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Kegels for ejaculation control

Kegels for ejaculation control

I haven’t mastered the technique Will describes in Reverse Kegels but I have got a good handle on using Kegels to prolong ejaculation during sex. It is possible, through self-training, to have several orgasms that are dry. You have the feeling of cumming, but you don’t ejaculate and you don’t lose your erection or your libido and can continue on with sex.

There’s a lot of info already here in archived posts about Kegel exercises for men. Use the Search button, type in “Kegels”, and you can learn the basics of strengthening this very useful muscle.

Assuming you’ve learned how to do them and have built up a strong PC muscle (don’t even _think_ about trying this until you have really conditioned yours), here’s how it works:

You need to practice this through masturbation because, until you learn the timing and the various feelings, you’ll have no idea during intercourse whether it has worked or not since you can’t see if you are ejaculating fluid when you are inside a vagina, or whatever.

We all know what the “point of inevitability” is in ejaculation; it’s cumming, you feel that happening, and you can’t stop it. Once fluid has begun to leave the prostate, testes, and Cowper’s glands and enters the urethra, your body has already gone into “automatic” mode. If you clamp down on the PC muscle once fluid is on the move, you’re too late. You may hold back some of the ejaculate, but usually even a small spurt will end the process for you. The erection flags, you lose your libido edge, you go into the refractory period. Game over.

However, and you can learn to feel and recognize the exact moment, which is_a_ split_ second_ before your prostate begins to pump fluid and your testes contract and fluids begin to leave them. This is when you clamp down hard and hold a strong Kegel for about 10 seconds. When you’ve mastered this no fluid at all will exit, you will have the feeling of a satisfying though not extremely intense orgasm, your erection will stay firm, and your libido edge will remain high so you will want to continue toward yet another orgasm.

As you learn to master this, just be happy with one dry orgasm followed later by a complete wet one when you let everything shoot naturally. Get used to that and become a pro at it, then try for two dry ones. More if you can manage them. I can’t get past two and then I have to let it all go. But I can do this while having sex now and it does prolong and greatly heighten that experience. And, real nice to know that women do not have a monopoly on mutiple orgasms.

There’s a lot more that can be said about this technique and I hope some of you guys who have learned it will add your own knowledge here in the Sex Health Forum.




You said: However, and you can learn to feel and recognize the exact moment, which is_a_ split_ second_ before your prostate begins to pump fluid and your testes contract and fluids begin to leave them. This is when you clamp down hard and hold a strong Kegel for about 10 seconds. When you’ve mastered this no fluid at all will exit, you will have the feeling of a satisfying though not extremely intense orgasm, your erection will stay firm, and your libido edge will remain high so you will want to continue toward yet another orgasm.

You can couple that with “mental imagry” of the semen moving backward and down, flowing back inside……..

This helps.

Imagry of backward flow and the “reverse” kegel can sometimes stop an ejac.

Done properly, a man can enjoy many multiple orgasms, over and over. Some semen will escape now and
then. After many of these “dry” orgasms, when you let go it can fly thru the air.

I have been doing kegels, and never found them useful enough till i read the “imagery of semen going back in”,

boy, was that the key to stoping ejaculation.

BUT I cant continue feeling the pleasure and not ejaculate, I havent gone upto that level, Ive tried that, and i still ejaculate. I guess im very sensitive.

I can stop moving, press real hard on my kegel, and imagine cum going back in, and voila, i can last for 5 more minutes, when near again, do the same.

in my case, the better then mental imagery, the better control, not how hard i press on kegels.

DID anyone else had that problem, where they pressed real hard on kegels and semen still ejaculated, cuz when your climaxing, something happens, either you lose control, or its harder to control it.

quite a while ago I practically mastered this technique…..

my record was 5 self induced dries and 1 wet…….

But over the last few years I’ve gotten very lazy, main reason I never practiced was because I had no lover but my hand, and I didn’t really see the point in becoming a lover-master for myself…

Now I have a wonderful girlfriend, and I am so out of shape, and she feels so good, I can’t even manage one dry orgasm.

