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Problems with erection when using fleshlight

Problems with erection when using fleshlight

I bought one to cure death grip syndrome, but I just don’t always get very good erection when I’m about use this - is this something to worry about? I can get erection easily when wanking, but with this device my erection levels vary a lot, sometimes it’s 95-100%, sometimes only like 50%. I usually start with at least on ok erection, but don’t maintain it.

It might have something to do with lubes, since I had the same problem when I tried wet jelqing - I just didn’t maintain erection very long whenever I used lube.

My foreskin is also little tight and I can use fleshlight properly only when fully or almost fully erect, but when it gets softer, foreskin slips behind the head and prevents from gaining erection back easily. I can eventually get erection back enough to blow inside fleshlight, but still something prevents me from getting and keeping good erection with fleshlight.

One difference is that I’m farther from my computer when I use fleshlight and therefore not so close to porn. Also, wanking for me is spontaneous, I just see something in the net and start wanking, but with fleshlight it isn’t so spontaneous and that seems to be why I don’t get full erection, because all the preparations and thinking about it. I’m usually to 100% erect when I start preparing fleshlight, when it’s prepared and I’m lubed, I’m not 100% erect anymore.

But I’m not actually 100% sure if I’m fully erect when I wank. I wank often and it’s easier wank with hand when it’s not fully erect.

I have similar concerns to yourself. I’ve never used a fleshlight but I know what you’re saying.I’m concerned about my EQ too. I’m not certain whether they are hard enough for penetration.

Try cutting down on masturbation and cutting out porn completely.

Start: (Aug 2001): 6 1/2 bpel x 4 7/8 mseg

Current: (6/24/14): 7 3/4 bpel (7 nbp) x 5 5/8 mseg. BEG 6 1/4. BPFSL 8 1/8.

Goals: First: 7 1/2 bpel x 5 1/2 mseg ACHIEVED! Current Goal: 7 nbp x 5 3/4 mseg (almost there!)

Originally Posted by WantToBeThick
Try cutting down on masturbation and cutting out porn completely.

You really ask a lot, but I’ll try. Cutting down wanking would cut down porn too, though, because wanking is the only reason I watch porn. But I can probably reduce wanking significantly from my normal 5-8 times (I think) a day routine.

BTW, is stopping hand wanking completely really so recommendable than some sites claim?

Stop masturbating for 2 weeks. No Porn either. And the results will speak for themselves. You may not be back to your 100% state of when you were 15 LOL in just the 2 weeks. But you will gain an insight to what it will do for you. And you manage your masturbation habits much better from there. Porn cause extremely serious and mentally debilitating issues with people.

I agree with maverick. Your EQ is low now because you’ve been masturbating too much. Taking time off will make you so horny your EQ will skyrocket.

Best of luck to all fellow PE-ers in their journey.

Is fleshlight banned also?

Yes fleshlight is masturbation

Best of luck to all fellow PE-ers in their journey.

Originally Posted by 2small4pussy
Is fleshlight banned also?

If your point is to get and stay erect for the fleshlight then I would say to only do fleshlight, but if your real goal is to actually have sex with someone else, then cut that out too.

Start: (Aug 2001): 6 1/2 bpel x 4 7/8 mseg

Current: (6/24/14): 7 3/4 bpel (7 nbp) x 5 5/8 mseg. BEG 6 1/4. BPFSL 8 1/8.

Goals: First: 7 1/2 bpel x 5 1/2 mseg ACHIEVED! Current Goal: 7 nbp x 5 3/4 mseg (almost there!)

I don’t use fleshlight even nearly as often as I wank. Not even once a day so far.

Where’s actually the line something becomes porn? Is watching naked woman posing only already porn?

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