Madnez-To be more precise, you had what was known as an adhesion between your frenulum and your foreskin. This is generally caused by an inflammatory process or infection, probably when you were quite young. The inflammation caused a fusion between the two structures. The frenulum from an anatomic standpoint is the portion of the head of the penis from the urethral opening (meatus) to the shaft. It is the point at which the developing head of the penis closes and fuses in the developing male embryo. You still have a frenulum, you just now have the added attraction of a scar where the adhesion point was released. I’m surprised you didn’t have bleeding during sex earlier in your life, any kind of major traction could put stress on this attachment point and cause the skin to break or rip. Must of been a pretty tight ring you were putting on or you weren’t paying attention when you did. It’s not surprising that you find it easier to jelq as you now have the full range of movement of your foreskin. After the experience mellows into the past, you’ll appreciate that you did it. Best of luck.