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Erection problems at 23

Thanks for all the replies guys… I guess I will talk to the doc first and see what the best solution is before taking on anything too radical. To answer one of your questions, no I cannot stay hard even while watching porn. In a way, porn no longer gets me excited. Even seeing a super hot girl on TV doesn’t do anything for me. (And I am not gay) I doubt the machinery is the issue since I still get very hard in the morning.

It’s almost as if I am very horny, but it’s as if I just got so used to everything that nothing gets me excited any more. Not sure if that makes sense.


I am building a weapon of ass destruction!

Originally Posted by lexx
Thanks for all the replies guys… I guess I will talk to the doc first and see what the best solution is before taking on anything too radical. To answer one of your questions, no I cannot stay hard even while watching porn. In a way, porn no longer gets me excited. Even seeing a super hot girl on TV doesn’t do anything for me. (And I am not gay) I doubt the machinery is the issue since I still get very hard in the morning.

It’s almost as if I am very horny, but it’s as if I just got so used to everything that nothing gets me excited any more. Not sure if that makes sense.


How much porno do you watch? You may be so desensitized to visual stimulation that you can’t stay hard. Porno is like hard drugs, you continually need to “up” the stimulus to get the same effect. Remember when you were young, simple pics of naked women (i.e. Playboy) would get you hard? But now, you need to see an interracial gangbang consisting of 17 pornstars, a midget, an amputee, and a donkey giving birth, just to get a boner?. At least that’s how my experience went. I stopped the porno, stopped jerking off(well, at least lowered the frequency) and sex with my girlfriend was much better. I also quit smoking which really helped.

Bpel 7" Eg 5.5" - Start Aug 25 2005 Bpel 7 3/8" Eg 5.5" - Nov 4 2005 Bpel 7 1/2" Eg 5.5" - Dec 26 2005 AKA italguy.

Originally Posted by lexx
Thanks for all the replies guys… I guess I will talk to the doc first and see what the best solution is before taking on anything too radical. To answer one of your questions, no I cannot stay hard even while watching porn. In a way, porn no longer gets me excited. Even seeing a super hot girl on TV doesn’t do anything for me. (And I am not gay) I doubt the machinery is the issue since I still get very hard in the morning.

It’s almost as if I am very horny, but it’s as if I just got so used to everything that nothing gets me excited any more. Not sure if that makes sense.


If this problem started after starting PE…then you are WAY overdoing it!

Quit all pe for about 2 weeks and see if everything comes around right again for you…I’m sure it will.

I wrote a thread on understanding your body’s reaction to pe…it’ll help to get your program on course.

Physiologic Indictors (PIs) to help growth!

Good luck, you’ll be fine.

ps cut out all the porno too! Watching porno stimulates brain chemicals…you can “wear out” those chemicals if used too much…then you won’t react normally to visual stimulation.

It will all come back to normal if you take a break.

Originally Posted by Northpole
This might help…

If you smoke, Quit.
If you use cannabis, Quit.
Sleep more.
Eat regular healthy meals.
Watch less porn.
Do kegels.
Take some Omega 3 and 6.

For me these things made a HUGE difference in erections, really HUGE. The Omega 3 and 6 raised my libido through the roof.

Hey NP,

What is your daily dosage of Omega 3’s and 6’s?

I have read ZaneBlue’s suggested dosage but wanted to hear what works for you.

Originally Posted by Toolguy
Hey NP,

What is your daily dosage of Omega 3’s and 6’s?

I have read ZaneBlue’s suggested dosage but wanted to hear what works for you.

I found this perfect nutrition oil that has 20% Omega 6 and 10% omega 3, 60% 1 non saturated fat etc. Vitamin E 31mg/100g
And it is cheap in Finland. I don`t know if you have it there. Don`t know what the plant is in English, yellow small flowers growing on fields.
It is Rypsi in Finnish :)
I over dose with this for sure, I take 3-5 tablespoons ed, 45-75ml. One tablespoon contains already 40% of the daily E-vitamin.

About +5g Omega3, and +10g of Omega6.

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

I had replied to this thread yesterday and it seems to have been removed??

Anyway I basically said that you should get everything medically checked out before assuming the worst that your PE has caused you damaged.

I have had thyroid problems for the past 5yrs. In 2000 it started out as hyper thyroid. The doc eventually burnt out my gland completely with Iodine and I reversed to hypo thyroid for about 4 months until I could take the replacement hormone.

I also suffered from extreme anxiety which eventually caused me to be cold all the time and as a result caused permanent shrinkage until I had the anxiety treated with medication.

I’ve also been a cock pumper for 10yrs as I thought I had hurt myself as well.

