Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Erection problems at 23


Erection problems at 23

Hey, I used to come to this site a few years ago and disregarding my gains, here is an issue:

When I first started getting intimate with girls, I thought that I was just nervous and stuff. But now, I am realizing that i cannot get super hard or even stay hard for very long time. This sucks cause I am only 23! I also have a friend who is 21 who also revealed to me that when he had sex with 2 women (not at the same time ;) ) he would lose the erection after like 5 min.

In my case, I lose the erection even after putting on the condom. It’s almost as if I don’t get super aroused from a girl touching me like I figure I should. What do you guys think is the problem? The girl I am with now is my long term relationship and I care about her so no reason for emotional stuff to be causing problems.

Do you think I am too young for viagra?


I am building a weapon of ass destruction!

What scares me even more, now that I think about it, is thinking that maybe PE caused this. I am planing to see a doctor within the next few days in either case.

I am building a weapon of ass destruction!

I am young (21) and have used viagra and cialis for a few years for various reasons such as a PE aid and for a little extra insurance, although I have never failed to get a good erection. I don’t think you are too young to use it and I assume your doctor will recommend it. If s/he doesn’t, you can definately find one that will.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

Yeah I think PE has actually given a lot of young guys ED problems, which sucks.

If you damaged something from PE and Viagra works, for some reason this would lead me to believe that you did not damage anything. At your age, it sounds more like a matter of mind over meat. The first time you can’t get it up with a girl makes you think about it the next time you hook up and the chain reaction starts to build.

I like to treat my body like I would like a mechanic to treat my car. If my car begins to run rough, I would like my mechanic to try changing the spark plugs or adjust the timing before making the decision to perform a total rebuild. How about trying a vitamin (actually an amino acid) like L-Arginine first. It’s cheaper, doesn’t require a prescription, and it’s natural. I used some to supplement my weight training and had the welcome side effect of harder erections.

Ken Z

I have noticed a correlation with the intensity/frequency of my PE workouts and losing erections after a short while.

I did gain pretty aggressively over my first 4 months of PE. Early on, I had the benefit of extremely rigid hard-ons but that quickly went away as I rapidly gained length. In fact, I had some problems every now and then of losing my erection part way through intercourse. Not good for me or my wife. My erections did get back to normal towards the end of each of the two breaks that I took (2 weeks each time).

Also, my erections benefited by taking supplements — L-arginine and Korean Ginseng. I am just now adding zinc and DHEA, too. However, the breaks improved my erection quality much more than the supplements.

I don’t know if my observations are valid nor if they apply to other individuals. However, I think if I took PE a little slower and more gradual, I might get back to that early state where I got both benefits of increasing size and steely hard-ons. Some here at thunder’s, like commanderblop, take that more gradual and sensible approach to PE.

04/05: BP 5-5/8" x 5-5/8"....08/05: BP 6-15/16" x 6".....09/05 - 11/05: Break........11/05: BP 6-7/8" x 6"....01/06: BP 7" x 6-1/8"

3/06: BP 7-1/8" x 6-1/4".....5/06: BP 7-1/4" x 6-1/4".....6/09: 7-3/8" x 6-1/4".......Goal: BP 8-1/2" x 6-1/2" or until I completely fill my wife

This might help…

If you smoke, Quit.
If you use cannabis, Quit.
Sleep more.
Eat regular healthy meals.
Watch less porn.
Do kegels.
Take some Omega 3 and 6.

For me these things made a HUGE difference in erections, really HUGE. The Omega 3 and 6 raised my libido through the roof.

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

Hmm.. I’ll cut back on the porn, too.

04/05: BP 5-5/8" x 5-5/8"....08/05: BP 6-15/16" x 6".....09/05 - 11/05: Break........11/05: BP 6-7/8" x 6"....01/06: BP 7" x 6-1/8"

3/06: BP 7-1/8" x 6-1/4".....5/06: BP 7-1/4" x 6-1/4".....6/09: 7-3/8" x 6-1/4".......Goal: BP 8-1/2" x 6-1/2" or until I completely fill my wife


I have one question. Can you get hard and stay hard for example when watching porn or thinking about something sexually stimulating? If yes then the whole thing is in your head. Maybe you are dating girls who aren’t sexually appealing to you.

If the answer is no then you have to see a doctor.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

When my wife loosed weight about 12 pounds and shaved her pussy really good looking I felt like a teen again.

I was continuously horny and wanted to make love to her.

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

Originally Posted by lexx
What scares me even more, now that I think about it, is thinking that maybe PE caused this. I am planing to see a doctor within the next few days in either case.

Hey man, you must cut off the porn. And even masturbation, just once in a while. The “problem” is in your head. And also cut back from PE for a while, see what happens.

Ask yourself this honestly: are you nervous that you not will satisfy her?

I had problems with my erection (when putting on a condom) some years ago, but that went away after some events in the bed. My problem was that I thought too much (I.e. Will she enjoy it, do I do the right thing etc) and that could interfere with the sex.

So what I did was that I forced me to think that It didn’t matter, and then my willy flew up like a rocket.

Gone cementing - Started (2005): 7.25 NBPEL 5.7 EGMS. 5 years later (2010): 8.25 NBPEL 6.3 EGMS. 8 years later, 3 years with no PE (2013): 8.1 NBPEL 5.9 EGMS

Originally Posted by sparky91

I have one question. Can you get hard and stay hard for example when watching porn or thinking about something sexually stimulating? If yes then the whole thing is in your head.

Good point.

I had a similar problem a few weeks ago actually and instead of looking for what caused your problem you need to find a solution. I am almost sure it is all in your head as was my problem, this is where the power of the “I am…” statement comes into play. The more you tell your self you are something the more you will believe it and your statement will become true assuming it’s something feasible. You need to be constantly thinking “I am a sex machine. I am a stud. Chicks dig me.” Whenever you get a doubt in your head remember it’s a lie because you are a sex machine! Most everything in life is a battle of the mind and there is two sides. There is the negative self talk that most people partake in and then there is the positive self talk that few people ever do. Oddly enough if you learn to shut Mr. Negative up and only listen to Mr. Positive then not only will you fix your problems in the bedroom but you will also become successful in other areas of your life as well. Self talk is the little thing that makes the big difference.


The only dumb question, is the question not asked. Goals: 7" Long not bone pressed 6" Girth

Originally Posted by Swensk
Ask yourself this honestly: are you nervous that you not will satisfy her?

I had problems with my erection (when putting on a condom) some years ago, but that went away after some events in the bed. My problem was that I thought too much (I.e. Will she enjoy it, do I do the right thing etc) and that could interfere with the sex.

So what I did was that I forced me to think that It didn’t matter, and then my willy flew up like a rocket.

Swensk is right, for my experiences at least. When I first started having sex with my girlfriend, I was a bit nervous about if I’d make it feel good enough for her or not. I felt like I had to be a sex god because she hadn’t had as much experience as I had. After disappointing myself (and my girlfriend I’m sure) many times, things started getting better after I started thinking differently. I needed to stop worrying about things and just have fun. Being more dominate and maybe a little aggressive in bed helps me a lot. Like SWW007 said, tell yourself stuff like “I’m an awesome sex machine” or whatever. It might sound big-headed and stupid, but it really works. Also I’ve noticed I preform better when I’m not stressed and after taking a dump..

Another option would be to just get some prescription Viagra from your doc. However, your confidence will be coming from a little blue pill and not yourself. I could see someone becoming super dependent on the medication. Although, I’d like to try it in my life just for the fun of it. I wonder what a four hour long erection would feel like.. Hah

Hope your problem is in your head and not something physical.

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