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For young guys with erection problems - Scienceguy's method


For young guys with erection problems - Scienceguy's method

I’ve talked to many of you about what seems to be an epidemic of young guys (18-30) out there with erection problems. I’m not talking about physical ED due to poor circulation, diabetes, or old age. I’m talking about your psychological issues with insecurity, performance anxiety, nerves, too much porn, unrealistic expectations, etc, etc, etc.

Personally, ever since the first time I had sex, I’ve had an EXTREMELY difficult time maintaining an erection during foreplay the first 5 or so times I have sex with a new gal. After I become very comfortable with her, it always works out fine, but it really sucks feeling like you leave a bad first impression every time. I’ve tried many things, including pills, without much success. I’m now in my mid-late 20’s and it’s pretty much just been something that I’ve accepted, because nothing ever seemed to change it…until now. I slept with this new girl last night (Friday), and for the first time in my life, I was satisfied with my first-time performance. So without further ado, here’s Scienceguy’s latest scientific method of curing psychological ED:

1) I’ve pretty much given up porn. I haven’t watched it regularly in over 4 months, and I’ve only taken a few peeks since then. When I do peek it tends to be soft-core, I focus on just one or a few different girls, and I edge only, not ejaculate. By the time I had this good sex experience, I hadn’t looked at any porn in several weeks.

2) I did not ejaculate for 5 days leading up to my date with this girl.

3) I spent a few dates really getting comfortable with and getting to know this girl. We were comfortable being physically affectionate with kissing and holding hands. We flirted, gently touched each other from time to time in public, but didn’t smother each other. I looked at her a few times during the evening and thought about how excited I was to have sex with her. In fact, we’d been using some subtle innuendo to each other to each let the other know we were ready.

4) We had spent some time together Thursday night, so I took my usual 10 mg of cialis, just in case. But we didn’t end up having sex, and the clothes didn’t come off (this was ok by me). Before our date Friday, I took another 10 mg cialis.

5) I’ve been taking a prostate supplement, lecithin, and l-arginine for bigger cum loads. Don’t know if this had anything to do with my good erection, but it sure was fun cumming as much as I did.

6) I edged several times and did PE Sunday-Wednesday. But other than that, I tried not to pay any attention to my dick at all. I did no PE Thursday night, and on Friday I barely touched my dick at all. No PE, no edging, no thinking about my dick, no nothing. It may sound counter-intuitive to some of you, but I’ve actually believed in this method for awhile. The day you plan to have sex, forget about your dick! It’s not going to help you if you’re like trying to “make sure” you can still get a boner or something. You can still get a boner, and you don’t need to confirm this the day of.

7) Kind of on the same note as (6), I stayed really busy all day Friday. I was focused at work, didn’t have any down time, and basically I pretty much forgot I owned a dick and that I’d probably be using it for good that night.

8) Now here’s an interesting thing. I may have misled you on something before. We didn’t actually have penetrating sex Friday night, and this was pretty deliberate on my part. We had been drinking a little, were sobering up, and were both really tired. So we got naked, did some foreplay, and I made her cum. I myself did not cum, and as soon as I had gotten her off, I held her close, said some nice things to her, and allowed us to fall asleep. However, my dick was indeed hard, despite having had a few to drink, and despite the fact that she wasn’t manually stimulating me a whole lot. The point is, we could have had sex, but I chose to tease her a bit and just give a little bit during the night. It was the next morning when we did the good stuff. And oh it was good!

Rock-hard, cialis-enhanced, 5-days-without-cumming morning wood, and we had fun with it. She came 3 times during sex and it was just absolute bliss. She had many compliments to give me after (as I did for her also), and now that I know things work with her, my erection anxiety is gone, and I think I’ll be in good shape with her.

Guys, I really think that if you put your mind to it, you can get over your psychological ED. Trust me when I say that while the pills help a little, they are not the answer, they’ll only get you so far, and you don’t really need them anyway. It’s the other stuff that I mentioned - mostly not thinking about your dick, not watching porn, and trying tricks like my morning-after method.

I really hope this helps some of you, and hopefully this girl won’t need me to be around SO much that I won’t have time to waste at Thunder’s Place answering any questions you may have.


I'm a disciple of science.

Still going strong. Now that I’ve managed to fix my psychological ED, I’ve found a keeper and don’t really want any one-night stands. Oh the irony.

Are you really fixing it if you’re still using Cialis? I would go and declare yourself cured until you’re completely free of the drugs.

