Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

For young guys with erection problems - Scienceguy's method

Originally Posted by Tossed Salad
It’s funny with all these psychological ED threads that nobody ever consider they might be a closet case homosexual or even bisexual. :)

As a matter of fact, I’ve considered this on more than one occasion! But now I’m pretty sure the biggest thing was the porn. I wasn’t even that excessively into it, but I think my brain was just wired to think sex was supposed to be a Brazzer video every time.

Ahh… I remember the days of Brazzer videos. I’m on a porn detox so I cannot relive those anymore. Makes me think of Bangbus too.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

Originally Posted by WetMayo
Ahh… I remember the days of Brazzer videos. I’m on a porn detox so I cannot relive those anymore. Makes me think of Bangbus too.

Once upon a time there was Assparade.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Wanted to start a new thread for this, but was foiled by newbie requirements:

About me: I’m 25. I’m in pretty good, but not incredible shape (work out 3-4x a week, around 11% body fat). I don’t smoke and drink in moderation (generally around a drink or two a week, with maybe 10-12 on a heavy, vacation-like week). I avoid processed foods for the most part.

I have days or weeks at a time when ED strikes. It varies in severity, ranging from only getting hard when I’m on the verge of coming (followed by a weak orgasm) to getting very, very weak erections that would not facilitate penetration. Originally I thought it was just nerves since this kind of thing only came up when I became sexually active, but more recently I’m starting to think it there might be a physical component to it as well. When I’m in one of my “phases,” I also don’t wake up with morning wood, and it afflicts me during masturbation/porn when “nerves” aren’t an issue. There will also be weeks at a time when I am a raging bull with excellent erection quality with the ability to stay hard for hours. I had that two weeks ago, and now I’m unable to get hard without any significant swings in mood or general circumstances.

Various other notes:
- I have some history of urinary incontinence. I used to wet the bed until I was around 11. A few times a year I come very close to pissing my pants when I am suddenly and unexpected struck with the urge to pee (not the usual slow build, but kind of pounces on me out of nowhere).

- I mentioned it to a doctor about a year ago at a check-up. She had me run a couple urine tests. The first one she mentioned my mucous levels seemed a bit elevated, possibly a sign of mild prostasis, and she had me do a second urine analysis. That one came back normal and she said she wouldn’t be too concerned. I have not seen a urologist for unrelated reasons (I am thinking of becoming a military officer and would rather that stuff not be on my more recent medical records).

- There is a history of diabetes on the dad’s side of the family (grandmother, one of my aunts), but tests in the past (most recent one was probably a year or so ago) came back normal.

- I do kegels on-and-off and it seems sometimes like it gets worse when I do them, but I’m not 100% sure about it. They should help EQ, not the opposite right?

- I’ve had something like an on-off porn addiction for a while. I’ve gone cold turkey the past week or so and would really like to ween myself off it entirely.

- I don’t think testosterone levels or anything like that are an issue, because I have no problems working out, gaining muscle, etc.

- I do have some mental fear of ED, but only when it’s actually happening and think it’s more an effect than a cause of the ED. I’m quite confident as a lover when I’m in “raging bull” mode, but markedly less so when erection quality is down or nonexistent. I do think nerves are an issue the first time I sleep with a girl, but not subsequently.

- Very much against pharma drug intervention, would rather sort out root cause than deal with symptoms.

This problem is one of the reasons I’m reluctant to try PE exercises, because I am petrified of making the problems worse. I’ve been looking at various possibilities (prostate trigger points, venous leak, pelvis floor dysfunction, who knows what else), but it’s hard to attack an issue when you don’t what the root cause is. Hoping someone has had similar experiences and any advice to offer me. Any thoughts or insight?

Originally Posted by 1985nomad
Hoping someone has had similar experiences and any advice to offer me. Any thoughts or insight?

Hey man, good post, and nice job writing out the details. Your situation really sounds like mine - especially about having a sort of “cycle” to this and to feeling like a “bull” for weeks at a time. In my case, I ended up figuring out that those “bull” times coincided with not watching much porn or masturbating much. Perhaps you will find the same if you look for it.

I didn’t have a family history of diabetes, nor did I have elevated mucous levels or anything. But all of your symptoms sounds similar to mine.

I think giving up the porn is an excellent move. Once you get used to it, you really don’t even notice anymore. Also, try some of that stuff I mentioned like trying to have sex in the morning. Even if you don’t wake up with morning wood, I think it will be much easier to stimulate yourself to erection than at other times of the day.

I really understand the reluctance to use pills. But I think using them briefly, even just one pill one time, could really give you the boost you need to become a full-time bull if you couple that with kegels, jelqing, and lack of porn.

I'm a disciple of science.

Great post science guy, I will definitely give your methods a try.

I have had psycho-ED strike on 2 different times in the recent past: one of them was a 3-some situation with 2 chicks. Needless to say, I was extremely distressed over this (despite the fact that these hoes were kinda broke, LOL).

Question: I incorporate 1-hour+ of pumping into my regiment every day. Any suggestions on how to stay hard/keep blood in the penis with no porn? I always watch porn when I pump.

