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Kegels "Good or Bad"


Kegels "Good or Bad"

So no matter how many times I seem to ask this question, no one really seems to be able to answer it. Alright, so I used to do kegels a bunch and I got it fairly strong, after awhile I noticed that whenever I masturbated or anything I would start doing kegels uncontrollably, this doesn’t seem to bad because kegels are said to help you control ejaculation, and yes I can do the whole multiple male orgasm thing, but sometimes when orgasm is really intense I can’t suppress it. But what I am also saying is that kegels don’t help when your trying not to come. They heighten the pleasure and make you come quicker. They were originally used only by women because it made them come quicker so that they could come during sex faster. The multiple male orgasm thing is great, but all I am saying is that whenever I start up kegels I notice that I can’t help but kegel every time I masturbate, and I come wayyy quicker than I did before I started doing kegels. I know people who have said the exact same thing that I have just said happens to them too, and even Dr. Lin says that kegels cause premature ejaculation, I know this guy is a quack and talks a bunch of bs too, but if you have ever heard of this guy you know that he knows a lot of shit too from a variety of sources. Anyone out there think differently?

Starting stats: NBPEL: 7.5 BPEL: 8.2 NBPFL: 5.5 BPFL: 6.5 EG: 6.0 First Goal~ / Final Goal~ NBPEL 8.0 / NBPEL 8.5 EG 6.25 / EG 6.50

Kegel’s have given me some of the hardest/strongest erections of my life. I can control when I kegel during sex/masturbation and I can hold off when I want to cum. This doesn’t apply to everybody, just thought I’d give my input.

Working on Length

Hanging, PM and ADS

Originally Posted by Harrow
So no matter how many times I seem to ask this question, no one really seems to be able to answer it. Alright, so I used to do kegels a bunch and I got it fairly strong, after awhile I noticed that whenever I masturbated or anything I would start doing kegels uncontrollably, this doesn’t seem to bad because kegels are said to help you control ejaculation, and yes I can do the whole multiple male orgasm thing, but sometimes when orgasm is really intense I can’t suppress it. But what I am also saying is that kegels don’t help when your trying not to come. They heighten the pleasure and make you come quicker. They were originally used only by women because it made them come quicker so that they could come during sex faster. The multiple male orgasm thing is great, but all I am saying is that whenever I start up kegels I notice that I can’t help but kegel every time I masturbate, and I come wayyy quicker than I did before I started doing kegels. I know people who have said the exact same thing that I have just said happens to them too, and even Dr. Lin says that kegels cause premature ejaculation, I know this guy is a quack and talks a bunch of bs too, but if you have ever heard of this guy you know that he knows a lot of shit too from a variety of sources. Anyone out there think differently?

1) Paragraphs next time…please :)

2) They were originally used by women to tighten the vagina after pregnancy, not to increase sexual pleasure

3) Women exercise the PC, men exercise the BC

4) Kegelling during masturbation is WHY you cum quicker. You should only kegel to STOP cumming, just before the point of no return

5) You can do the “whole male multiple orgasm thing” yet then you complain about cumming fast? That doesnt make any sense, either you’re mulit-orgasmic, or you’re a premature ejaculater, you can’t be both.

6) Dr Lin talks shit 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time he’s asleep.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Originally Posted by Harrow
I know people who have said the exact same thing that I have just said happens to them too, and even Dr. Lin says that kegels cause premature ejaculation, I know this guy is a quack and talks a bunch of bs too, but if you have ever heard of this guy you know that he knows a lot of shit too from a variety of sources. Anyone out there think differently?

I know Dr. Lin isnt very popular here but he does indeed have some valuable and very true information. One of them is about kegels, and it is common sense that if you keep contracting your pc continuously it will bring you to ejaculation faster. What you dont here on these forums that is empahsized in the book “The Multi-Orgasmic Man” and by Dr. Lin is the importance of deep meditative breathing throughout intercourse, this is what really prolongs the sexual state and eventually bring you to multiple orgasms.

Harrow, you need to pick up the book The Multi-Orgasmic Man, there is just too much info about the breathing and Chinese medicine in general to explain here.

