Thunder's Place

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My experience with reverse kegels :


My experience with reverse kegels :

Hi, all. Firstly, I’m not new here (4-year lurker) nor am I new to penis enlargement. I have always had a premature ejaculation problem, until recently, and thought I should share.

First I want to tell what didn’t work for me. I tried kegel holding technique for years with no success. I got to the point where I was doing hundreds and hundreds of reps per day with many sets. I even began tethering my penis to elastics so that I could have some resistance when doing kegels. No matter how much I kegeled I never became able to stop an ejaculation and it always seemed that kegels helped bring me closer to ejaculation instead of stopping it. I gave up on kegels.

Then one day I read something on these forums about reverse kegels. I had always been able to do reverse kegels but never gave them any consideration. I don’t know if I perform them correctly but reverse kegels give me the sensation that I’m trying to defecate and urinate without aid of abdominal squeezing. I thought about incorporating reverses into a kegel routine to help perform a full range of motion of the standard kegel. I planned do reps of alternating forward to reverse kegels.

So my wife wanted to have sex the same day before I started doing a reverse routine. I could feel the point of no return coming. I thought I would experiment and did a reverse kegel and held it. At the moment of the reverse kegel my penis “desensitized” and it was like I could only feel a very small percentage of what sensation I was getting( does it work that way for you?). I ended up being able pound through 3 or 4 orgasms without popping or stopping. I could even reverse away those pesky involuntary twitch kegels. It was like some kind of miracle and my penis glowed a heavenly light.

I don’t even have to do any kegel exercises now. NONE AT ALL. Only time I do any reverse kegel now is during sex and that’s all I need for control.

That’s all I have for now.

1 Has anyone else here had no success with normal kegels?
2 Has anyone else had similar success with reverse kegels?
3 Does anyone else get the desensitization effect when doing reverses of am I just really f-in lucky?

I’ve heard that that is what can happen for some guys. I’ve tried reverse kegels but I don’t know if I can do it without abdominal squeezing along with it. If you have to squeeze your core a little to do a reverse kegel, does it matter if your still doing a reverse kegel?

Maybe your having success now because the normal kegels you did made your muscle super strong and now you have enough control over it to relax it through a reverse kegel during sex. Maybe some guys try to do a reverse kegel but aren’t strong enough to force the muscle to relax.

Either way, great for you man.

Originally Posted by ko13020
I’ve heard that that is what can happen for some guys. I’ve tried reverse kegels but I don’t know if I can do it without abdominal squeezing along with it. If you have to squeeze your core a little to do a reverse kegel, does it matter if your still doing a reverse kegel?

Maybe your having success now because the normal kegels you did made your muscle super strong and now you have enough control over it to relax it through a reverse kegel during sex. Maybe some guys try to do a reverse kegel but aren’t strong enough to force the muscle to relax.

Either way, great for you man.

I’m with you - I don’t know how to do the reverse kegels but am motivated to learn how. Any advice, anyone?

11/09 - Egms 6.375, Bpel 6.25; 9/10 - Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0 1/12 Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0

I tried last night while in bed.

I went deaf in both ears, my left ear came good after 5 seconds or so, my right ear was deaf for about 10 seconds and for about 15 seconds after that my ears were ringing.

I think I did it wrong.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Originally Posted by jimbeaux
I’m with you - I don’t know how to do the reverse kegels but am motivated to learn how. Any advice, anyone?

I think you just push like your trying to pee.

I am trying but I can’t seem to do them without flexing my abs a bit too. Anybody have any advice on that?

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:

Originally Posted by Chicken
I am trying but I can’t seem to do them without flexing my abs a bit too. Anybody have any advice on that?

Same here. I’m at work, but maybe I’ll have better success when I’m at home. :)

So you hold a reverse kegel while having sex ( not stopping ), and you’re able to suppress the orgasm enough to not come? I’ve done this a few times with a normal kegal, but I have to stop pumping, or I’d lose it.

Start: Dec 2009 - 5.75 [BPEL] x 5.25 [MSEG] 5.5 [BASE]

April 2010 - 6.00 [BPEL x 5.3 [MSEG] 5.5 [BASE]

Current Goal: - 7.00 NBPEL x 5.75 [MSEG & BASE]

Originally Posted by Corvo
Same here. I’m at work, but maybe I’ll have better success when I’m at home. :)

So you hold a reverse kegel while having sex ( not stopping ), and you’re able to suppress the orgasm enough to not come? I’ve done this a few times with a normal kegal, but I have to stop pumping, or I’d lose it.

I let go when I fall far enough away from the ponr.


Start ~5.75 bpel by 4.25 eg :: Now 7 x 4.75 :: Want 7+ x 5.5+

Originally Posted by Tossed Salad
I tried last night while in bed.

I went deaf in both ears, my left ear came good after 5 seconds or so, my right ear was deaf for about 10 seconds and for about 15 seconds after that my ears were ringing.

I think I did it wrong.

I wish I knew you in person, just from that quote alone I have a feeling you are a hilarious guy.
Anyway, I can’t do these things either without my abs getting tight. Maybe that’s why I cannot gain length, my BC is always tight or some shit.

It is my opinion that your kegels are so strong. As I learned in this site I think when you make kegels periodically you have to squeeze, you have to make pressure as hard as you can to kegels between your testis to your anus.

Originally Posted by otis bruno
I think you just push like your trying to pee.


Push like you want to poop.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Originally Posted by kooljohn

Push like you want to poop.

Hahaha sorry. I guess I just push like crazy until something comes out. Sometimes all orifices blow at once.

I read on PE gym somewhere that a reverse kegel can cut off blood and desensitize it. The normal kegel floods the crank with more blood increasing sensitivity. Both muscles should be strong for a balanced pelvic floor.

Start 6.25 x 4.500 on 2015-10-1

Current 6.750 x 4.750

Goal 8x6+ "Was a skeptic, now I'm hooked"

As far as I know it’s the same muscle and it can’t actually get “strong” through reverse kegeling, since all you do is relax the muscles. You can gain better control. Only once I was able to orgasm without ejaculation and I don’t know how I did that. When I was in better shape I was able to keep myself from coming though. It was like a penis/excitement control: kegel=harder, reverse kegel=softer. I have to get that back.

Start 06.2012 BPEL: 6.1" EG: 5.3" Current BPEL: 7.1" EG: 5.6" Goal BPEL: 7.5" EG: 6"

Im positive that doing reverse kegels against a force will strengthen the pelvic floor and muscles.

A reverse kegel at first seems to be some sort of relaxing or stretching exercise but it can engage a certain muscle. The ischiocavernosus muscle.
There is a bit cryptic thread about it that still has some very good posts in it:
Kegel - the secret revealed

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