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DLD Blasters and Reverse Kegels

DLD Blasters and Reverse Kegels

I am a little confused reading some postings. I am looking to change up my routine and I’ve been reading about a lot of success with these DLD blasters. I read the description of the routine, where you pull up and do 100 pc squeezes then you do a specific stretch and do 50 pc squeezes and then reverse kegels. I had two questions:

1- What do people mean when they say they do 50 DLD blasters? What are they doing?

2- How do you do a reverse kegel?

Welcome to the forums tmar89,

The 100 PC squeezes (Dr. Kegel’s exercise) is to fatigue the muscle so the 50 blasters are more effective. One DLD Blaster is: while pulling using the “A” stretch or variant, do a five second PC squeeze which is the Kegel, then a five second relaxation of the muscle which is the reverse Kegel, and release the stretch. Most guys do a set of ten in a row (10 reps) without actually releasing the pull. You need five of these sets to make 50.

The point of doing the reverse Kegel is to allow the muscles to relax so your A stretch pull can work better at stretching the tissues and ligaments without interference and “back pull” by the muscles. To see how that relaxation feels, do this: After all the urine is out of your bladder see if you can push out a little more. The feeling is of a slight increase in lower abdominal pressure. You don’t have to strain. Just increase the lower abdominal pressure a bit. Now do it while inhaling. If you can create that slight amount of relaxation/increased lower abdominal pressure while breathing in, then you won’t be using your diaphragm to increase the pressure too much. This can happen when you hold your breath. So breathing in at the same time as you gently try to force out more urine will provide the sensations you need to feel during the reverse Kegel.

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