Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Join the challenge! Porn detox!

Join the challenge! Porn detox!

Here’s the situation:

I’m a Propecia survivor: took the stuff for about 1.5 year before noticing a serious decrease in libido, energy/aggressiveness and starting to experience pretty serious ED. I was 22 at the time.

This caused many problems with the girlfriend I had then: I never felt like having sex, had trouble getting a sufficient erection and I even failed a few times to get any kind of erection. I must mention that part of the problems I experienced with this girlfriend were caused by a lack of sexual attraction (despite the fact that she’s a very pretty girl).

After leaving this girlfriend and getting these things out of my mind, my condition got much better.

Now it’s been 4 years and I’m doing pretty good:
-Libido is almost as high as when I was 18 (I feel like having sex 3+ times a day with a partner and sometimes I even masturbate that much)
-Erection: not as good as it used to be. I get between 90 and 95% erect but never more.

With a partner, I get erect without any direct physical stimulation. When I masturbate, I need to keep the stimulation going in order to maintain my erection. I can never maintain an erection without stimulation unless I’m with a partner. When I pump, I always exit the tube flaccid, I can’t stay hard while jelqing and I need to edge while clamping to stay hard. Porn, even though I’m a big fan of it, doesn’t produce any movement in my pants anymore.

Yesterday, I was talking on the phone with this friend of mine who is my regular sex partner since last summer. She was talking dirty to me and guess what happened? Yes, movement in my pants.

So, here’s what I’m trying: no porn of any kind until summer. Not even my beloved “Let’s all rate her” an “battle of the babes threads”. Today is day one. Anybody wants to join the challenge?

That’s certainly is going to help me develop my imagination…

When I pumped I always exited the tube flaccid. I think that’s normal. That’s a hard thing to do if you enjoy watching it, but I’m sure you’ll find someone among the thousands here to be your push-partner.

I’m out I tried it for like 15 seconds and I’m out:) . I don’t really look at a lot of porn it’s more of a jelqing tool for me.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

How ever will I maintain my erection for PE though?

I give you ‘till mid April. No man can resist the power of naked women.

Are you gonna shut off avatars too?

I would join but I have conquered. I only watch porn as an occational treaat. It took time but I have trained my imagination so I can visualize sexual thoughts and situations in my head just like I could in high school. Back when I was in high school and living with my folks, the internet didn’t exist and porn mags were too risky to stash. I’ll never be as horny as I was back then but using my imagination instead of porn really has shown a dramatic effect.

Don’t give up. The first week or so is tough but it gets easier as your mind improves.

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

I would love to join, but as I am reading this thread I am watching porn.

Maybe next year ;)

Start: NBP: 6 - Girth: 4.7

Now: NBP: 7 - Girth: A hair below 5"

Goals: NBP - 7.5 .... Girth - 5.5

Originally Posted by powpow

So, here’s what I’m trying: no porn of any kind until summer. Not even my beloved “Let’s all rate her” an “battle of the babes threads”. Today is day one. Anybody wants to join the challenge?

Thank God it’s already Summer in Australia. Good luck in your quest to remain ‘Master of Your Domain’.


"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

Hey man,

I too am taking Propecia, I am 22 now. I have been taking it since I was 20 and I have had the same girl friend for 4 years. When we first started dating I couldn’t get enough sex, I would go at least 2-3 times a night; now I go once and I am done.

Now I am not sure if it is Propecia or if it is the fact that I have had the same girlfriend for so long, I do love her but that spark is kind of lost you know.

I have seriously considered stopping Propecia, but I love my hair! After reading your story and seeing how it may get worse I may have to reconsider.

Originally Posted by MrClyde
Are you gonna shut off avatars too?

Living without porn is possible but I could never live without Gut’s avatar. Boing! Just writing about it gives me a boner.

Well I just cleared 15 gigs off my hard drive…

A few hours into the challenge, I find it difficult. My hands are shaking because of the detoxification but I’m using it in a good way. Yeah, goooooood….

Originally Posted by Troublesome
Hey man,

I too am taking Propecia, I am 22 now. I have been taking it since I was 20 and I have had the same girl friend for 4 years. When we first started dating I couldn’t get enough sex, I would go at least 2-3 times a night; now I go once and I am done.

Now I am not sure if it is Propecia or if it is the fact that I have had the same girlfriend for so long, I do love her but that spark is kind of lost you know.

I have seriously considered stopping Propecia, but I love my hair! After reading your story and seeing how it may get worse I may have to reconsider.

I don’t want to get you paranoid about this thing but this medicine is fishy. Since joining T’s place, I’ve found out that this has happened to a few other guys who took Propecia while in their 20’s. Just see for yourself…

If you join the challenge, I’ll tell you THE TRUTH about Propecia.

Just kidding, of course.

I like the idea of this. However, I just went through the process of quitting smoking a few months ago. I’m going to need a little more time off before going back to war.

Originally Posted by powpow
So, here’s what I’m trying: no porn of any kind until summer. Not even my beloved “Let’s all rate her” an “battle of the babes threads”. Today is day one. Anybody wants to join the challenge?

That’s certainly is going to help me develop my imagination…

You don’t seriously want me to stop with them, do you?

Originally Posted by Bird2
You don’t seriously want me to stop with them, do you?

Come on Bird! You know I think you do awesome work with these!

I’m not telling you to stop the Battle of the babes and the Let’s all rate her. I’m just saying that I won’t check them for a little while. In fact, I won’T hang out at “The Dive” during detox. There’s just too much temptation there…

So far, I’m doing terrific at my porn detox. Even yesterday, I came home hammered after this girl I have a little crush on turned me down for a date (boyfriends…I hate these guys) and I didn’t even think about checking some porn.

Sure had a good pumping session though…


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