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General Questions about Venous Leakage

General Questions about Venous Leakage

I tried posting this in other forums but I can’t make new threads in a lot of them apparently. I just have a few general questions about venous leakage that I haven’t found the answer to in searches.

1) Is there a good, reliable self test for this?
2) Is there any pain associated with venous leakage? During ejaculation?
3) Can people be born with it/ how common is it/ how hard is it to cause this problem?

Thanks in advance!

1) Yes. It’s called a Doppler Color Sonogram. It is non-invasive and painless. Takes minutes and will usually pretty much pinpoint leakage if there is any.

2) No pain, or during ejaculation

3) I’m only guessing you can be born with it; your parents though would take notice that you weren’t getting erections (even babies do) and check into it. It is considered a vascular problem. Vascular problems cause about 45 percent of ED. It can be caused by injury, disease or trauma to penile veins.



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