Thunder's Place

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Is my Penis odd?

Is my Penis odd?

Hi everybody.
Im asking this because most of the “small” penis I see here on thunders are both short and thin…but mine is short ( 14cm ) and thick ( 14cm ).
Like, the vast majority have a longer penis than mine, but - except the already very big guys -, it’s kinda uncommon seeing 5.5girth in the “average/small spectrum”. Actually, the majority of girth goals set up at my 14cm girth. A little weird right? And when I found a guy with 5.5girth, most of the time it turns to be base girth! ( I don’t have a pussy, and unfortunately, any penis has entered my butthole yet; but IMO base girth sounds…”not that useful”? pls correct me ). Cause I only measure upper-middle girth since my penis is basically a baseball bat. When I do a kegel the glans fill up like a balloon and reach more or less the same girth. ( fun fact: 5.5 is my number… I have 5.5NBPEL,5.5girth, and 5’5” height… though, I do not have 55kg :( )
When I jerk off I literally feel my penis thick and veiny af… and I think this is good right? despite my miserable length, at least the girth is fine… and most guys here say that girth is more important than length ( though, the length delivered the girth ). I also have an upper curvature, so is really hard to measure with a regular ruler, so I use a soft one

I know girth gains are much harder than length gains, and while is “common” seeing guys reach +1-2 inches in length after some years, +1inch in girth is not something you see every day. A little afraid this thickness makes my length gains harder ( I really need an inch in length. I will do anything ), but constantly saying to myself “come on, at least your penis is considerably thick!” really works to boost my deprecated self-esteem. In the front view, my penis doesn’t look that small, but I also have fuck fat ass big thighs so looking by side it’s not…my best angle haha.

I’ve been in a moment of sadness and reflection recently, and just like to share this thought of my “odd penis”.

-I wish all members a very pleasant week -

Actual: ~5.5 Non-Bone Pressed Erect / 5.5 Girth Middle

Goals: +1inchNBPEL (6.5Inch NBPEL)

I don’t know if this should be here or at “basic PE” so if it is wrong pls move it

Actual: ~5.5 Non-Bone Pressed Erect / 5.5 Girth Middle

Goals: +1inchNBPEL (6.5Inch NBPEL)

Bit fat boy, but lenght is normal.

Inicio PE: 02/01/2018,. 17.5cm longitud 4cm grosor 12.5cm circunferencia Meta: 20/5/15

Originally Posted by solaire
I have 5.5NBPEL,5.5girth

You think yours looks funny? I’m the same length, and bigger around. I look like a soup can instead of a banana.

Pick the PE method that is most convenient for you, and get to work!

Average length and Thick without a doubt.

You “want” it, you don’t “need” an extra inch as you wrote. I think it is important to put this in the proper context or your PE Journey will feel Iike work. Enjoy the process. Appreciate what you gain and when you gain it.

What you have is fine. Many eyes widen when they feel your girth starching them, I suppose.

Starting (07/15/20): BPEL 6.5” BPFSL 6.5” MSEG 4.75” BEG 4.75” BPFL 4.5”

Current (10/27/20): BPEL 7.0” BPFSL 7.5” MSEG 5.0”+ BEG 5.25” BPFL 5.25-5.75”

Goal: BPEL 7.5” MSEG 5.5” BEG 6.0” BPFL 6.5”

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