Funny story about my PE gains
I just thought I’d post this to give some of you guys a laugh. I’ve always wanted to be “the guy with the big dick” that girls always somehow mention to their next boyfriend… My girlfriend had an ex who was supposedly over 9.5” long. This always intimidated me since I was only 6.00 BPEL when I started PE (right around the time I met her). I dont know why I was intimidated by this since we had a very good sex, but I was.
So I set out on my goal of having a 9” dick with PE. I’ve always assumed this ex-bf was really 9.5” due to the fact that she measured it with a ruler because she didnt really think it was that big after he told her. Her sister also saw it one day while he was in the shower and she always attested to how large it was.
In the past 6 months, I have gone from 6.00 BPEL to 7.00 BPEL due to PE. After having sex last night, she mentioned that she thinks my penis is growing again (I wonder how that keeps happening, LOL). I then told her that I havent measured it since the middle of summer and it was 7.25 at that time. Then she said to me, “Its gotta be ATLEAST 8 now, trust me… I can figure out sizes really well” I almost died laughing!!!! I know for a fact that I’m an inch away from 8, I measured like 30min before we had sex!!!
So now my obsession over her ex’s 9.5 penis is over. Because if she really did measure it, it must have been a different way than we measure, cause her estimation about my penis being 8” is way off. Although, I think he was still bigger than I am, but probably only about 8.5 at the most.
I just thought I’d share another story about how girls are very often wrong about penis size.