hmm, I have had a vasectomy, but not through Planned Parenthood.
I would council you to think twice about having a permanent form of birth control at such a young age, especially when you do not have kids yet.
I understand that you are currently anti-kids. But, opinions and attitudes can change over time and you still have many years before you would be out of the child bearing years as a couple.
Before you make the move, talk to older couples who have never had kids, and have stayed content in their marriage. Talk to some that are in theirs 40’s and then talk to some in their 60’s, 70’s, or 80’s.
You may not like the truth, but, in your 20’s you are still in a very selfish and blind phase of life.
Before you jump off a cliff that you can not return from just make sure you have looked at what is at the bottom and not just what is at the top.
Now, regarding vasectomies, I am glad I have mine (I didn’t get it till I was older and done having kids). It didn’t really hurt to get. The procedure used on me was one of the older procedures. I got to watch the whole thing because they just use a little local. They cauterized the cut ends of the tubes and then clamped them also. I can feel the clamps in my sack. They are small and not noticable but they are there if one knows what they are feeling for. Your package is sore for a couple of days but that is about all. There are 2 small scars on my scrotum from the cuts but they also are hard to find.
You have to go back in a couple times to give sperm samples, until your sample is negative for any live sperm.