Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I have been diagnosed with Andropause by 789

Originally Posted by 789
No need to apologize mgus at all. He has some very interesting things to say and Ill at least be able to find them since they are in my own thread lol.

Many things can cause andropause, ity is simple to treat with hormone replacement with testosterone. Have you started HRT?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Sorry I havent been here in a while.

The HRT has worked well for me I use the Androgel packets, I have never tried the pump. The packets are handy when traveling. My testosterone levels are hovering in the 5-600 range most times when I check and Im feeling pretty good. I am on my 6 month I think of being off the Propecia. I dont have any hair loss but my PSA results are now higher, somewhere in the 2.2-2.5 range on a scale of 0-4.0. Im watching it but not overly concerned. The Propecia kept my numbers range under 1.0.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

That’s a decent T level.

How’s your energy and do you still tend to pack weight on?



Originally Posted by 789
Sorry I havent been here in a while.

The HRT has worked well for me I use the Androgel packets, I have never tried the pump. The packets are handy when traveling. My testosterone levels are hovering in the 5-600 range most times when I check and I’m feeling pretty good. I am on my 6 month I think of being off the Propecia. I don’t have any hair loss but my PSA results are now higher, somewhere in the 2.2-2.5 range on a scale of 0-4.0. I’m watching it but not overly concerned. The Propecia kept my numbers range under 1.0.

For the psa maybe saw palmetto might bring that psa back into check, have you had a prostate cancer scare before, or benign prostatic condition?
Well at any rate you should take in addition to HRT. 1000mg of vitamin “C” and Zinc about 50-100mg to prevent the conversion of testosterone over to estrogen. Saw palmetto I do believe but not sure of blocks DHT.

I had similar problem r/t diabetes.In men when the blood sugar goes up it also indicates testosterone levels decline.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

This information may have been placed in this very long thread before. In case it is not here, these are the basic symptoms of hypogonadism (andropause):

Erectile dysfunction
Decrease in morning errections
Decrease in beard and body hair growth
Increase in body fat
Decrease in size or firmness of testicles (atrophic testicles)
Decrease in muscle mass
Development of breast tissue (gynecomastia)
Loss of bone mass (osteoporosis)
Abnormally small prosate
Double vision (bitemporal hemianopsia)

Mental and emotional changes also can accompany hypogonadism. As testosterone decreases, some men may experience signs and symptoms similar to those of menopause in women. These may include:

Hot flashes
Decreased sex drive (libido)
Mood swings
Difficulty concentrating
Decrease in energy levels



Well that about covers it.

789 did you have any of the above symtoms?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
Well that about covers it.
789 did you have any of the above symtoms?

I had a vast majority of those symptoms at one point or another. The problem is those are similar symptoms and complaints by men in their 40’s + as well as a growing number on Propecia. So who knows what came first.

I love my HRT and I believe it has helped me a great deal. It has not been all upside as I have posted in this thread a few times. I still dont get a lot of nocturnal erections but I attribute that to stress/depression and alcohol consumption.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Originally Posted by 789
I had a vast majority of those symptoms at one point or another. The problem is those are similar symptoms and complaints by men in their 40’s + as well as a growing number on Propecia. So who knows what came first.

I love my HRT and I believe it has helped me a great deal. It has not been all upside as I have posted in this thread a few times. I still don’t get a lot of nocturnal erections but I attribute that to stress/depression and alcohol consumption.

Testosterone levels do start to decline in the forties, fortunately something can be done about it. Diabetes type two usually hits men about age 40 r/t decline in testosterone allowing for insulin to spike to control ever increasing blood glucose levels. Then the pancreas burns out and insulin can not effectively control blood sugar, andropause and type two diabetes often happen at the same time. How much of a role is Propecia playing in this huge epidemic of diabetes. Have you had your blood glucose levels checked?

Men even in there twenties are suffering from ED, there is a correlation, type two diabetes is now afecting younger men.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Hey guys a bit of an update.

Last week my primary care physician called and said she was referring me to a Hemotologist because my bone marrow was producing too many red blood cells and the iron in my blood is too high. The Hemotologist said one very real possibility is polycythemia vera. And the standard treatment is phlebotomy. Which is giving blood every so often, weekly to begin with then tapering off. The Hemo doctor took about a gallon of blood last week and I go back to her next week for a followup and possibly as bone marrow test (OUCH !!!!) if it is NOT polycythemia vera. Anyway, the risk is mainly heart attach and stroke, so I am on aspirin therapy and the vampire blood letting should control it. So it wont be deadly.

Okay so fast forward to yesterday, my primary care doc calls me and wants me to stop all testosterone treatments immediately. The T scale is 250-1000 and I am now at 1500. Now wonder I can fuck three times in a row and keep going, lol. She said that is way too high and I am to stay off Androgel for 6 weeks. Well PirateSteve looked up my diseases of the week and found that the high red blood count and so on can be related to excess testosterone.

