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Increasing Volume By Reverse Muscle Tension

View Poll Results:

What type of orgasms do you have?

Traditional Squeeze Method


Reverse Muscle Tension Method


Neither, No Squeezing or Pushing


I have had both Traditional & Reverse Muscle Tension methods

Total Votes: 19. You may not vote on this poll

Increasing Volume By Reverse Muscle Tension

I have noticed that I ejaculate more semen when I reverse muscle tension (push) of my PC muscle. Normally whenever we reach the point of no return, we squeeze our PC muscle and then explode. I have noticed that orgasms feel better and more is ejaculated when I do this. I consider this as another type of orgasm and when I start getting used to this method, I switch back to the traditional sqeeze method orgasm. Both of them feel great.

For those of you that want to try this, follow the instructions below.

When you reach the point of no return, don’t squeeze tight your PC muscle; instead, push just like when you are peeing and want it to come out faster. You may have to do this 10 to 30 seconds before you reach the point of no return because you are trying to fight the natural urge to squeeze. Once you start pushing, don’t stop, hold it, and keep pushing till you orgasm.

Please vote if you have had a RMTO (Reverse Muscle Tension Orgasm) or a squeeze type method or neither.

If the timing is right, the RMTO method results in larger ejaculate volume, hence longer orgasms for me. If you can increase your ejaculate volume (drink plenty of water for one thing) you increase the number of orgasmic contractions required to release the semen. The more contractions there are, the longer the pleasure.



I think there is more semen because when you are RMTOing, your PC muscle is uncontracted, so it fills up with a lot of semen before expelling compared to a traditional one, which contracts, then fills up, then contracts and expels.

I also noticed that with a RMTO I have long strings and farther distances too.

Don’t get your recepticles mixed up. The PC (or BC as westla points out) is a muscle. It does not hold any semen (it cannot), it simply aids in expelling the seminal fluids already stored in the seminal vesicles, prostate, etc. They all conjoin at ejaculation from their various holding locations. The muscles contract during orgasm, forcing the fluids out together.



Yes, the muscle cannot hold any semen, but if you squeeze really hard you block the passage of semen. It’s one of the “internal blocking” methods the taoists use (because loosing semen is bad, energetically speaking). When you are already past the point of no return you stop all motion, hold your breath and squeeze hard. If your PC (BC?) muscle is strong enough then no semen will come out. If not, maybe a little will ooze out.

The bulbocavernosus (BC, also called bulbospongiosus) is THE muscle of ejaculation. If you consciously relax it, the contractions of the “inner plumbing” will still cause the semen to flow. It’s the BC that causes semen to “spurt.” By contracting it forcefully, you probably don’t completely close off the path (there may be some leakage). Rather, you put the muscle into a state of fatigue so that it cannot contract. With an interruption of the normal ejaculation cycle, things seem to remain “ready” for that final spurt. By still being “ready” some men are able to have multiple orgasms. However, once you let it go “all the way” it’s difficult to do it again without waiting for a period of regeneration.

Originally Posted by desperado
When you are already past the point of no return you stop all motion, hold your breath and squeeze hard. If your PC (BC?) muscle is strong enough then no semen will come out. If not, maybe a little will ooze out.

That is a tough one to learn. I spent a couple of months figuring out the timing aspect of it, which is split-second. But it can work once you learn it, and you can go on to have subsequent “dry” orgasms without losing the erection.

A potential problem with this method as opposed to the one Bart is talking about is that clamping down on the BC to prevent ejaculation can result in retrograde ejaculation, an event in which the semen is forced backward into the bladder with the result that you think you had a dry orgasm (since no fluid comes out the urethra) but in fact you didn’t. And with repeated retrogrades, the valve which prevents them can weaken over time; then retrograde ejaculation becomes common even when you do not want it.

Retrograde ejaculation is harmless in itself, however it results in a less pleasurable orgasm and is even uncomfortable for some. Forward shooting is far more satisfying from an intensity point of view.



Have you had dry orgasms, or just retrograde ejaculation?

Would you attribute it to kegels?

I discovered this, accidentally, during one of my million masturbation sessions in my youth. I recognized the nearly involuntary contractions that occur when you’re about to propel your nut, and I noticed a deeper, longer orgasm if I could fight like hell to prevent that contracting for as long as possible (note: I didn’t actually do the reverse kegel - although I aim to try now - but I fought against the contractions with all my will).

