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Reverse kegels

Reverse kegels

I’m not sure if I understand this. But basically it feels like I’m about to fart all of my bowels out of my ass that right??
I was following this guide. Simple Healthy Living | livestrong

It says "push out". I don’t think thats very "safe" if ya know what I mean haha.

I think that’s called “edging.” There’s a nice article about it here:

Yes, I agree.. That whole pushing out thing seems kind of dangerous.

Originally Posted by BerverPooh
But basically it feels like I’m about to fart


Woah. Thanks, pig. That explained it beautifully.

Kegel - Trying to stop flow of urine.
Reverse Kegel - Trying to get last drop out.

People over complicate it.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Originally Posted by BerverPooh
I was following this guide. Http://www.ehow .com/how_445101 … mpaign=yssp_art

When that person says “contract the muscles” then s/he’s describing a kegel. Nothing reverse about it.

WHAT do you all expect this maneuver to do? How does compressing your abdominal muscles and squeezing your pelvic organs make your dick bigger?

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