicine the pharmacist looks behind the counter where there is a wall of medicines, takes the medicine and I sign some stuff and he puts it in a bag. It is so public….

Are men all supposed to get “morning wood”? Because I never wake up with an erection. Basically I can’t get hard without a lot of hand stimulation and porn, or if I was to go perhaps 3-4 weeks without any masturbating, in which case I would be able to get close to an erection.

In fact I just tested that to find out. I have not masturbated since about 22 hours. It took from about 00:25:03 until 00:31:50 to get close to a full erection. I was using porn and my hand. I couldn’t get to a 100% erection. I could get very close but simultaneously went close to ejaculation and I am holding off on that for my routine. Actually while I am typing that it is 00:38 and I have just about a full erection although since I finished this sentence it has gone to 60-70%.

My question is, who on this board has had the same problems? What solved them?

What routine are you doing right now?

Have you talked to a doctor?

Kegels help but I find the trick is to not kegel during sex at all unless cum is coming out and I need to hold it back in, if I kegel while thrusting it makes me get off immediately. Are you addicted to porn? I started getting bad EQ and knew it wasn’t from PE since I was on a hiatus, I gave up looking at arousing images and I regained my man hood, I also developed premature ejaculation (not as bad as you have) and it went away after I could always keep my penis hard. It is like struggling to keep it up and then thrusting like crazy to get it back up would cause me to get off prematurely.

What is your measurements at currently?

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

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