Hey Hunglow, I think I remember reading about your ED experience in the 3-some (you started a thread about it once call something like “ED at the worst time” right?). You were even drunk during that experience too, right? And you didn’t find the women very attractive if I remember correctly.

Anyway, about the pumping - I know a lot of guys think that having an erection being important during pumping. I think Big Girtha once wrote about the idea of including some sort of vibrating beads in the tube during the process.

Personally, I stopped most of my pumping because it was just filling my dick with fluid and reducing my EQ. I think the problem most guys have with keeping an erection in the tube is that they need manual stimulation, not necessarily mental/visual stimulation. For example, in my opinion, having an erection while clamping is important (some will dispute this). But now that I am detoxed from porn, I find it easy to think up an erection with manual stimulation since my dick is of course readily accessible during the clamping session.

Keeping it up in the tube is a whole other story that I just don’t have a good answer to. Personally, I think having a natural, physiologic erection in the tube is not important since the vacuum is keeping the erection for you. But like I said, I haven’t been pumping much lately, and I’m probably the wrong person to ask about anything pumping-related.

I'm a disciple of science.

Originally Posted by scienceguy106
Hey man, good post, and nice job writing out the details. Your situation really sounds like mine - especially about having a sort of “cycle” to this and to feeling like a “bull” for weeks at a time. In my case, I ended up figuring out that those “bull” times coincided with not watching much porn or masturbating much. Perhaps you will find the same if you look for it.

I didn’t have a family history of diabetes, nor did I have elevated mucous levels or anything. But all of your symptoms sounds similar to mine.

I think giving up the porn is an excellent move. Once you get used to it, you really don’t even notice anymore. Also, try some of that stuff I mentioned like trying to have sex in the morning. Even if you don’t wake up with morning wood, I think it will be much easier to stimulate yourself to erection than at other times of the day.

I really understand the reluctance to use pills. But I think using them briefly, even just one pill one time, could really give you the boost you need to become a full-time bull if you couple that with kegels, jelqing, and lack of porn.

There’s no (obvious) correlation between my porn usage and ED issues. I’ve had times when I’m jacking three times a day with porn and raging hard-ons and I’ve had times I’ve gone weeks without porn but been unable to sustain an erection. The porn thing isn’t really (at least overtly) related to ED, more more fear of becoming (or already being) desensitized to sexuality.

I believe porn desensitizes people. Let us be honest, what you see in porn is probably not going to happen in our real life, but it is a turn on. Sometimes it will, but that is just sometimes. Those dudes with the big cocks will also fuck with your minds as well when it comes to doing the deed with a female. I don’t watch porn because it is just a mutual thing between 2 business people doing it for pay. Although when I was younger before marriage, I did experience some good nasty sex, but the girl was nympho and did it with every guy, because that was what she liked. I loved that bitch.

Thanks for posting this topic Scienceguy, this was exactly what I needed to read/talk about.

I’m currently trying to start something regular with a girl, and my first time was pretty bad, granted we were both really drunk. However, she called me back so I guess I did something right, haha.

Anyway, I have a lot of the same problems. When I’m first with someone I just can’t seem to get good erections. It takes a few times to where I feel comfortable with them and then erection strength usually isn’t a a problem.

One big issue though I seem to have is not staying hard all the way thru the act and sometimes having condoms slipping off. This is very embarrassing and I’m trying to stop this from happening again. One of the reasons though is my girth is average to small, so that I’m trying to increase with PE.

I had started the Newbie program back up this past week. And I told myself to keep very strict masturbation rules. Yes I stuck to them, but I ended up edging for hours nightly to porn. Which kind of defeats the purpose of trying to cut down on masturbating and porn watching. As a result I can tell my dick is kind of beat up, I was a little too hard on it last week with edging so I’ve decided to take the week off completely, no PE, no masturbating, no edging, no porn. Just hot wraps, hoping to get my dick to recover from last weeks bad week.

I’m going to see this girl again in 2 weeks so I want my unit good and ready, especially erections. My plan is to see how my dick responds in the coming days if I’m feeling better I will resume PE, but only very light jelqing & stretching. I’ll probably do some light masturbation this Thursday & Sunday (just to check my erection strength and so I don’t go crazy), but then nothing until I see her the following Saturday the 21st.

I’m hoping to get some morning wood again, seems like it’s been a while on that. Sex in the morning with a chick is always the best I think.

By the way how do you get Cialas, don’t you need a prescription for that? I would like to have something like that just as a backup plan until I feel my erections are better by themselves. I don’t plan on depending on it over the long-term.

One more thing I wanted to add is that I do kegels in my car to and from work. That is the only PE I’ll be doing this week. I’m hoping this will help with blood flow into my unit and getting it to recover.

Hey PenisMagee, sounds like you’ve got a nearly identical situation to mine, and it sounds like you’ve got a good plan for tackling this.

