Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gosh! Coffee seems to do a number on my urinary system!

Gosh! Coffee seems to do a number on my urinary system!

Anyone else get this? I just had two sizeable cups of coffee back-to-back and I’m having to piss like crazy! My dick seems to be more leaky to than it normally is and there’s an ever-so-slight burn. I normally don’t drink that much coffee in one sitting but I’m going to try not to do that again.

Yeah it’s normal didn’t you know that? Don’t know about the burning leaky bit thou.

Coke makes you piss like crazy too. Just dont drink coke or coffee before you go to sleep! :)

p.s make sure you drink plenty of water, because coffee dehydrates you. Not good for your penis :)
Edit: actually after a bit of research it seems coffee doesn’t really dehydrate you much. But still always drink plenty of water, it’s good.

Coffee and Coke are both diuretic. They make you pee a lot.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

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Originally Posted by firegoat

Coffee and Coke are both diuretic. They make you pee a lot.

Bleh. Sucks for me! I love a good latte (I like coffee in general) but they’re made with espresso which is pretty concentrated. I sometimes have to go every few minutes for a half hour or so after a latte. :)

Just switch to decaf, you’ll probably notice the difference, since you’re sensitive to it.

4/2008 Bpel 6.50, Beg 5.5, Mseg 4.9

6/2008 Bpel 6.75, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

9/2008 Bpel 7.00, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

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