But just like westla originally said:The BC muscle can also be felt with the fingers by placing them between the scrotum and the anus. Contractions felt through the skin at this point (in the midline) are from the BC muscle.

This is what you need to be contracting.
Before you get to the point of no return, Stop! Do deep belly breathing technique you’ll find in that book and then give the bc some contractions.
Keep doing that until you start to build up energy.

I think what harrow is saying is that his contractions are involuntary while masturbating/sex. He’s not saying he does them on purpose while masturbating.

I experienced the same thing harrow and what I’ve discovered is that when you are doing kegels you need to practice the “squeeze” kegel, basically you flex your BC muscle and hold it as long and hard as you can until you feel it start to flutter and twitch from exhaustion. This will build it up and get it used to the action of squeezing during sex in effect Stopping your orgasm which will give you more staying power.

Just keep doing them though because they really are a great exercise that will give you rock hard erections and will give you explosive orgasms too.

Start BPEL 6.5" Oct 8 2005 BPEL 7.0" EG 5.5" midshaft Goal NBPEL 8" EG 6" Me.. MeLoco

SO let me get this straight, if you kegel during masturbation/sex, you will come faster? But is you do it right before you come, it will stop it?

That doesn’t sound right.

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

WOW! So that is correct, just tried it and edged 8 times. I got up to 5 in girth!

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

Originally Posted by Harrow
Dr. Lin says that kegels cause premature ejaculation, I know this guy is a quack and talks a bunch of bs too, but if you have ever heard of this guy you know that he knows a lot of shit too from a variety of sources. Anyone out there think differently?

I think that even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

It doesnt make you premature, the idea is to gain control of muscles down there which isnt easy really and can be hard to feel exactly. Worth doing, I got a 1 minute orgasm this way after edging. Was like a massive wave crashing that didnt stop completely for at least 1 minute just got less and less, was good :eek:

Originally Posted by marauder
It doesnt make you premature, the idea is to gain control of muscles down there which isnt easy really and can be hard to feel exactly. Worth doing, I got a 1 minute orgasm this way after edging. Was like a massive wave crashing that didnt stop completely for at least 1 minute just got less and less, was good :eek:

Correct, marauder. I think people get the wrong idea about kegels: that if you do kegels, you stop being premature. Kegels simply give you more control of the muscles used during ejaculation. You need to practice using this additional control, like edging.

Originally Posted by iamaru
I think that even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Twice? I’d say once! :D

Originally Posted by jGman
I think people get the wrong idea about kegels: that if you do kegels, you stop being premature. Kegels simply give you more control of the muscles used during ejaculation. You need to practice using this additional control, like edging.

If you kegel constantly during masturbation/sex, you WILL cum prematurely. Try it.

A lot of guys have said that doing a kegel routine made them cum faster during sex, so kegels dont always help premature ejaculators.

You can edge without kegels too, kegelling is not necessary to edging, altho for most, it helps if the BC muscle is strong enough to prevent ejacualtion.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

You can edge without kegels but why would you, you are simply stopping stimulation before the point of no return which you could do a thousand times but isn’t going to give you any control over your ejaculation/orgasm. You can Edge much more effectively using “squeeze and hold” kegel to stop ejaculation right up to the point of ejaculation and this will give you the control to stop it before it happens giving you control during sex.

If you edge without kegels it’s the same as having sex and when you feel the urge to cum you just stop having sex for a few minutes.. Then start again when the feeling goes away.

When you kegel squeeze during sex to stop you from cumming you can keep having sex and THIS is staying power in my book

In my experience doing this, once you kegel to stop from cumming you actually can keep having sex and for some reason it sort of desensitizes your member for a while allowing you to have sex for hours (if you want) and when you cum .. You cum BIG

Start BPEL 6.5" Oct 8 2005 BPEL 7.0" EG 5.5" midshaft Goal NBPEL 8" EG 6" Me.. MeLoco

Guess I am dating my self as an old fart. Believe it on not clocks used to have “hands” and a “face” The hands would move around the face and point at numbers on the outer edge to show the time. No indication of am or pm, so a broken clock would be right twice a day.

Crap do I feel old.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

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