Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Kegel - the secret revealed

Hi everyone,

It is very intersting topic, could anyone please give some instruction how to train this vip muscle?

Gonchi - yes, but to be honest not close to the ischial tuberosities but rather pubis symphesis and the area under it.


Great job!

Hey, I’m just wondering - does anyone know of any way to relax your PC (I think it is) more? Cause I *think* I’m developing/developed premature ejaculation, which, to be quite honest, sucks. Especially when I discover it on a new girlfriend :P

I think it’s from kegels, I realised myself lasting shorter and shorter with my ex, but that was 9 months ago - and in that time I’ve done some kegels and my erection is stronger.. But I don’t think I did kegels properly, I did them kind of fast, and didn’t hold them really.. And I’ve read about damaging them, and someone else posted this http://www.herb … cle.asp?Art=432 to confirm it really.
I find myself contracting my PC muscle like a kegel alot when I get an erection and having sex, but it’s totally involuntary.. Could any of you help at all? No worries if not, appreciate it alot if you can. :)

hitchalift91 the owner of the site that you linked to is a professionally trained Bullshiter- it’s been discussed to death on the forums.

It’s possible(and easy) to forcefully relax your kegel muscle during sex. It’s called a reverse kegel. Next time you are urinating, try and force the urine out as forcefully as possible. This is a reverse kegel and will forcefully relax your PC/BC muscle.

I would recommend to do your kegel holds for 5-15 seconds, at maximum intensity. The 1 second holds aren’t as effective in my opinion.

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

Yeah I’ve also read it is aload of bullshite as well, but I’ve read about other people’s problems similar to mine, that they have started kegels and now end up lasting a shorter amount of time, but I think this is just them kegeling involuntarily without realising - because apparently kegeling during sex is meant to stimulate you more and what-not..

I’ve been doing reverse kegels for about a week now, and I’m wondering if they give results after a period of time? Or whether they are just used to forcefully relax the muscle? I’m just not sure why I keep involuntarily kegeling, maybe because I was doing them ‘wrong’ before?

Would you suggest I continue to kegel, but at 5-15 seconds each as hard as I can and resting it for a few seconds before another rep? And do you have any idea what effect this will end up having on my ‘P.E’? (I’m not totally sure I have it, just it’s not been so fortunate the last 2 times).

Thanks alot

Originally Posted by man-of-10

hitchalift91 the owner of the site that you linked to is a professionally trained Bullshiter- it’s been discussed to death on the forums.

Perhaps, but there is always a grain of truth in most things.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Originally Posted by marky777

Perhaps, but there is always a grain of truth in most things.

Yeah but he is definitely in to decieve people. There is no such thing as a VIP muscle. He’s the only person that talks about it. Perhaps he got this mumbo jumbo idea from what VIP really is- a hormone related to orgasm.

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

A tip for those of interest: if you want to shoot further with your semen try to feel this mentioned here automatic contraction before climax; when you feel it - try to join this, feel the tension, make it stronger and then let go. Try it few times. When You are about to finish, and you feel that this is the last squeeze before shooting, concentrate on this tension and when it is very hard - keep the tension and try something like this:
Imagine that there is a ring (flatted from up and down) around the base of your penis, outside, just next to the pubic bone. Then try to get both sides of this ring to the central line that in imaginations runs along threw your penis. It’s like touching your second and third finger of hand together (I count from the thumb). If you do this with the last contraction and keep it really hard you will shoot like a launcher. Just watch out for your eye ;-) Seriously now, it works perfectly and it feels like never before. + It makes your penis hard as rock during intercourse.

And I have never hear about any VIP hormone during all years of my studies - it must be something new ;)

Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide

http://www.cere … te/orgasm_i.htm Read the bottom section, "Pills for Orgams in Women".

"Those experiments helped lead to the isolation of the vasoactive intestinal peptide, which he believes is the neurotransmitter, or nervous system chemical messenger, in the body that causes the orgasm sensation in the brain. "

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

Geeez, did you see the pic of the author of the above publication guys?

http://www.silv … Maybe we should sit up and take notice :D

I'm fed up of having a signature!

She seems to be quite well organised and educated ;)

And as we can see, the more different language, the different names - that’s why I couldn’t figure out this shortcut ;) Now I can agree ;)


Originally Posted by john09876
Okay no problem :)

Here it is
http://www.yapt … _4_minutes.html

I was going to view the tube, and then realised my bro only has dial-up! Wtf!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

Hey guys, sorry to ask this, I’ve been trying to figure out how to reverse kegel correctly, and after reading all this I don’t even know if I’m reverse kegeling instead of kegeling, I know kegels are when you make the urine stop, and reverse kegels are like if you wanted to push out the urine faster, but when I do that I feel like I’m just putting pressure on my stomach and anus, also when you’re having sex and you wanna stop yourself from eyaculating you reverse kegel when you’re about to cum? Do you exercise reverse kegels the same way you exercise kegels?

I normally do kegels on an erect penis, sometimes while watching porn because I find it more fun, and my penis moves up and down, is that what kegels are? Can anybody give me some advice, I’m just really confused thanks

Starting @ NBPEL: 6.125 .. 05/15/09: NBPEL:6.500-6.563 , BPEL: 7.313 EG:4.750

12/07/09 NBPEL:6.813, BPEL: 7.750 EG:4.813[MSEG]

Short Term Goal: 7 NBPEL , 5 EG; Long term Goal: as big as I can get but a 8-9NBPELx6EG would make my heart happy =D

About watching porns - you are doing it right. About the text before it - read the thread again.

Reverse kegels - concentrate rather on applying pressure on your lower abdomen than anus. The bladder is behind your ABS and over the pubic symphysis. If You are going to perform reverse kegels by applying pressure on your anus - you may have not nice surprise during sex and gases are the smallest problem here ;)


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