Are you in a long-distance situation with your girl? If so, it’s probably difficult to distract yourself thinking about other things all week and particularly the day you see her. But I think this is one area that will be key to performing well. Basically, forget your dick even exists. Forget you’ll be having sex that night. Just distract yourself in whatever way possible for as long as possible. Stay active, stay busy. That kind of stuff will get your testosterone pumping and will loosen up your mind - which is probably the biggest hindrance to getting wood when you need it. Personally, I think it wouldn’t be a bad thing if you did a little jelqing or clamping earlier in the week before seeing your girl. Just don’t do it the day before.

About the cialis - I get it from They’ve been pretty reliable so far and they have great prices. I was able to give them my real credit card info without any problem. My latest order has been a little late, but they handled it well and are sending me the order again (maybe I’ll end up getting double!).

I'm a disciple of science.

Yeah I’m working on it. It is definitely tough laying off the porn, but old habits die hard. I think I’ll view it occasionally but only soft-core, that’s down the road. Right now the hardcore stuff is the stuff I feel like I really have to get away from.

Well this is all new so far, as far as the girl so I’m not sure how that will turn out. I really like her though so we’ll see. I’ll be seeing her the next few weekends. It’s tough because she does live a few hours away. I’m looking down the road and if things end up going good between us, I will have my lease up this Fall, and can move more North of where I’m at which will cut down the distance between us by at least an hour. Also I’m considering looking at other job options too, so I could basically move anywhere. With her job she can move anywhere, and she has in the past. But that’s a lot further down the road, not sure if it will get that far. Right now just enjoying getting to know her, and looking forward to more physical contact with her, :) .

I’m working on the staying busy, it seems like I”m always busy. I need to pick up a book instead of watching porn, that is a much healthier alternative that can be productive as well. So that is another strategy I’m trying to employ. Throwing out my TV tonight, and need to start limiting myself to how much time I waste on the computer every day. Not watching TV is great, but all that time I use watch TV on I spend on the computer, which just becomes another crutch.

I hear you about not thinking about it too. I’ve been mind-fucking myself lately. My dick is still sore from last week when I beat the heck out of it. I’m hoping that this weekend’s getaway to get my open water dive certification will be just what I need to forget about my dick for awhile and just think about other things. I’m planning on camping too. As I said before I hope to do some Jelqs & stretches early in the week next week, but I have to wait it out and see how my dick feels after the weekend. If it still feels crappy, than I won’t.

Thanks for the information on the Cialis. I will order tonight, as well as some more Snuggerfit condoms, I use condom for that. Hopefully we’ll be banging like crazy next weekend.

Originally Posted by PenisMagee
Yeah I’m working on it. It is definitely tough laying off the porn, but old habits die hard. I think I’ll view it occasionally but only soft-core, that’s down the road. Right now the hardcore stuff is the stuff I feel like I really have to get away from.

Well this is all new so far, as far as the girl so I’m not sure how that will turn out. I really like her though so we’ll see. I’ll be seeing her the next few weekends. It’s tough because she does live a few hours away. I’m looking down the road and if things end up going good between us, I will have my lease up this Fall, and can move more North of where I’m at which will cut down the distance between us by at least an hour. Also I’m considering looking at other job options too, so I could basically move anywhere. With her job she can move anywhere, and she has in the past. But that’s a lot further down the road, not sure if it will get that far. Right now just enjoying getting to know her, and looking forward to more physical contact with her, :) .

I’m working on the staying busy, it seems like I”m always busy. I need to pick up a book instead of watching porn, that is a much healthier alternative that can be productive as well. So that is another strategy I’m trying to employ. Throwing out my TV tonight, and need to start limiting myself to how much time I waste on the computer every day. Not watching TV is great, but all that time I use watch TV on I spend on the computer, which just becomes another crutch.

I hear you about not thinking about it too. I’ve been mind-fucking myself lately. My dick is still sore from last week when I beat the heck out of it. I’m hoping that this weekend’s getaway to get my open water dive certification will be just what I need to forget about my dick for awhile and just think about other things. I’m planning on camping too. As I said before I hope to do some Jelqs & stretches early in the week next week, but I have to wait it out and see how my dick feels after the weekend. If it still feels crappy, than I won’t.

Thanks for the information on the Cialis. I will order tonight, as well as some more Snuggerfit condoms, I use condom for that. Hopefully we’ll be banging like crazy next weekend.

Join in the porn detox party in the porn detox thread. If it wasn’t for that thread I would’ve had a horrible relapse today. Kept me accountable. Sounds silly that I’m holding myself accountable to a few strangers on a message board, but if it helps, it helps.

2/11/11: 7.75" BPEL, 6" BSEG, 5.5" MSEG

6/4/11: 8.4" BPEL, 6.375" BSEG, 5.8" MSEG

Just started again, another new measurement coming soon; I'm pretty close to that June '11 though.

Wow I’ll have to try this. I know my psychological ED issues come from feeling that something less than porn star body, dick and load is going to be a bit of a disappointment for the other guy. I’ll look into those supplements if you found they actually did something for load volume.

Start (Oct 2010) NBPEL: 5, BPEL: 5.875 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.25 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

(November 2013) NBPEL: 5.875, BPEL: 6.625 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.625 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

Goal NBPEL(7-7.5)xMEG(5.5-6) (journal)


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