This is something I need to work on.

Two things I can contribute that I’ve learned from various sources:

One: if you can contract your tail bone muscle (which feels like it joins the very last bone in your spinal column to the ‘top’ of your arsehole) then this can intensify the pleasure greatly.
Personally, if I clench this muscle at ANY time I get a shiver all up my spine.
This supposedly ‘channels the energy’ from your groin to your brain. Whatever. It works though.

Two is another imagery trick: Basically before, during, and as long as you can hold the image after cumming, you imagine that everything is taking place in the center of your brain (or top of your head, whichever is easier)
Basically this is supposed to be able to make an orgasm continue indefinately and feel better and more full body, but it doesn’t exactly have that good an effect on me. Maybe I just need to concentrate harder. bloody difficult. Still, feel free to give it a try guys…


I can't shoot hard and far no more

I have a problem.started PE with the start of Lent or Ash Wednesday.decided not to ejaculate for 40 days although I engaged in extended masturbation sessions without ever climaxing, but coming close alot.I only accidently came once three weeks into the ordeal.problem is before I started PE, I could shoot clear across the room for at least the first three, I MAYBE shoot hard on the first squirt and the rest of it just dribbles out.HELP WHAT DID I DO WRONG.I want my shooting power back.PS yes I had been doing 300+ kegels during that time, kegeling for the first time really

This is one of those Use It Or Lose It things. That’s a long time to go without an ejaculation; I’m sure your prostate was more than relieved that you finally let one go.

You didn’t do anything “wrong.” How often you ejaculate is pretty much your choice. But when you do hold back for a long period, count on everything getting kind of sluggish.

After a long drought, the orgasm is often less intense. But get back in your regular swing and see what happens. It isn’t the PE, probably, it’s you getting out of practice; my guess.

PS: It isn’t good for your prostate. More and more studies are showing that men, especially younger men, who deny themselves a regular outlet (whatever “regular” is) seem to have higher incidences of prostatitis and possibly prostate cancer later in life. All those organs you have - prostate, testes, seminal vessicles, etc - are designed to produce renewable fluids. You didn’t renew for a long time.



Thanks avocet8

I will no longer hold out for so long.

Am I the only one who worries about the potential problems of holding the semen in?

I’ve been able to have dry orgasms but my erection always begins to subside after each one. Maybe I’m not squeezing at exactly the right time. I’ve found kegels most useful in extending my control over the PC muscle and learning to keep it relaxed during sex, which helps greatly with lasting longer.

There’s no problem with avoiding ejaculation so long as you don’t make an extended habit of it. Edge all you want; have multiple dry orgasms once you get the hang of it, but do give yourself a wet ejaculation now and then. Whatever the ‘normal’ ejaculation pattern is among healthy males (seems to be a couple or three times a week) kind of use that as your guide, but “normal” for you might be more or less than that.

If you are losing your erection even with some kind of stimulation going on and your libido flags, odds are you are ejaculating backward, into your bladder. There is nothing intrinsically wrong or bad about that, either, unless you do it so often that you weaken the valve between your lower plumbing and your bladder.

Next time you try to have a multiple (or multiples) and you lose your erection, make a point of urinating within less than twenty minutes of that happening. Semen liquifies at about twenty minutes for most guys. You should see in your urine some clumpy fluid. If so, you went retrograde.

Timing is everything in using Kegels to control ejaculation. If you wait too long to clamp, you are either going to go forward or backward, but you will go.



Will the unused semen stay in the prostate and then be fired at the second or third climax?

Originally Posted by raybbaby
Will the unused semen stay in the prostate and then be fired at the second or third climax?

Most likely, I did this once. It’s a trip. But if you know you have retrograded I think you should try to get it out again.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

No disrespect to kingpole, but does anyone have a more definitive answer than most likely?

What is dry orgasms? Is it different from wet?

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