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Is there a correlation between testicle size and Testosterone level?

Is there a correlation between testicle size and Testosterone level?

Straightforward question: Is there a correlation between testicle size and Testosterone level?

It might seem intuitive that bigger balls = higher T, but that may or may not be true.

Is there anyone here with High T who would say that their balls are bigger than average, or just average size?

Or has this question already been answered?

Hey Treefoil,

I came across a study in the last month that does not indicate testicle size indicates high testosterone levels. I cannot remember the name of the study, but you can play around with google and see if you can find it. Mine are on the smaller side and last year my free T was excellent for my age. There is evidence that smaller ones may mean less fertility.

Intuitively, it does sound like this would be true, I agree. But I doubt so. At least anecdotally from observations. Many bull-like dudes in locker rooms have very little hanging apparatus. And if someone is injecting T, they’ll have nothing (but that is a different scenario entirely).

Originally Posted by Treefoil
Is there anyone here with High T who would say that their balls are bigger than average, or just average size?

I am not sure that one person can provide you with a statistical validation.

My balls are not big, average at best and my wife is wondering when my lust for her will slow down.

We fucked three times today.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Last edited by LittleEngine : 02-07-2020 at .

My testicles have always been below average size and my total T was 1097 the first time I tested it when I was 33 years old.

Actually, I have heard quite the contrary. That larger balls can be a sign of less testosterone. Pretty sure there is evidence of this out there but don’t quote me and I could be wrong. But I have heard this from more then one person if I’m remembering correctly.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

No relation. There are all kinds of theories out there. I heard one about the length of your ring finger determining your testosterone level. Get a blood test, then you’ll know.

Hi gang,
My first post!

Anyhow, small testicles are a sign of hypogonadism.. Or small testicles. There is a device used in the past called an orchidometer.
The correlation with low T is well known. However your rate of conversion from T to estrogens is the real culprit. T is rapidly converted to estrogens in the body, especially if you are overweight.

Many studies have shown that aromatase inhibitors like exemestane raise T levels - by blocking the conversion of t to e.

So to answer the question we need to know why the testicles are small. Is it from too much estrogen, TRT, primary hypogonadism or secondary hypogonadism,

Once the Covid scare is over, go to a TRT clinic and get your T levels tested for free, or 20 bucks. That will help determine the cause. Actually measuring the testicles with the orchidometer will tell you if your testicles are average, small or large. All you need is a ruler and a google image search for orchidometer.

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