Thunder's Place

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Genital warts? Go see a Doc, I know...

Genital warts? Go see a Doc, I know...

Hey guys Ive had these wart like bumps for several years and am wondering if they are actually a STD or random warts. I usually burn them off with a cauterizer. Yes I burn them off, and it hurts… A lot. But after I burn them off they go away for a long time. Then they come back… They don’t hurt, they don’t itch, they don’t burn or bother me, but I always accidentally draw blood by cutting them off while shaving my pubes. Yes, that hurts. A lot… Anyway, they are sparse in number and only appear in small groups near the pubic bone area or at the very top of my ballsack. The picture you see is on the left side of my junk. Anyone have these too? Sympathy and humor is greatly appreciated. :)


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Go see a Doc, ya know?

Greetings, Starfighter! You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada.

Looks like warts to me. If they go away for months after you burn them off, then there’s probably not much else you can do — sounds like you kill the skin effectively, but the underlying infection causes more warts eventually. With luck, maybe they’ll stop appearing eventually. If the cauterizing is very painful, you might try freezing them instead.

Of course, I’m not a doctor, and they might not even be warts…

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

I think Dr scholls makes a freezy thing to freeze warts. Works on regular warts.

Greetings, Starfighter! You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada.

Those are genital warts. 100% solution Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA), which is also a face peel, applied with care and followed up with Aldara cream (for which you will need a prescription from a doctor) is a standard and very effective treatment.

Thank you gentlemen. I will go see a doctor!

updated email address

How many years? They usually pass within 2 years………..

7.8" BPEL x 5.25" EG

Can’t cure genital warts. You can treat them, but they’ll always come back

Greetings, Starfighter! You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada.

Actually, raw, unprocessed apple cider vinegar will clear them away for good. Soak a cotton ball in it and place it over the warts for as long as you can. Voila! Three days and they’re gone. Hopefully forever!

Have been off-again, on-again since my teen years. Began: 7.75" x 4.5"

Current: 9.25 x 8.5"

Goal: Whatever the Good Lord wishes to bequeath me (aka: never stop growing)

Originally Posted by StarfighterCMD
Can’t cure genital warts. You can treat them, but they’ll always come back

That’s not true at all. Most people won’t see them again after the first couple of years. Yes you are still carrying the strain.

7.8" BPEL x 5.25" EG

The warts may go away, but as you said, the HPV virus remains at undetectable levels. It’s waiting for a weakness in your immune system to come back. Some people will have remissions that last a long time, but the warts will return when they get sick, with the flu say, or pneumonia. There is no cure.

Greetings, Starfighter! You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada.

But the virus can completely clear as well, all possibility are possible

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