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Fleshlight Or Stroker For Stamina

Fleshlight Or Stroker For Stamina

I was wondering if any forum members use, or have used, a Fleshlight or other stroker for stamina / sex training to help them be the best performer while having sex?

If so, do you have a routine and frequency?


I have a fleshlight and it pretty fantastic. Definitely helps with stamina training. Check out autoblow A.I.

Haven’t tried it, but I think it looks like a winner.

Look ma, no hands! Ok maybe not look “ma”.Step Ma aka Brandi Love

Originally Posted by idunnowhy
I have a fleshlight and it pretty fantastic. Definitely helps with stamina training. Check out autoblow A.I.

Haven’t tried it, but I think it looks like a winner.

Look ma, no hands! Ok maybe not look “ma”.Step Ma aka Brandi Love

Do you have a routine you use to practice better stamina?

Start: BPEL - 5.7/5.9" (14.5-15cm) MSEG: 4.7" (12cm)

Current: BPEL - 18.5cm/7.3” | MSEG - 13.3/13.4cm/5.23”-5.27”

Goal: NBPEL - 18.5-19cm/7.3-7.5" x MSEG 14-14.5cm/5.5-5.7" | Current and previous progress threads Happypill's size & happiness journey | Happypill's journey |

Honestly not really a specific routine. I do weighted kegels (there’s a small example on my progress picture thread) and periodically do edging with the fleshlight. Super slow and controlled, back off as soon as starts feeling too close. Work up to faster and closer to point of no return. It definitely takes patience and focus.

I’m ordering my Fleshlight, so many options… any suggestions or just take the standard version…. I want a manual one to start out. Thanks,


Originally Posted by P_h_i_l
I’m ordering my Fleshlight, so many options… any suggestions or just take the standard version…. I want a manual one to start out. Thanks,


I would recommend the stamina training unit. Not sure if they have them where you live but it has a golden outer casing if you’re going to look for it. It’s literally made for training stamina, I’ve got one myself and when I first bought it I used it for the purpose of better my stamina. I could see good results after just a couple of weeks. I intend to start using it again and implement it in my routine.

Start: BPEL - 5.7/5.9" (14.5-15cm) MSEG: 4.7" (12cm)

Current: BPEL - 18.5cm/7.3” | MSEG - 13.3/13.4cm/5.23”-5.27”

Goal: NBPEL - 18.5-19cm/7.3-7.5" x MSEG 14-14.5cm/5.5-5.7" | Current and previous progress threads Happypill's size & happiness journey | Happypill's journey |

I’ve tried the fleshlight and a stroker. I prefer the realistic masturbators and currently use one for edging and stamina training (this is how I’m able to measure erect gains too). On a trip to purchase lube and rings, the clerk showed me a new machine that has suction selling for about $200 USD. I’m not ready to change anything here though.

Start: BPEL: 7” MSEG: 5" | Current: BPEL: 8.25” MSEG: 5.75" | Goal: BPEL: 8.5” MSEG: 6"

1st Goal: 7.5" x 5.5" | Achieved: 01/15/2021 | 2nd Goal: 8.25 x 5.75 | Achieved: 05/19/2021

Progress Pics: Road to 8x6 | My Log: Daros PE Notes and Progress Reports | Routine: Hanging with FIRe

I’ll look for the gold outer casing. I think I’ve seen that before. Thanks for the tip! Want to be really good for my partners and hope this will add to my stamina 👍🏻


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