Thunder's Place

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It has been said that coffee is not good for EQ. But how bad is it really?

There are much nastier things out there than coffee that people chug down 24/7. Shit that can shut down a beta cell in a pancreas on the spot.

But I appreciate your teach the controversy pathos with coffee and insulin resistance. Did Satan make NutraSweet while planting those fake fossils to mislead us?

Now my beta cells are worried. They probably won’t sleep all night. (And it’s not due to the coffee.)

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I thought that Satan invented Olestra?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
I thought that Satan invented Olestra?

Is it just me or does Olestra sound like either a female contraceptive pill, or female hormone therapy?

Caffeine can act as a vasoconstrictor. Enough to cause erection issues? Maybe if you drink a lot of coffee?
I noticed better erections when I stopped rinking coffee but I also stopped smoking cigarettes at the same time. So which or both? I used both excessively and together.

I did read a report that coffee helps erection quality in men with diabetes.

I was drinking 10+ cups of coffee daily for probably 10yrs.I’ve had lots of EQ problems and a lot of cortisol problems where I would have sweats and felt like I would pass out. I recently changed to decaf and the sweats have all but disappeared and my EQ problems have started to correct them selves.

It used to be marketed as an aphrodisiac, but then again so was potato.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
Source on that, boner7484?

This is fun. This source says that coffee increases insulin resistance: … 4_condor27.html

And THIS, more recent one says that it decreases it: … liver-benefits/

No contradictions, it seems, the difference is between acute and chronic use:
""The increasing effect of coffee on insulin resistance is acute in the here and now," said Graham, chairman of the human biology and nutritional services department at the university. "We know it lasts for a few hours."

Here’s a paradox that Graham described. While his lab studies show the short-term acute spike in insulin resistance, long-term epidemiological research shows the risk of Type 2 diabetes goes down significantly among heavy coffee drinkers. Just the opposite of what the Guelph studies indicate. "Welcome to science," said Graham, chuckling. "

Living Well: New studies could be a jolt to rethink your coffee habits

Diabetes Benefits
Type 2 diabetes and one of its precursors, insulin resistance, have been making headlines in various health reports as a leading cause of fatty liver disease. (Read the posted article, How to Prevent a Fatty Liver.)

After analyzing data on 126,000 people for as long as 18 years, Harvard researchers calculated that compared to those who do not partake in America’s favorite morning drink, people who consume one to three cups of caffeinated coffee daily can reduce diabetes risk by up to 10%. Having six cups or more each day slashed men’s diabetes risk by 54% and women’s by 30% over java abstainers."

Coffee’s Liver Benefits -

The problem with making conclusions from studies such both above, are that there are too many variables. For instance, what did the people who did not drink coffee drink instead? Did the majority of coffee drinkers have it with or without milk? As coffee is an appetite suppresant, was food consumption the same over both groups? et al.

Originally Posted by boner7484
The problem with making conclusions from studies such both above, are that there are too many variables. For instance, what did the people who did not drink coffee drink instead? Did the majority of coffee drinkers have it with or without milk? As coffee is an appetite suppresant, was food consumption the same over both groups? et al.

That’s a very good point. One question could be if the ones which drank coffee were more active or not, because this variable, certainly had an impact,the same being applied by food consumption because, as you stated, coffee is an appettite suppresant.

Personally,I wouldn’t drink coffee long term, maybe just on rare occasion when there’s no solution but to get rapidly wired-up for something important, but even in this case there’s a possible debate as there are other things which help you focus and can be used short term like ALCAR or piracetam among many.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Last edited by alin : 06-07-2010 at .

Old post that I ran across randomly and I thought I should comment.

I`ve been struggling with my personal health for a while now and a few months back I got test results saying that I had very high cortisol levels. At this point I was drinking large amounts of coffee. Morning and night. I love coffee. Caffeine raises cortisol, so I had no choice but quitting.

After a few days off, I noticed that I felt much more calm and relaxed in my body. The most visible and noticeable change was my flaccid penis, which is now hanging full and relaxed most of the time and is usually very warm. It used to be cool a lot.

No improvements in libido or EQ yet though, but the changes in the flaccid state was very significant to me.

Good to see you again Renholder! :)

Yeah, caffeine is a central nervous stimulant, similar to the effects of amphetamines with your brain going into dopamine overload, but still far from the real deal though. If you think your dick shrinks by too much caffeine try some good meth/ amphetamine and see it turtle awaaaay! :D Too much caffeine can also cause anxiety and depression, just Google it for anyone who absolutely need a study for believing anything.

How is it going with the Nebido if you don’t mind me asking?

Originally Posted by Vikingwhore
Good to see you again Renholder! :)

Yeah, caffeine is a central nervous stimulant, similar to the effects of amphetamines with your brain going into dopamine overload, but still far from the real deal though. If you think your dick shrinks by too much caffeine try some good meth/ amphetamine and see it turtle awaaaay! :D Too much caffeine can also cause anxiety and depression, just Google it for anyone who absolutely need a study for believing anything.

How is it going with the Nebido if you don’t mind me asking?

Nebido + HCG is going fine in the sense that my testosterone is above the top of the reference range! The trouble is that I barely notice any difference, certainly not with libido, erections or energy. I`ve had some strength gains in the gym despite not eating a high calorie surplus, but nothing dramatic there either. It`s kind of weird actually.

The high cortisol was my hope for an explanation. Maybe I need to take it even lower, but I do in fact feel better after I quit caffeine. Less fatigue, a little more energy and better concentration.

On average, I`m feeling so well now that I probably would never have visited a doctor in the first place, but my libido and erections still suffer. I am however motivated to fix that, even though it is a complex problem as I`ve learned. I learned that I`m deficient in vitamin K, so I`m supplementing there now, but not sure if I can expect a libido increase from that alone.

What about yourself? Did you get any help? :)

If you PE, I’d stay away from coffee, cigarettes, alcohol and all that shit. I only know that cigarettes are bad for penis(bloodstream), but coffee and alcohol could be too. Plus I don’t even like them, so I’m pretty much safe :)

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.


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