I noticed a longer, almost “burning” orgasm and, yes, a lot more gonad gravy (although ejaculate volume was not any reason for this, simply the better orgasm).

But the RK is a cool idea. I’ll give it a whirl.
- w a d

Originally Posted by desperado
Have you had dry orgasms, or just retrograde ejaculation?
Would you attribute it to kegels?

I got pretty good at it but it took a lot of experimenting to get the timing of it right. The orgasms were definately dry, not retrograde. I once took a medication that caused retrograde ejaculation so I know the difference well. I never got better than having two dry orgasms, still keeping a firm eretion, and always had to have a wet ejaculation for the third orgasm, but that was always a whopper.

Bart’s method gives a whopper, too. You just have to practice the method a lot in masturbation before you can pull it off during intercourse.



Hi i am new to this forum and this is my first post.
English is not my first language so bare whit me.

First i have to say. This its truly a great forum, lots of information and the community seams to be good.I bean searching the forum and i am surprised how much good information there is here,the only down side i can think of is there is just so many threads its hard to find the information i am looking for. But when i find its good facts and it describes the technique in details. Some one should go true all the threads and gather all the information to make a book or a FAQ quick link thread. Any way on topic.

I bean holding back for a couple of years (dry orgasms) i read about the technique and tried it and when i cud do it i just kept on doing it cause their is no clean up after i am done. I did read about PE about that time i started holding it back but there was not much information and i did not do any research.
But i just happened to find some information on PE the other day and i started to search for more and i found the forum.

so i started doing some stretching and while doing it i did some revered muscle tension, and i noticed how easy i cud do it. I have tried doing it before but it was kind of hard and i did not think about it in any way. But now when i was Stretching it hit me maybe if it did it while ejaculating i cud shoot more then one time, i have always just shoot one time while ejaculating.
I have seen guys shoot like three times in some movies, but i figured that i was a one shoot guy.

So i decided to try it and see what would happen, so i went to the shower sens i was just gonna shoot it out and i was sure i was gone go some distance and it was the best plaice for not making a mess, so i started to climax and i pushed it all out as i was about to ejaculate. And i started to count the shoots i lost count at 4 but i am sure it was 6 or more shoots hard to say how many it was but it was kind of hard to count.I was quite surprised about this, and i have to say going form one shoot to at least 4 is good progress i hope my PE will
have the same results.

Note: i did this and i did not know any thing about the technique, i search some time to find this thread.

Question: how many shoots are “normal” while ejaculating. i always thought more then one was the normal. I don’t think there is any information on this subject, i have never seen it discussed. I don’t think there is any number of times that is the normal amount of times just that there is some kind of average number.

Originally Posted by Tung
Hi i am new to this forum and this is my first post.
English is not my first language so bare whit me.

….i have always just shoot one time while ejaculating.
I have seen guys shoot like three times in some movies, but i figured that i was a one shoot guy.

So i decided to try it and see what would happen, so i went to the shower sens i was just gonna shoot it out and i was sure i was gone go some distance and it was the best plaice for not making a mess, so i started to climax and i pushed it all out as i was about to ejaculate. And i started to count the shoots i lost count at 4 but i am sure it was 6 or more shoots hard to say how many it was but it was kind of hard to count.I was quite surprised about this, and i have to say going form one shoot to at least 4 is good progress i hope my PE will
have the same results.

Question: how many shoots are “normal” while ejaculating. i always thought more then one was the normal.

Don’t believe everything you see on porn flicks. These guys are photographed during consecutive ejaculations (hours or days) or simultaneously from different camera angles during one ejaculation, then all the film is edited together to make it look like one long and huge ejaculation.

What’s normal in terms of ejaculatory contractions? Hard to say. But most sources suggest 3 - 8 per orgasm. The contractions occur at 0.8 second intervals which means the whole event doesn’t take long to complete.

If you can increase your seminal fluid volume you will most likely experience more contractions with each ejaculation. Having more fluid to expell requires more contractions (individual spurts) to get the load out.

I started a thread about this a long time ago but it didn’t attract much interest. I’ll see if I can find it and bring it back up here for you.

{While you are practicing your English, try to always use a capital “I” when referring to yourself, not “i.”}

Keep posting. We’ll be patient with you.



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