Start/April 2011: BPEL - 6.75" / NBPEL - 6.00" / BEG - 5.125 / Mid Shaft - 4.75 / Glans 4.5"

Current/August 8 2011: BPEL 7.25" / NBPEL - 6.375" / BEG - 5.625" / Mid Shaft - 5.00" / Glans - 4.875"

Goals: NBPEL - 8.25" / Mid Shaft EG - 6.00"

Not to dismiss you or anything because it is awesome you got to a point where you wanted to be. I’m curious to see how things would have gone without Cialis.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

Well the thing in the past has been that once I get over the first few times, the psychological ED goes away, and I don’t need the cialis anymore. I’d assume the same will happen this time.

So like I said, it’s those first few experiences with a new woman that are always killer for me, and I think this is normal with a lot of guys. I think the cialis helped, and I think I’ll always be using it for the first few times having sex with someone new. The problem in the past had been that even with cialis, I still had ED problems the first time with someone new. So what I’ve described is a cure for my psychological ED.

That is pretty interesting since I never heard of something like that before. Hey man, as long as it helps you where you wanna go, then the more power to you. I think I can understand where you are coming from. I think a lot of guys share that sentiment about their first time with a new woman. I think since it has been so long for me that I’m more worried about coming too fast. I’ve been trying to get some edging in, but I end up mostly worrying about ending the session too early by accidentally coming. haha.

Anyways, I’m glad things are going great for you!

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

Awesome SG!! Some of the best sex I’ve had with my girlfriend happened on the days when I completely forgot I had a dick. Those days when you’re expecting to go home and mop the floors or cut the grass, but she’s waiting at the front door with her panties in her hand.

If I knew I was going home to fuck, I’d be anticipating the moment all day, worrying if I’d be able to hold my load until she got hers. Edging has helped me so much too, but suprise sex is great! Why do our minds have to be so damn complicated!!

Start: November 2010 (BPEL: 7.5" -- EG (Midshaft): 5.6" -- EG (Base): 6.1")

Originally Posted by BigDanny
Awesome SG!! Some of the best sex I’ve had with my girlfriend happened on the days when I completely forgot I had a dick. Those days when you’re expecting to go home and mop the floors or cut the grass, but she’s waiting at the front door with her panties in her hand.

If I knew I was going home to fuck, I’d be anticipating the moment all day, worrying if I’d be able to hold my load until she got hers. Edging has helped me so much too, but suprise sex is great! Why do our minds have to be so damn complicated!!

Exactly! The problem lies mostly in worrying about our performance. And you can’t help but do that your first time.

One trick I’ve been using is just selfishly thinking about how much I want sex, and trying not to give a shit about pleasing the girl. Somewhat ironically, this ends up giving her more pleasure (by sort of backwards reasoning). This is also why I believe this whole psychological ED problem is really common on TP - we’re so obsessed with making our dicks bigger, that we forget to just selfishly want sex.

Originally Posted by WetMayo
That is pretty interesting since I never heard of something like that before. Hey man, as long as it helps you where you wanna go, then the more power to you. I think I can understand where you are coming from. I think a lot of guys share that sentiment about their first time with a new woman. I think since it has been so long for me that I’m more worried about coming too fast. I’ve been trying to get some edging in, but I end up mostly worrying about ending the session too early by accidentally coming. haha.

Anyways, I’m glad things are going great for you!

Well has psychological ED been a problem for you in the past? If it has, I’ll say something I’ve said before that is pretty obvious when you think about it: She will prefer a quick cummer over a soft dick any day of the week. So if it is a problem for you, I’d still recommend that you not cum for several days leading up to the next time you have sex after your “dry spell.” I’ve had plenty of such spells myself, so I know what you’re going through.

Trust me, women are WAY more forgiving in bed than we make them out to be on here (mostly because many of us have had some negative experiences that have led us here). Most will probably just be flattered that you finished so quickly and will look forward to a longer session next time. Regardless, not being able to get it up at all is infinitely worse.

All valid points man. I know I gotta work on my edging to last longer. It seems that once I started taking that massive cumload cocktail that I’m cumming faster now

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

Good read O.P. I would try to stay away from porn for this month and see how my EQ reacts. Will keep you posted.

Originally Posted by scienceguy106
3) I spent a few dates really getting comfortable with and getting to know this girl.

This is the biggest thing for me. I have trouble getting really turned on by strangers and relaxing with them.

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Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
This is the biggest thing for me. I have trouble getting really turned on by strangers and relaxing with them.

Yeah, isn’t it weird? As men, we fantasize all the time about having sex with strange, random chicks. But some of us just freeze up when given the opportunity. I think the trick is believing in yourself and your ability to perform. You have to just program yourself to know how awesome you are and how good the sex will be.

It’s funny with all these psychological ED threads that nobody ever consider they might be a closet case homosexual or even bisexual. :)

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

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