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How quickly ethanol can kill erection?

How quickly ethanol can kill erection?

Been wondering this, since I’m a borderline drunk and been drinking heavily for almost a year by now. So far I haven’t noticed that erection is any weaker than it were before, but supposedly ethanol can make it weaker. If this happens, does it happen gradually, with some clear warning signs or could I just wake up at some morning, not being able to get erect anymore?

Most weeks I get blasted 2-3 times, normally drinking 20-25 alcohol units (mostly beer (4,5% / 9 proof)). I’m 29, if age has anything to do with this. For the last few months I’ve been a little scared that the last night was too much and erection is gone. So far it hasn’t happened.

It depends on many different variables so, there is no generality that can be given.

However, 2S4P, an addiction counselor can introduce you to some coping mechanisms that may help you to be able to drink a bit less.

What doesn't kill you makes you longer.

The ethanol effect becomes pretty clear when you get a bit older. At 56, I notice that if I have more than one glass of wine at dinner, or a whisky at bedtime, then there is no morning wood. Without alcohol, the wood happens, so it is a pretty fine balance!

Yes, addiction counselling is critical if you want to be healthy 10 or 20 years from now.

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