So there will be NO marrow test on this fat ass until we do more bloodwork after the six weeks of androgel deprivation is over. I will give blood just to be cautious so I dont have a stroke or heartattach while fucking the milf crowd I now hang with.

Anyway, thats all for now.

Furthermore, I have been OFF Propecia now for 9 months.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Wow 1500 your lucky you didn’t turn into a rage machine. I hope you don’t have to get that bone marrow thing done I know that can’t be pleasant.

You may have to take a break from being a BIG DADDY PIMP for 6 weeks stud:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by 789
Hey guys a bit of an update.

Last week my primary care physician called and said she was referring me to a Hemotologist because my bone marrow was producing too many red blood cells and the iron in my blood is too high. The Hemotologist said one very real possibility is polycythemia vera. And the standard treatment is phlebotomy. Which is giving blood every so often, weekly to begin with then tapering off. The Hemo doctor took about a gallon of blood last week and I go back to her next week for a followup and possibly as bone marrow test (OUCH !) if it is NOT polycythemia vera. Anyway, the risk is mainly heart attach and stroke, so I am on aspirin therapy and the vampire blood letting should control it. So it won’t be deadly.

Okay so fast forward to yesterday, my primary care doc calls me and wants me to stop all testosterone treatments immediately. The T scale is 250-1000 and I am now at 1500. Now wonder I can fuck three times in a row and keep going, lol. She said that is way too high and I am to stay off Androgel for 6 weeks. Well PirateSteve looked up my diseases of the week and found that the high red blood count and so on can be related to excess testosterone.

So there will be NO marrow test on this fat ass until we do more bloodwork after the six weeks of androgel deprivation is over. I will give blood just to be cautious so I don’t have a stroke or heartattach while fucking the milf crowd I now hang with.

Anyway, thats all for now.

Furthermore, I have been OFF Propecia now for 9 months.

I had the opposite problem, not enough blood, red or white blood cells. My bone marrow stop making blood cells, because cefexelon fucked my kidneys up. So I turn to natures medicine chest. Started on genseng therapy to rebuild my blood as well as iron. Green tea to build up testosterone levels, antihistamines to keep from vomiting eight times a day while I studied to become a nurse on my way to Physicians Assistant. It took about a year but I recovered. I regained lost energy,libido, and I go to the gym four days per week.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Wow six weeks?

If I stop the androgel for a week, I drop from 1000+ to 550. I know that you monitor yourself pretty closely, did you ask her why such a long time off?

I have also found that I have more level “moods” by dosing every other day instead of daily. My doc says to adjust it to whatever feels best for me. He started me on 2 pumps daily, (half packet equivalent) after six weeks, I went to 4 pumps (1 packet every other day) and I feel better this way. Sometimes I even skip an extra day or two, and don’t feel much worse for it. (Especially if it is to be a relaxation day). I use both the pump and the packets, they are much more convenient for traveling.

If your mood starts to suck, and you can’t service the MILFs, don’t fall back into a depression, call the doc. Good luck with the bloodletting.

ALot of MILFs I know like shaved or crew cut heads, have you considered it? ;-)

What’s the update on this Bro? How to you feel off it?

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Kingpole directed me to this thread. I wanted to jump in here and share a similar story. I too have identical symptoms to 789. Tired all the time, lack of concentration and focus, low libido, ED.but my physical muscle and strength condition is good. I train in the gym 5 days a week with heavy mass movements (bench/squad/deadlift ect.). My diet is spot on.

I had my test level checked about a month ago. And where the ‘normal’ level is 245-1836 I came in at 634. To me I also feel this is the lower end of ‘normal’, and not at a point where it is benefiting me.

I read what one of the member posted:

This information may have been placed in this very long thread before. In case it is not here, these are the basic symptoms of hypogonadism (andropause):

Erectile dysfunction
Decrease in morning errections
Decrease in beard and body hair growth
Increase in body fat
Decrease in size or firmness of testicles (atrophic testicles)
Decrease in muscle mass
Development of breast tissue (gynecomastia)
Loss of bone mass (osteoporosis)
Abnormally small prosate
Double vision (bitemporal hemianopsia)

Mental and emotional changes also can accompany hypogonadism. As testosterone decreases, some men may experience signs and symptoms similar to those of menopause in women. These may include:

Hot flashes
Decreased sex drive (libido)
Mood swings
Difficulty concentrating
Decrease in energy levels

And I have the first two symptoms:

Erectile dysfunction
Decrease in morning erections

And ALL of the mental symptoms:

Hot flashes
Decreased sex drive (libido)
Mood swings
Difficulty concentrating
Decrease in energy levels

I need to get a grip on this. I will recontact my doctor and bust his ass to be more aggressive on a answer. This is enough to make a sane man nuts!


Hey 789,

I just read this entire thread with great interest, it is a wealth of information!!! I have had your exact symptoms for the past 6-8 months. My yearly physical is in a few weeks, and will definitely be talking to my doctor about them! Thank you for taking us on your journey and to everyone else who posted! At this point and time,where are you with your treatment,and how are you feeling!!


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