But now that everything chemically is properly balanced once again, I’ve resumed my pumping and I’ve never had better erections that have been long lasting and rock hard.

I’ve even regained the permanent size I had lost from my anxiety that I had originally gained from pumping.

I also recommend taking Liquid Flax Seed Oil as it contains the EFA’s
Omega-3 and Omega-6 which our body’s need to make testosterone

My cock has also never been harder or stronger prior to taking flax seed oil as it helps improve blood flow.

Anyway I hope I’ve been of some help.

You are gay hehe

Originally Posted by The Cucumber King
How much porno do you watch? You may be so desensitized to visual stimulation that you can’t stay hard. Porno is like hard drugs, you continually need to “up” the stimulus to get the same effect. Remember when you were young, simple pics of naked women (i.e. Playboy) would get you hard? But now, you need to see an interracial gangbang consisting of 17 pornstars, a midget, an amputee, and a donkey giving birth, just to get a boner?. At least that’s how my experience went. I stopped the porno, stopped jerking off(well, at least lowered the frequency) and sex with my girlfriend was much better. I also quit smoking which really helped.

Same with me.

I also noticed that after I saw a porn movie/scene I’ve seen before, I wouldn’t be as stimulated. But when I got a new clip or movie, I’d get really hard really fast again

I’m cutting back my porno viewing to only twice a week - once to let a load out and once to do some edging.

lexx: I would also try some cardio exercise. At least 3 times a week should be good. Short time, but high intensity.

Also, squats and leg presses are supposed to help increase testosterone so give that a try too.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

I have had some ED problems in the past and I’m only 24.

I did a lot of research and I would agree with most of the guys. It is likely to be mainly psychological.

It was in my case and I cured myself by following 2 rules: less porn, eat well.

You don’t necessarily mean to take supplements. Your body is (99% of the times) capable of getting everything it needs from a reasonably balanced diet.

I did take cialis a couple of times just to see if I had an advanced form of Peyronie’s disease (seemingly one of the few cases in which ed is very difficult to cure) and always reminding myself that it does give an addiction (psychological but still an addiction).

I’m sure you’ll get better.

I had a similar problem, I am 24. For me, it was watching porn. I don’t watch any porn anymore and I have no problems with erections now. I do not walk with a boner like a 17 year old, but it is enough to have a nice hour with my girl.

No dick is as hard as life.

I too also have the same problems. I’m 19 and have hashimotos disease, basically my autoimmune system attacks my thyroid gland, and it is now no longer functional. Your thyroid is what produces a chemical that helps break down the food you eat into energy. I have been on the synthetic hormone for almost 3 years and I have been prior and still today, have very weak erections. Even the thought of a hot girl won’t get it up. She has to be really super hot, then it will get erect, but only will last for a very short time. I also don’t have doubts about myself. Still I think the problem is with my thyroid, somehow causing my energy level to go down, causing my testosterone to go down, causing my erection to go down. And I also for a short period of time went down on her.. And then down depression road..

But to be on the same page as everyone I think this is a sign of a testosterone problem. There is no reason why a 19 year old like me should have ED unless you whack it constantly, stretch it or pull or anything to cause damage to your goods. But my goods not damaged at least I don’t think.. Like I said the problem was prior. I’m doing better now, with all the forum help, but It’s still weak and my desire, Key word “Desire” has faded.. I’m still horny, but the desire to get it has faded.

So I’m going to try some Tonkat Ali, a testosterone booster..

That’s about all I have to say- and I’ll let you fellow forum bretherin know what happens.

Let me know what you think..


Hey, I am a few years older than you, but still in my twenties, and I’ve also had the same problem. For me, the problem is psychological. When I first started having sex when I was twenty, I would get so nervous that I couldn’t perform. Now, several years later, I have a lot more experience behind me, but that nervousness is still with me sometimes, especially with a new girl that I’m hoping to please. I’ll get so worked up that I’m no longer “in the moment,” and instead of enjoying the sex, my mind will be obsessing over things like “is my unit erect? Am I hard enough? Am I going soft? Am I going to be able to perform? Am I going to lose this erection after I enter her?” I think the key thing is to take a few deep breaths, maybe take a break from even trying to have intercourse, and to just thoroughly enjoy the moment without trying so hard. Tell yourself that you’re NOT going to screw with her, and just enjoy the foreplay. That sometimes works for me. Also, I agree with everybody else about cutting out the porn and reducing the amount you masturbate, especially if you’re anticipating being with her within the next twenty-four hours.

I am 20 and I have had these problems as well. It seems they aren’t limited to middle-aged men.

Any man should know that if they can have erection when masturbating, everything is ok, its just their minds that plays tricks on them.


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