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It has been said that coffee is not good for EQ. But how bad is it really?


Originally Posted by Renholder
Nebido + HCG is going fine in the sense that my testosterone is above the top of the reference range! The trouble is that I barely notice any difference, certainly not with libido, erections or energy. I`ve had some strength gains in the gym despite not eating a high calorie surplus, but nothing dramatic there either. It`s kind of weird actually.

The high cortisol was my hope for an explanation. Maybe I need to take it even lower, but I do in fact feel better after I quit caffeine. Less fatigue, a little more energy and better concentration.

On average, I`m feeling so well now that I probably would never have visited a doctor in the first place, but my libido and erections still suffer. I am however motivated to fix that, even though it is a complex problem as I`ve learned. I learned that I`m deficient in vitamin K, so I`m supplementing there now, but not sure if I can expect a libido increase from that alone.

What about yourself? Did you get any help? :)

Hum, that sounds a bit weird I’ll have to agree. Maybe you just need even more time to get adjusted to the new test levels, and going off anything, including caffeine can take surprisingly long time for the body/ mind to reset but it’s a long shot . Long ago now since you quit caffeine and started on Nebido?

Me, I have put it aside for the time being, but it pops up every now and then so I will get it checked out once more, soon I hope. Been moving so gotta get a new Doc, hopefully this one will actually listen to me. My last Doc came across as a all knowing cunt to be honest had to keep myself from lashing out at him which would only have been ammo for him to tell me what my real problems are. Might have to PM you for some tips regarding what to tell the Doc when the time comes.

Good to hear you are feeling well despite the libido/ energy issues, hopefully the rest will come up to par with some time. Hope the vitamin K helps, who knows weirder shit has happened before. :D
And please keep us updated whenever you can. :)

Originally Posted by Vikingwhore
Hum, that sounds a bit weird I’ll have to agree. Maybe you just need even more time to get adjusted to the new test levels, and going off anything, including caffeine can take surprisingly long time for the body/ mind to reset but it’s a long shot . Long ago now since you quit caffeine and started on Nebido?

Me, I have put it aside for the time being, but it pops up every now and then so I will get it checked out once more, soon I hope. Been moving so gotta get a new Doc, hopefully this one will actually listen to me. My last Doc came across as a all knowing cunt to be honest had to keep myself from lashing out at him which would only have been ammo for him to tell me what my real problems are. Might have to PM you for some tips regarding what to tell the Doc when the time comes.

Good to hear you are feeling well despite the libido/ energy issues, hopefully the rest will come up to par with some time. Hope the vitamin K helps, who knows weirder shit has happened before. :D
And please keep us updated whenever you can. :)

Thanks for the good wishes!

I`m learning that the body is indeed a complex organism and not easily understood. We`ll see what happens. Life is not too bad anyway. :)

Feel free to send me a PM if you need some support or advice.



Caffeine isn’t bad for EQ at all, don’t know where people gets these ideas.

So you are saying it’s absolutely no way any person on this earth, ever, could get erection problems from drinking too much caffeine?

While many says it possibly can, not that it will but it possibly can.

I really don’t care actually so why do I write, I frustrate myself sometimes, baaaahhh.

Last edited by Vikingwhore : 11-02-2012 at .

A healthy person will not get erection problems from drinking caffeine, even what are commonly considered high amounts. Now, if you drink 100 cups of coffee you can be unable to get it hard, or maybe even die who knows, in the same way you can die if you take 100 pills of viagra or you eat 100 kg of apples in one day. But I suppose this is not what you mean when you say ‘Caffeine (or viagra or apples) is bad for erections’, right?

By the way, caffeine is a PDE inhibitor (not as strong as viagra & c., of course).


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